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Home/Blog/Learn to Code/Why learn Java: Essential tips and resources for beginners

Why learn Java: Essential tips and resources for beginners

Zarish Khalid
Oct 11, 2024
7 min read

Java’s relevance as one of the top programming languages remains something to be contended with. If the question “Why learn Java?” rings in your mind at any point, then you can be sure that investing your time in it will benefit you in the present and the future. 

As a coding language, Java remains highly relevant and the first choice for many developers, especially for backend development of enterprise applications and systems that prioritize stability, scalability, and security. This blog will explore why you should begin Java as a beginner and why it’s worth it. 

Why learn Java?#

Java programming has evolved with modern features such as records, pattern matching, and virtual threads. These features give it a competitive edge for modern software development across various industries. Here is a brief overview of why Java is considered valuable.

A Complete Guide to Java Programming

A Complete Guide to Java Programming

This course is your detailed guide to the fundamentals of the Java programming language. This course will get you on the fast track to becoming a proficient and modern Java developer. In this course, you will start by covering different programming paradigms like object-oriented and procedural programming. You will then cover the fundamentals of programming in Java such as: objects and data types, variables, arrays, and conditional statements. In the latter half of the course, you will cover iterative constructs, useful algorithms, and data structures. With over 100 problems, 11 quizzes, and 9 challenges, this course will get you prepared for a career in software development.

6hrs 30mins
9 Challenges
11 Quizzes

Platform independence #

Java’s “Write Once, Run, Anywhere” principle allows developers to create code that can run on virtually any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This is a significant advantage in terms of software development flexibility. 

High industry demand#

Java is commonly used in enterprise-level applications, Android development, financial services, big data, and backend microservice systems. Most big companies, especially those working on large-scale projects, rely heavily on Java, which makes proficiency in the programming language a sought-after skill. 

Object-oriented programming#

Java is an object-oriented language that makes organizing code into reusable components easier. This is a valuable aspect for building large, maintainable modern software systems. 

Back-end development#

Java is a top choice for developing backend services (e.g., backend microservices) and supports multithreading, performance optimization, and distributed computing. These features are all necessary for building robust and efficient systems. 


Developers always prioritize building scalable applications, and Java is known to make the job easier. It is the top choice for building high-performance systems, specifically in microservices and cloud computing. 

Essential Java tips for beginners #

Any learning journey can feel daunting, and learning Java is no exception. Especially in the beginner stage, it will be helpful to keep some tips in mind that will streamline your workflow and help you build your study guide effectively. 

Focus on core concepts and structure #

Before exploring the advanced topics, ensure your understanding of core Java concepts is clear. This includes Java syntax, data types, control structures, and critical object-oriented principles. 

For syntax, Java has strict syntax rules, so you have to pay closer attention to capitalization, semicolons at the end of each statement, and the correct use of the curly braces {}. Remember that Java is case-sensitive; mistakes you should avoid are missing semicolons and using incorrect variable names. 

Moreover, you must understand the structure of the Java program. Every Java program starts with a class and contains a main method (public static void main(String[] args)). You must remember that this is the entry point of your program. 

Shifting your focus from theory to practicing writing small programs that reinforce key concepts like loops, conditionals, arrays, etc., will also be beneficial. 

Learn primitive data types #

Java’s primitive data types are the building blocks for data manipulation and are predefined by the language. They serve as the most basic kinds of data for storing simple values. These types are not to be confused with objects and are stored directly in memory. Java has eight primitive data types you need to know about, including:

  • int 

  • byte   

  • short

  • long 

  • float

  • doable 

  • boolean

  • char

Java frameworks and libraries #

As soon as you feel comfortable with the Java basics, you must focus on getting familiar with frameworks such as Spring Boot, which is used to build microservices, or Hibernate, which is used for database interaction. 

Practicing coding and building small projects using Java’s frameworks and libraries will save you crucial time and improve your final results. Knowing when to apply various frameworks depending on the context is an important skill to grasp as a Java beginner. 

Become a Spring Boot Developer

Become a Spring Boot Developer

Spring Boot is a tool that makes developing web application with Spring Framework faster and easier. Spring Boot helps developers to start coding right away without wasting time on preparing and configuring the environment. If you are not using Spring Boot yet, you’re missing out on why it can be instrumental in landing a cushy position in the development industry. This path will help you learn how to make Spring MVC applications with Spring Boot. By the end, you'll have job-ready skills to confidently use Spring Boot in your next project.

