Why does two's complement work?

Two’s complement

Two’s complement is a technique for representing signed numbers in binary. The method representing a negative number is a simple two-step process:

  • Take the complement of the number’s positive counterpart
  • Add 11

The powerful thing about two’s complement representation is that we can perform arithmetic with the numbers as they are, and the answer we get will be the correct representation in two’s complement. But why does this simple technique work and result in such a mathematically consistent representation?

It is simply the result of subtracting the absolute value of the number from 0.0.

Let us see how this is true.

Subtraction from 00

Suppose we want to come up with a representation for -55 in binary. We know -55 is 55 less than 00, 050-5. We can try and compute this using the borrow method​ if we infinitely keep borrowing from the 00 on the left.

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Although our answer will have a never-ending string of 11's at its left, we can simply truncate after 88 bits because that is all our computer will store – so this is our negative representation.

Now let’s follow the two’s complement method to find -55.

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This is exactly the same as subtracting from 00 using the borrow method. Now you know what two’s complement does.

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