The C series focuses on CPU performance, i.e., it provides more CPUs for a similar size of memory, which is better for compute-intensive applications, while the M series takes a more balanced approach.
One might wonder why we are getting less memory instead of increased computing power, i.e., m8g.medium has 1 vCPU and 4 GiB of memory, whereas c8g.medium also has 1 vCPU but 2 GiB of memory.
This is done to save costs while getting the same computing power as the M series offers. For example, the on-demand price per instance-hour consumed for m8g.medium is $0.04488, and for c8g.medium, it is $0.03974. So, we get the same computing power for a cheaper price tag. More reason for you to understand the different EC2 instance types and choose the one according to your needs!
Compute-optimized instances are well-suited for workloads that require high CPU usages, such as media transcoding, gaming servers, scientific modeling, and machine-learning applications.
Memory-optimized EC2 instances#
Memory-optimized EC2 instances are designed for workloads that require large amounts of memory relative to CPU power. They are ideal for working on memory-intensive applications like real-time big data processing and in-memory analytics. Amazon EC2 provides R and X series for memory-optimized instances.