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Home/Blog/Data Science/Attention mechanisms in ChatGPT for crafting effective responses

Attention mechanisms in ChatGPT for crafting effective responses

Bismillah Jan
Mar 26, 2024
9 min read
The attention mechanism and transformer
1. Tokenization and input encoding
2. Positional encoding
3. The attention mechanism
Multi-head attention
4. The feed-forward network
Reality surpasses simplicity
Next step

In artificial intelligence, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has emerged as a pioneer, captivating users with its ability to engage in human conversations. At the heart of this technological marvel lies a critical component that orchestrates the magic—the attention mechanism. The attention mechanism was first introduced in a publication, “Attention is All You NeedVaswani, Ashish, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Łukasz Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin. “Attention is all you need.” Advances in neural information processing systems 30 (2017).,” by Google. In this blog, we delve into the inner workings of the attention mechanism and how ChatGPT utilizes it to generate effective responses.

The attention mechanism and transformer

The attention mechanism is a component in deep learning models that mimics cognitive attention. Like the human ability to selectively pay attention to different elements of information, the attention mechanism allows models to focus on specific parts of the input data when making predictions or decisions. We’ll explain the detailed working of the attention mechanism in the following sections.

Before the attention mechanism, recurrent neural network (RNN) models were used widely to model sequential dependencies for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. These models suffer from vanishing gradients and have limited parallelization because they are sequential. Due to these limitations, extracting meaningful relationships between distant elements in a text was very difficult.

The foundation of ChatGPT’s conversational expertise is laid upon the transformer model. The following figure demonstrates the transformer model originally presented in 2017.

Transformer model from “Attention is All You Need”
Transformer model from “Attention is All You Need”

The transformer model mainly consists of the following different steps:

  1. Tokenization and input encoding: This step converts each word, called a token, into a vector of fixed length—for instance, 512The vector size can be 512 in transformer models like ChatGPT. While models like GPT-2 and GPT-3 commonly use larger vector sizes, such as 768 or 1024, there is flexibility in choosing the vector size based on the specific requirements of the model. However, for demonstration purposes, the vector size is kept at 512..

  2. Positional encoding: This is performed to capture the spatial information of each token. It provides information about each token’s position in the sequence.

  3. The attention mechanism: The attention is performed to capture the importance or relevance of each token to other tokens.

  4. The feed-forward network: It processes and enhances the information captured by the attention mechanism, applying linear transformations and nonlinear activation functions to capture complex patterns within the input sequence.

Let’s delve deeper into each of the aforementioned steps in relation to ChatGPT in the following sections.

1. Tokenization and input encoding

At the outset, ChatGPT dissects input words into smaller units through tokenization. Each token is then translated into initial embeddings, providing a numerical representation for every input fragment. This step is crucial for enabling the model to work with the intricacies of language.

Consider the sentence, “Mysterious footsteps echoed in the silent forest.” In the given sentence, each word is considered a token. Also, each word is converted to a vector with a dimension dmodel=512d_{model}=512.

Encoding (embedding) each word into a vector of dimension 512
Encoding (embedding) each word into a vector of dimension 512

Note: For illustration purposes, all the numbers in this blog are randomly generated. However, for actual model training, these numbers are generated using predefined algorithms, for example, Universal Sentence EncoderCer, Daniel, Yinfei Yang, Sheng-yi Kong, Nan Hua, Nicole Limtiaco, Rhomni St John, Noah Constant et al. “Universal sentence encoder.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.11175 (2018)..

2. Positional encoding

Positional encoding recognizes the significance of word order and captures the spatial information of each word in a sentence. Without positional encoding, the model might consider different permutations of the same words as equivalent, leading to potential confusion. For example, “The sun sets behind the mountain” and “The mountain sets behind the sun” would have the same representation without positional encoding.

Positional encoding ensures that the model not only comprehends the semantics of words but also understands their positions within the input sequence, preserving the temporal shades of language.

The positional encoding of each word is also a vector of size dmodel=512d_{model} = 512, which is added to the corresponding embedding vectors of each token, as illustrated below:

Positional encoding of each token is added to the embeddings
Positional encoding of each token is added to the embeddings

After adding the embedding and position encoding vectors, the result is provided as input to the encoder.

