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Home/Blog/Programming/Cantor’s theorem demystified: understanding uncountable sets

Cantor’s theorem demystified: understanding uncountable sets

9 min read
Jan 04, 2023
What is a bijective function?
Which set is a countable set?
Which set is an uncountable set?
Powerset of the set of natural numbers
Infinitely many infinities
The continuum hypothesis

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In this blog, we are going to learn why there is not a unique infinity and how it is possible that there are infinitely many infinities. But first, we need to understand what bijective functions, Cantor’s theorem, and countable and uncountable sets are. Let’s explore them one by one.

What is a bijective function?#

A function from the domain set to the codomain set assigns each element of the domain set to some element of the codomain set. Say the domain set is A={1,2,3,4,5}A = \{1,2,3,4,5\}, and the codomain set is B={u,v,w,x,y,z}B=\{u,v,w,x,y,z\}. An example of the function f:ABf:A\to B is shown below:

As we can see, when the function ff maps the elements 2,3,2,3, and 55 from AA to the same element zz in BB, we say that 2,3,2,3, and 55 has the same image (zz). If a function maps every element of the domain to a unique element of the codomain, we call it an injective function. Therefore, under an injective function, no two elements of the domain set have the same image in the codomain set. If a function is such that every element of the codomain is an image of some element of the domain set, we call it a surjective function. If a function is both injective and surjective, we call it a bijective function.

The function ff shown in the figure above is neither injective nor surjective. Hence, it is not a bijective function.

Other than the sets AA and BB, also consider the following two sets:

In the following illustration, the function f1f_1 (shown left) is injective but not surjective. The function f2f_2 (shown middle) is surjective but not injective. The function f3f_3 (shown right) is both injective and surjective—therefore, it is bijective.

A bijective function is also called a one-to-one correspondence or simply a correspondence. A correspondence pairs up the elements of domain and codomain.

  • If a correspondence between two sets (say XX and YY) exists, then the cardinality of both sets is the same. Therefore:

  • If no correspondence exists from XX to YY, then that means either no surjective function or no injective function exists from XX to YY. Let’s look at both scenarios.

  • If no surjective function exists from XX to YY, then we can conclude that the number of elements in the set XXis not sufficient to map every element of the set YY. Therefore:

  • If no injective function exists from XX to YY, then we can conclude that there are not sufficient elements in YY to assign a unique image to every element of XX. Therefore:

Which set is a countable set?#

The set of natural numbers is a fundamental concept in mathematics and is denoted by the symbol N\mathbb{N}. The set N\mathbb{N} consists of all positive integers, starting from 11 and extending infinitely:

In some contexts, the set of natural numbers may include zero. Natural numbers are used for counting and ordering. The cardinality of the set of natural numbers is denoted by the Hebrew letter aleph (\aleph) with a subscript zero, as follows:

A set is countable if it is either finite or possesses the same cardinality as the set of natural numbers. Therefore, any set with a finite number of elements is, by definition, countable.

  • Challenge with Infinite Sets: Assessing the countability of infinite sets depends on their cardinality matching that of the set of natural numbers.

  • Determining Countability: To determine an infinite set's countability, verify if it has a bijection with the set of natural numbers.

  • Role of Bijections: Bijections are used to establish whether two sets have equal or unequal cardinalities.

  • Example Sets: Specific sets are examined to apply these concepts of countability and bijections. Consider the following sets:

Does N3,N5,N_3, N_5, or N7N_7 have the same number of elements as N\mathbb{N}? The answer is yes because we can show the following bijections:

These bijections are defined as follows:

To see why these functions are bijections, note that if iji\ne j, then 3i3j,5i5j,3i\ne 3j, 5i\ne 5j, and 7i7j7i\ne 7j. Therefore, f3,f5,f_3,f_5, and f7f_7 are injective functions. Every element, 3xN3,5xN5,3x\in N_3,5x\in N_5, and 7xN77x\in N_7, is an image of xNx\in \mathbb{N}. Therefore, f3,f5,f_3,f_5, and f7f_7 are surjective functions. This means that, N3,N5N_3, N_5 and N7N_7 are countable sets, and we can conclude that their cardinality is the same as the set of natural numbers:

Other examples of countable sets include the set of integers, the set of even positive integers, the set of odd positive integers, the set of ordered pairs (i,j)(i,j) where ii and jj are integers, and the set of rational numbers.

