What to do when Android notifications are not working

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Notifications are mini-prompts put out by applications to update the user about recent developments. Depending on the device, UI, and user’s personal settings, these notifications will appear in different places (i.e., home screen, status bar, notification drawer, etc.)

Sometimes, it is possible that, due to a glitch or tweaked settings, the user might miss out on a crucial update just because the notification did not show up. Here are some ways you can troubleshoot this problem.


Restarting your phone will probably fix the problem if it’s a volatile glitch – when you reboot your phone, the memory refreshes, which might fix the issue.

Notification Settings

You may have accidentally turned off either the system notifications or the app’s push notifications. Go to settings and make sure both of these options are enabled.

To enable an app’s notifications, turn on the show notifications trigger. To enable a system’s notifications, make sure that Do not Disturb mode is not enabled.

Notification Settings
Notification Settings

Battery Optimization

Android applications now have a feature to optimize battery by stopping the least used application from running in the background. If the application is not running in the background, then you will not get notifications. Make sure you you turn off the battery optimization trigger in application settings.


Cache are temporarily files stored in your mobile phone for each application that enhance the performance of a particular app. Sometimes excessive cache files can clutter and cause technical glitches. It is a good idea to clear the cache. To clear the cache, go to application settings and delete the cache files.

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Sometimes when there is a new version available for an application, it is possible that the application will have some bugs that will cause notification issues. If this is the case, try going to the playstore and reinstalling the application.

Update Software

If there is a new android version available for your device, it is possible that these notification issues have been addressed in that software update. Make sure your device is up-to-date with the latest android version available for your device.

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