3. The attention mechanism

The attention mechanism in the transformer model is used to capture long-range dependencies and generate a context-aware representation for each token in the sequence based on its relationships with other tokens. For example, consider the following two sentences:

  • “She poured milk from the jug into the glass until it was full.”

  • “She poured milk from the jug into the glass until it was empty.”

As humans, it is easy to understand that “it” refers to the glass in the first sentence, while in the second, it refers to the jug. However, for machine learning models, this relationship of words is identified using the attention mechanism.

The transformer model used a multi-head self-attention mechanism. However, to understand it, first, we need to have an in-depth understanding of the self-attention mechanism.

Terminology alert:

The attention mechanism operates on a set of queries consolidated into a matrix QQ. Additionally, the keys and values are grouped together into matrices KK and VV, respectively. The dimension of each of these matrices is dsequence×dmodeld_{sequence} \times d_{model}, where dsequence=7d_{sequence}=7 and dmodel=512d_{model}=512 for the input sentence “Mysterious footsteps echoed in the silent forest.” To understand how these matrices are initially created, you can refer to this Educative answer about what the intuition behind the dot product attention is.


Before discussing multi-head self-attention, it’s necessary to understand the self-attention mechanism. The self-attention mechanism computes the importance of different words in a single sequence concerning each other. We will assume our previous example, where dsequence=7d_{sequence}=7 and dmodel=512d_{model}=512. Self-attention is computed using the following formulation:

The result of self-attention is a dsequence×dmodeld_{sequence}\times d_{model} matrix that represents how much attention each position in a sequence gives to other positions.

The softmax function generates similarity scores of each word with other words within the range of 0 to 1 (probability values), as depicted below:

Output of the softmax function for Q and K matrices
Output of the softmax function for Q and K matrices

Multi-head attention

Multi-head attention enables the model to capture different aspects or patterns in the relationships between words, enhancing its ability to learn diverse and complex dependencies. It extends self-attention by running it in parallel multiple times. The inputs (QQ, KK, and VV) are linearly transformed into multiple subsets. Each input is processed independently through several self-attention blocks called heads. For example, if we consider eight heads (hh), the input dimension to each head would be dmodelh=5128=64{d_{model} \over h}={512 \over 8} =64. Let’s denote this value by dkd_{k}.

Let’s understand the working of multi-head attention in different steps:

  • The matrices QQ, KK, and VV are multiplied with their respective weight matrices WQW^Q, WKW^K, and WVW^V.

  • Let’s call the resultant matrices QRQ^R, KRK^R, and VRV^R. The dimension of each of these matrices is dsequence×dmodeld_{sequence} \times d_{model}. In our case, it is 7×5127\times 512.

  • There are a total of eight attention heads; therefore, each of these matrices is converted into eight subsets of size 7×647\times64.

  • Each subset is passed through the softmax function and is multiplied with its respective subset of the VRV^R matrix, according to the following formulation:

  Here, ii represents a subset of each matrix bearing the dimension 7×647\times 64 .

  • The result from each head is combined into a matrix named CC, with a resulting dimension of 7×5127\times512.

  • The matrix CC is multiplied with a weight matrix WCW^C. This completes the process of a single multi-head attention block in the transformer model.

The process is illustrated below:

From the input, Q, K, and V matrices are generated and multiplied with their respective weight matrices
From the input, Q, K, and V matrices are generated and multiplied with their respective weight matrices
1 of 8

The purpose of the multi-head attention mechanism in models like ChatGPT is to enhance the capacity of the model to capture diverse patterns, relationships, and context within the input sequence. Instead of depending on a single attention mechanism, multi-head attention enables the model to focus on various parts of the input sequence by utilizing multiple sets of attention weights, each focusing on different aspects.

Let’s suppose we’re using two-head attention for the following sentence:

  “She poured milk from the jug into the glass until it was empty.”

We might expect the following visualization of the output. For the query word “it,” the first head (colored blue) focuses on the words “the jug,” while the second head (colored brown) focuses on the words “was empty.” Therefore, the ultimate context representation will center around the words “the,” “jug,” and “empty,” making it a more advanced representation than the conventional approach.

