What is the Spring Framework?
What to expect from a Spring Framework interview
Top 40 Questions for Spring Framework:
1. What are the benefits of Spring?
2. What is the configuration file for Spring?
3. What are the different modules of Spring Framework?
4. What are the different components of a Spring application?
5. What is dependency injection?
6. What is a Spring IoC container?
7. What are the types of IoC?
8. What is Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)?
9. What are Spring beans?
10. What are the common implementations of the ApplicationContext?
11. What is the difference between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext?
12. How do you add a bean in a Spring application?
13. What bean scopes does Spring support?
14. What are the steps of the Bean lifecycle?
15. Explain inner beans in Spring.
16. What is bean auto wiring?
17. How can you inject a Java Collection in Spring?
18. What is a Joinpoint?
19. What is an Advice in Spring?
20. What are the types of advice for a Spring Framework?
21. What is Weaving?
22. Describe Spring DAO support.
23. What is the JDBC? Which classes are present in the Spring JDBC API?
24. What is the Spring Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework?
25. What are the parts of Spring MVC framework?
26. What are the different parts of the DispatcherServlet?
27. How can annotation wiring be turned on in Spring?
28. What is the Spring Boot?
29. What is Reactive Programming?
30. What is Spring Webflux?
31. What is the difference between the WebClient and Webtestclient?
32. Can Spring Boot allow Spring MVC or Spring WebFlux in the same application?
33. Can Spring 5 Integrate with the Jdk9 Modularity?
34. What is a Proxy in Spring?
35. When is the target object and proxy object the same?
36. How can configuration metadata be provided to the Spring container?
37. What are the possible exceptions that can be thrown by Spring DAO classes?
38. What are the ways Hibernate can be accessed using Spring?
39. Point out the difference between concern and cross-cutting concern in Spring AOP?
40. What are the types of transaction management available in Spring?
Wrapping up and what to learn next
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