When should you use Lateinit over Lazy initialization in Kotlin?


The Lateinit and Lazy initializations are two initialization properties in the Kotlin language. It is necessary to know when to use Lateinit and when to use theLazy initialization.

When To Use Lateinit

Use Lateinit:

  • to initialize a variable late.
  • when you are sure about initializing a variable before using it.
  • with the var keyword.
  • if variables change at a later stage, i.e., if the variable is mutable.

Lateinit variables can be declared inside the class.

Lateinit does not allocate memory before initializing.

What to avoid while using Lateinit

  • While using Lateinit, the variable can’t be of the null type.
  • Lateinit cannot be used for primitive datatypes, i.e., Long and int.
  • If you try accessing Lateinit variables without initializing, it will throw an exception stating that it is not initialized or properly being accessed.
private lateinit var educativeshot : educativeshot

It can later on be initialized in the educativeshot class

educativeshot = educative()

When to use Lazy initialization

  • In the Lazy initialization, your variable will not be initialized unless you call/use it.
  • The Lazy initialization initializes the variable once; that same value is then used throughout the code.
  • It is used for read-only properties as the same valued variable is used throughout.
  • This initialization is used in the case of the val property. -It is preferred when the variable is to be shared by all and only initialized once.
  • It can be used when an object is dependent on a variable internal to the class.

What to avoid while using the Lazy initialization

  • The code spreads throughout the class at an undecided time, which can lead to confusion.
  • The Lazy object returns the previously initialized value when accessed later.
  • The Lazy Initialization causes memory leakage when used on a retained fragment as it holds a reference to the old view.
val educative: String by lazy {
val educativeshot = "this value"
class educative{
private val edobject: educativeshot by lazy {

Lateinit vs. Lazy initialization

  • In case a property does not have a custom setter and getter, Lateinit is used.
  • In a mult-threaded environment, Lateinit initialization is dependent on the user.
  • The Lazy initialization is thread-safe.
  • Lateinit can only be used with var.
  • Lazy initialization is used with the val property.