Visualization of the output of multi-head attention using two heads
Visualization of the output of multi-head attention using two heads

In simpler terms, ChatGPT’s attention mechanism is like a guiding light that helps it understand and respond coherently in conversations. This technology turns language complexities into something smart algorithms can handle.

4. The feed-forward network

In ChatGPT, the feed-forward network plays a pivotal role in refining the information gathered by the attention mechanism. This network operates independently for each position in the input sequence, applying a series of transformations to enhance the model’s understanding of complex relationships. Starting with a linear transformation, each position’s representation undergoes an activation function, typically ReLU, introducing nonlinearity. Subsequently, another linear transformation is applied, and layer normalization ensures stable learning. This position-wise feed-forward process is repeated across multiple layers and attention heads in ChatGPT’s architecture.

By employing feed-forward networks, ChatGPT enhances its ability to capture intricate patterns within the input sequence. The position-wise and layer-wise operations allow the model to adapt to diverse relationships and nuances, contributing to its overall effectiveness in comprehending and generating contextually relevant responses in natural language conversations. The feed-forward network is a crucial component in the transformer model, empowering ChatGPT to process and distill information from the attention mechanism, ultimately leading to more sophisticated language understanding and generation capabilities.

Reality surpasses simplicity

The reality of the attention mechanism used by ChatGPT for generating effective responses reflects the complexity of understanding and responding to human language. In the intricate landscape of real-world conversations, people convey meaning through context, nuances, and varied expressions. The attention mechanism in ChatGPT attempts to capture this complexity by dynamically focusing on different parts of the input sequence, mirroring the way humans pay attention to relevant details in a conversation. However, the real world is inherently multifaceted, involving cultural nuances, diverse language styles, and contextual subtleties that challenge any language model. While ChatGPT’s attention mechanism is a remarkable tool, it underscores the ongoing journey to navigate the intricacies of human communication, acknowledging that achieving a full understanding and generation of responses reflective of the richness of real-world conversations remains an evolving and complex task.

Next step

If you want to expand your knowledge of deep learning further, the following courses are an excellent starting point for you:

Introduction to Deep Learning & Neural Networks

This course is an accumulation of well-grounded knowledge and experience in deep learning. It provides you with the basic concepts you need in order to start working with and training various machine learning models. You will cover both basic and intermediate concepts including but not limited to: convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, generative adversarial networks as well as transformers. After completing this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental architectural components of deep learning. Whether you’re a data and computer scientist, computer and big data engineer, solution architect, or software engineer, you will benefit from this course.

4hrs 30mins
11 Challenges
8 Quizzes
Building Advanced Deep Learning and NLP Projects

In this course, you'll not only learn advanced deep learning concepts, but you'll also practice building some advanced deep learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) projects. By the end, you will be able to utilize deep learning algorithms that are used at large in industry. This is a project-based course with 12 projects in total. This will get you used to building real-world applications that are being used in a wide range of industries. You will be exposed to the most common tools used for machine learning projects including: NumPy, Matplotlib, scikit-learn, Tensorflow, and more. It’s recommended that you have a firm grasp in these topic areas: Python basics, Numpy and Pandas, and Artificial Neural Networks. Once you’re finished, you will have the experience to start building your own amazing projects, and some great new additions to your portfolio.

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Designing Machine/Deep Learning Models Using Azure CLI

In this course, you will start your journey by gaining a comprehensive understanding of the basics of Azure, including creating and managing Azure resources, and setting up the Azure CLI environment. Next, you will learn how to build Azure Machine Learning pipelines from scratch. Then, you’ll delve into deep learning and distributed deep learning pipelines. You’ll learn how to manage the deployment and scheduling of these models. You’ll also cover the complete model management strategies. Finally, the course will cover model analysis using responsible AI, teaching how to identify and mitigate potential biases in models and ensuring that models are ethical and fair. You’ll also learn how to analyze the models and identify potential areas for improvement. By the end of this course, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of Azure Machine Learning, including how to build complex pipelines, deploy models using online/batch methods, and manage and analyze models using tools like MLflow and responsible AI.

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