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Top 10 data science interview questions 2025

6 min read
Nov 29, 2023
Data science technical interview questions
1. What is data science?
2. What is the difference between data science and analytics?
3. How do you handle missing data in a dataset?
4. What is the confusion matrix in machine learning?
5. What is logistic regression, and how is it implemented?
6. Which feature selection methods are used to choose the right variables? 
7. How do you know if a model is overfitting, and how do you avoid it?
8. How do you deal with unbalanced datasets?
9. Explain the benefits of dimensionality reduction.
10. What is the use of A/B testing in data science?
Ready to tackle more data science technical interview questions?

Data science is a field at the leading edge of technology and business. It has become essential in today's data-driven world. And with this growing demand, data scientists now rank among the highest-paid IT professionals. This blog offers a detailed guide to the most asked questions in data science interviews. Keep reading to get insights into the wide-ranging nature of the field, which includes statistics, machine learning, and various other technologies

Data, often likened to the new oil, yields valuable insights when analyzed. As a result, data science skills are vital in diverse domains. For example, data science can optimize delivery routes in apps like Uber Eats or power recommendation systems in e-commerce.

This blog highlights the vast applications of data science. We will also discover the importance of interview skills in securing a role in this lucrative field. Let's review the top 10 data science interview questions essential for aspiring professionals.

Data science technical interview questions#

1. What is data science?#

Data science blends statistics, math, and AI to turn data into insights for strategic decisions. This involves collecting and cleaning data, and then applying algorithms like predictive analysis to find patterns. Data science guides business choices by revealing customer preferences and market trends.

2. What is the difference between data science and analytics?#

Here's a short summary of the differences between data analytics and data science:

Data Science

Data Analytics

Features a broader scope that deals with complex problems

As a subset of data science, focuses on specific issues

Uses advanced algorithms and programming

Uses basic programming and statistical tools

Focuses on modeling and predicting future outcomes

Analyzes past data to guide present decisions

Involves innovation and futuristic solution-finding

Interprets existing data for decision-making

Creates insightful visualizations and forecasts trends

Clarifies current data without forecasting

3. How do you handle missing data in a dataset?#

Handling missing data in datasets is crucial for a basic introduction to data science:

  • First, assess how much data is missing. If a column or row has missing values, consider dropping it.

  • You can fill in defaults or the most frequent values for minimal missing data. Using the column's mean or median is a common technique for continuous variables.

  • Other methods include using regression analyses for estimation or using multiple columns to simulate average values.

Each method depends on the dataset's size and the nature of the missing data.

4. What is the confusion matrix in machine learning?#

A confusion matrix is a tool in machine learning. It checks how well a classification model works. It's a square grid, where each side represents the number of classes the model tries to predict. This matrix lays out the model's predictions against the actual outcomes. As a result, you get a clear picture of not only its mistakes but the nature of them too. It's pretty handy for getting a grip on the model's precision and accuracy. So it can help in tweaking and enhancing its effectiveness.

5. What is logistic regression, and how is it implemented?#

Logistic regression is a statistical method for predicting binary outcomes, such as a simple yes or no. It examines the relationship between two data points to make these predictions.

You can think of it as predicting an election result based on various factors, such as campaign spending or past performance. These inputs are linear variables, and the output is binary — win (1) or lose (0). It’s a way of taking many pieces of data and analyzing their connections. This makes a prediction that falls into one of two categories.

6. Which feature selection methods are used to choose the right variables? #

There are three main feature selection methods you can use:

  • Filter methods clean up incoming data using different techniques. These techniques include linear discrimination analysis, ANOVA, and chi-square. Think of it as a quality check, ensuring that 'bad data in' doesn't lead to a 'bad answer out.'

  • Wrapper methods are more hands-on. They involve trying features one by one (forward selection), starting with all and removing some (backward selection). Or you can recursively test combinations (recursive feature elimination). These methods can be quite laborious, and they require powerful computers, especially with large datasets.

  • Embedded methods blend the best of the two previous methods. They're iterative, considering feature interactions like the wrapper method. However, they do not have a high computational cost. Examples include LASSO regularization and random forest importance, which extract the most impactful features during each model iteration.

7. How do you know if a model is overfitting, and how do you avoid it?#

To spot overfit models, test your machine learning models on a broad range of data representing various input types and values. Usually, you'll use a chunk of your training data for this testing. If you see a high error rate on this test data, it's a sign of overfitting. To avoid overfitting in your model, keep it simple by using fewer variables, which helps reduce noise.

  • Cross-validation, like k-folds, is great for testing the model's reliability.

  • Regularization techniques, such as LASSO, help by penalizing over-complexity.

  • Increasing your dataset size can also make a difference, as can feature selection to pinpoint key variables.

  • Data augmentation, adding a bit of noise to your data, also helps.

  • Ensemble methods like bagging and boosting, which combine multiple models, can be effective, too.

All these steps work towards making your model not only accurate on training data but also robust and versatile.

8. How do you deal with unbalanced datasets?#

Here are some ways to deal with unbalanced data:  

  • Resampling techniques: Adjust your dataset size through under-sampling or over-sampling

  • Data augmentation: Create extra data points using existing ones, enhancing minority class representation

  • SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique): Generate synthetic samples for the minority class

  • Ensemble techniques: Combine many models to improve balance and prediction accuracy

  • One-class classification: Focus on the minority class for better predictive performance

  • Cost-sensitive learning: Assign a higher cost to misclassifying minority class instances

  • Right evaluation metrics: Use Precision, Sensitivity, F1 Score, MCC, and AUC

9. Explain the benefits of dimensionality reduction.#

Dimensionality reduction streamlines data analysis by condensing large datasets into fewer dimensions. It enhances computational efficiency by reducing storage needs and computation time. This process eliminates redundant features and helps filter out noise. As a result, the data is cleaner and more manageable, simplifying machine learning algorithms and data visualization.

10. What is the use of A/B testing in data science?#

A/B testing in data science is like setting up a controlled experiment to see what works better. You split your audience into two groups and show each group a different version of something — a webpage, app, or email. The goal is to figure out which version performs better. It's a straightforward way to test new features or changes by directly comparing them against the current version. If the new version (A) gets better results than the old one (B), you know it's a winner. This helps in making data-driven decisions to improve your product or strategy.

Ready to tackle more data science technical interview questions?#

This blog has covered all the key data science interview questions. We discussed how to handle missing or imbalanced data and understand confusion matrices. We explored the practical application of data science in various fields and the role of A/B testing in making data-driven decisions.

Knowing the importance of these topics as part of your data science interview preparation is extremely important. If you're interested in more advanced topics and want to test yourself thoroughly, consider taking our free ‘Data Science Interview Handbook’ course. It has 205 quizzes, and instead of relying on open-ended questions, it uses a modern approach to teach data science fundamentals. 

Written By:
Aisha Noor
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