29hrs 10mins
24 Challenges
26 Quizzes

Use comments to clarify the code #

While practicing, make a habit of commenting on your code to help you and others understand it. You can use single-line (//) or multi-line (/**/) comments to explain any tricky logic or approach that isn’t easy to grasp. This helps improve code readability. 

Moreover, as a beginner, you may write code that seems straightforward to you at the time but may be confusing later. Adding comments helps avoid this problem. It also helps when you start fixing bugs and optimizing your code because well-placed comments will allow you to find areas of interest faster, making the process more efficient.   

Practice loops and conditionals #

Conditionals and loops are some of the core building blocks for a beginner in Java. Loops (for, while, do-while) and conditionals (if-else, switch) are key parts of programming logic that will help you control the flow of your code with more practice. 

You will find your logical thinking and reasoning skills improve over time as you practice loops and conditionals, allowing you to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps. 

Moreover, learning loops and conditionals are considered prerequisites for learning advanced Java topics such as recursion, object-oriented programming (OOP), and working with data structures. This is why most Java coding interviews often involve problems that require loops and conditionals. 

Use proper naming conventions#

Java has proper naming conventions, which helps make your code more readable. With software’s growing complexity, proper naming conventions make it easier to identify what a particular code does and reduce the risk of errors, allowing for maintainability. Here are some pointers to keep in mind:

  • Class names should be PascalCase (e.g., Person, BankAccount

  • Variable and method names should be camelCase (e.g., firstName, calculateTotal). 

  • Constants should be in ALL_UPPER_CASE (e.g., PI, MAX_VALUE).

Avoid memory leaks by managing objects#

When creating objects in Java, use them skilfully and avoid unnecessary object creation to save memory. Even though Java has garbage collection, memory leaks can occur when objects no longer used by the program remain in memory because references to them remain unintentionally. Over time, this builds up and leads to inefficient memory usage, exhausting available resources. 

Once the Java virtual machine (JVM) runs out of available heap space, it may lead to an OutOfMemoryError, which can cause the application to crash or behave unexpectedly. In the long run, this can be detrimental for applications such as servers, with downtime or data loss as some consequences.  

Practice exception handling#

Java handles errors using try-catch blocks. Practicing exception handling in Java as a beginner is crucial if you build robust applications. This way, you can write programs that can handle runtime errors without crashing, and you will learn how to anticipate, catch, and resolve potential problems efficiently before they get worse. 

You will also understand how Java’s control flow changes when an error occurs and how to manage various program execution branches. Exception handling is necessary for managing resources like files, database connections, and network sockets. You should know how to use constructs like try-catch-finally and try-with-resources and know how they ensure resources are properly cleaned up despite errors. 

Don’t overuse static methods#

Static methods are often overused in Java because they are convenient, but relying on them too much can cause issues, especially in object-oriented design. One major reason to avoid overusing static methods is the lack of flexibility. Since static methods belong to the class, not to class instances, they can’t be overridden in subclasses. This means if you need to change behavior in subclasses, static methods won’t allow it. 

Moreover, static methods lead to the usage of a global state through static fields or singletons. This introduces hidden dependencies that make debugging and maintenance harder than necessary. Static methods also increase coupling between classes, which goes against sound object-oriented principles of loose coupling and high cohesion. 

Learn about Java’s IDE shortcuts#

Learning about Java IDE shortcuts will significantly enhance your development experience for several reasons, such as efficiency, speed, and productivity. Once you get used to IDE shortcuts, you will have more time to understand core programming concepts instead of on technical navigation. 

IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse offer shortcuts that automatically format code or help with refactoring. These features promote clean coding practices, such as maintaining readability, consistent formatting, and organizing code into methods or classes. 

Final words#

When you begin learning Java as a beginner, you can open up numerous opportunities in software development, from building robust mobile applications to creating enterprise-level systems. Using Java resources and essential tips as you move forward in your learning journey will allow you to master core concepts and help you gain the confidence you need to tackle real-world projects and stand out in your career. 

The Complete Java Crash Course

The Complete Java Crash Course

Looking to jump into a new programming language? Java is an easy-to-use, highly portable and ubiquitous language that is used for a variety of development purposes such as Android applications, desktop applications, and website backend systems. Designed for programmers who are already familiar with coding in languages such as C++, Python, or other similar languages, this course articulates any Java-specific details that programmers need to know to get acquainted with the language and also highlights similarities and differences between Java and other languages through multiple coding examples.

75 Playgrounds
4 Illustrations


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