Which set is an uncountable set?#

A set is uncountable when it is not finite and when no bijection exists from the set of natural numbers to the set. If we want to show that a given infinite set, SS, is uncountable, we need to show that no bijection exists from the set of natural numbers to the set SS. It is much more difficult to show that no bijection exists than to show that one does exist. The famous mathematician Georg Cantor, through his famous diagonalization method, showed that there is no surjective function from a set AA to its powerset, P(A)\mathcal{P}(A). Therefore:

As a consequence of this result, we can use the diagonalization method to show that the set of real numbers is uncountable. This result has deep consequences in mathematics and philosophy.

Powerset of the set of natural numbers#

As a first example of an uncountable set, consider the powerset of the set of natural numbers P(N)\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{N}). No surjective function exists from the set of natural numbers to the powerset of the set of natural numbers. The reason is that no function ff maps a natural number to the following subset SfS_f of natural numbers:

If we select a function ff that maps each natural number ii to a subset of natural numbers f(i)f(i), it may or may not be the case that f(i)f(i) contains the natural number ii. We can simply state it as “under function ff, a natural number may or may not be in its own image.” The set SfS_f contains all those natural numbers, xx, which are not present in their own image under the function ff.

For every function f:NP(N)f: \mathbb{N}\to \mathcal{P}(\mathbb{N}), there is a set SfS_f, which is not an image of any natural number under the function ff.

Cantor’s argument here shows us that no surjective function from the set of natural numbers to the powerset of the set of natural numbers exists. Therefore, we can conclude that P(N)\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{N}) is an uncountable set and

To see why SfS_f is always left unmapped under the mapping of ff, we assume the opposite to get a contradiction. Assume that nSfn \mapsto S_f under the function ff. We ask the question, “Is nn present in the set SfS_f?” There are two possible cases, and both lead to a contradiction.

If nSfn\in S_f, then nn is in its own image, and this should not be the case because SfS_f only contains those numbers that are not in their own image. Hence, this case leads to a contradiction.

If n∉Sfn\not\in S_f, then nn is not in its own image. Therefore, SfS_f must contain nn because it contains all such numbers that are not in their own image. This is a contradiction.

Hence, we conclude that for every function ff, a subset SfS_f of the set of natural numbers is left unmapped. Therefore, ff is not surjective.

Infinitely many infinities#

Once it was established that A<P(A)\left| A \right| < \left| \mathcal{P}(A) \right| for any set AA, we used this fact to show that 0<c\aleph_0 < \mathfrak c by taking A=NA = \mathbb{N}. Here, c\mathfrak c is also an infinity, called the cardinality of the continuum, but it is greater than 0\aleph_0 and sometimes written as 202^{\aleph_0}. We can keep taking powersets to make even bigger infinities. We can make infinitely many infinities, as shown below, in terms of the sizes of the sets:

The cardinality of the real numbers is c\mathfrak c, and we can show this by presenting a bijection between the set of real numbers and the powerset of the set of natural numbers.

The continuum hypothesis#

We have defined the first infinity as N=0\left| \mathbb{N} \right| = \aleph_0. The next infinity should be called 1\aleph_1, which is the smallest infinity that is larger than 0\aleph_0. The next infinity greater than the one we defined above is c\mathfrak c. There are two possibilities: either c=1\mathfrak c = \aleph_1 or c>1\mathfrak c > \aleph_1. Cantor hypothesized that 1=c\aleph_1 =\mathfrak c—this is called the continuum hypothesis.


To compare the cardinalities of any two sets, we can avoid counting elements to actually determine the cardinality of the sets. Using functions for this task is especially helpful when the sets are not finite. After comparing the sizes of the infinite sets, we realize that all of them are not of the same size. Cantor’s theorem helps us in this regard, and we establish that there are infinitely many infinities. Cantor’s diagonalization method is used extensively to establish different mathematics and computer science results. Prominent examples of using the diagonalization argument include Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem in logic and the existence of undecidable and even unsolvable problems in computer science.

Written By:
Laeeq Aslam
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