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Data structures selection for coding interviews

13 min read
Sep 11, 2024
How to choose the right data structure
Why data structure choice matters in coding interviews
The impact on algorithm efficiency
Common data structures
Tips for selecting the optimal data structure
1) Understanding the problem
2) Analyzing time and space complexity
3) Balancing performance and simplicity
4) Using trade-offs effectively
Example 1: Anagrams grouping
Example 2: Implementing a priority queue
Common pitfalls to avoid
Overcomplicating solutions
Ignoring constraints
Less practice
Underestimating edge cases
Final tips for interview preparation

In a coding interview, interviewers are not only interested in seeing if you can solve a problem — they are also interested in how efficiently you can do so. This efficiency often hinges on selecting the right data structure.

In the tech industry, it’s not uncommon to hear stories of developers facing seemingly simple problems that become complex due to the wrong choice of data structures. For instance, opting for a list for lookups instead of a hash table can cause significant delays in the solution. This highlights a fundamental lesson: the importance of selecting the right data structure for the task at hand.

Understanding which data structure to use isn’t always straightforward. It requires a solid grasp of the strengths and weaknesses of various options and the ability to analyze the specific requirements of the problem at hand.

In this blog, we’ll examine the importance of data structure selection, explore common data structures and their typical use cases, and provide 4 essential tips for making the best choice during your coding interviews. Then we'll walk through real interview examples to illustrate these concepts and highlight common pitfalls to avoid.

Let's dive in!

How to choose the right data structure#

Choosing the right data structure is like having the right tools for a job; it’s essential for solving problems effectively in coding interviews. In fact, the choice of data structures in coding interviews is critical as it can either make or break your success.

Why data structure choice matters in coding interviews#

In coding interviews, the choice of data structure is a critical factor that interviewers use to assess a candidate’s problem-solving abilities. A well-chosen data structure can simplify the implementation of a solution, improve its efficiency, and make the code more readable and maintainable. Conversely, a poor choice can lead to inefficient, convoluted, and error-prone code.

To illustrate this, let’s consider the problem of checking if a string has all unique characters:

Without the proper selection of data structure

# Inefficient solution using nested loops
def has_unique_characters(s):
for i in range(len(s)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(s)):
if s[i] == s[j]:
return False
return True
test = "hello"

In this inefficient approach, we use nested loops to check each pair of characters in the string. This method can be very slow for longer strings.

Using the appropriate data structure

# Efficient solution using a set data structure
def has_unique_characters(s):
seen = set()
for char in s:
if char in seen:
return False
return True
test = "hello"

This approach uses a hash set to track the characters we’ve seen. This allows us to check for duplicates in constant time, making the solution much more efficient.

The impact on algorithm efficiency#

The efficiency of an algorithm is often measured in terms of time and space complexity. The data structure you choose can have a profound impact on both. For example:

  • Time complexity: Some data structures allow operations to be performed in constant time O(1)O(1), while others may require linear O(n)O(n) or logarithmic O(logn)O(\log n) time. For example, a hash table typically provides O(1)O(1) time complexity for lookups, whereas a list might require O(n)O(n) time.

  • Space complexity: The amount of memory required by different data structures can vary significantly. Some, like arrays, use contiguous memory and can be very space-efficient, while others, like linked lists, use additional memory for pointers.

Opting for the right data structure is important for implementing algorithms that can handle large inputs and perform well under various constraints.

Common data structures#

Understanding common data structures and their typical use cases is essential to make informed decisions during coding interviews. Let’s explore some of the most frequently used data structures to gain a deeper understanding of each:

  • Array: It consists of a collection of elements at contiguous memory locations, each identified by an index. They are used when you need to store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type.

    • Pros: It offers quick access to indexed elements, i.e., in constant O(1)O(1) time and memory efficiency due to contiguous memory allocation.

    • Cons: A fixed size at the time of creation leads to potentially wasted or insufficient space. Also, costly insertions and deletions are costly as they require shifting elements (except for elements at the end).

# Example of an array
array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Accessing element at index 2
index = 2
print("Accessing element at", index, "index of array", array)
print("Element:", array[index])
  • Stack: It is a collection of elements following the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle, where the most recently added element is the first to be removed. They are used in function call management, undo mechanisms in text editors and parsing expressions.

    • Pros: It offers constant time for push and pop operations. It is efficient for managing function calls and undo operations.

    • Cons: It’s not suitable for random access operations.

# Stack example
stack = []
# Push
# Pop
print(stack, "\n")
print(stack.pop(), "\n")
  • Queue: It’s a collection of elements following the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle, where the first element added is the first to be removed. They are used in scheduling processes, handling requests in web servers, and breadth-first search in graphs.

    • Pros: It’s efficient for order-preserving operations like scheduling.

    • Cons: Elements are accessed in a FIFO order.

# Queue example using collections.deque
from collections import deque
queue = deque([1, 2, 3])
# Enqueue
# Dequeue
  • Hash table: It’s a collection that stores key-value pairs using a hash function. They provide fast lookups, insertions, and deletions. Common use cases include implementing caches, sets, and associative arrays.

Hash Tables
Hash Tables
    • Pros: The average time complexity for lookups, insertions, and deletions is O(1)O(1).

    • Cons: Worst-case time complexity can degrade due to collisions. To minimize collisions, it requires a good hash function.

# Hash table example
hash_table = {}
hash_table['key1'] = 'value1'
hash_table['key2'] = 'value2'
# Accessing value by key
  • Trees: These are the hierarchical data structures consisting of root and child nodes that efficiently organize and navigate data for quick searching and retrieval. They are used in scenarios like hierarchical data representation, binary search trees, and expression parsing.

    • Pros: Balanced trees provide logarithmic time complexity for operations such as search, insert, and delete.

    • Cons: Trees can become unbalanced, which can lead to degraded performance.

# Tree example
tree = BinaryTree([TreeNode(5), TreeNode(3), TreeNode(2), TreeNode(6), TreeNode(4)])
print("Tree:", sep = "")
  • Graph: It’s a nonlinear data structure composed of vertices (or nodes) and edges. Vertices represent points or entities, while edges are the connections or pathways between these points. Graphs are used in network modeling, social networks, and finding the shortest paths.

    • Pros: Graphs are ideal for representing and analyzing complex relationships. Additionally, a wide range of graph algorithms is available for pathfinding, connectivity, and network flow, significantly enhancing problem-solving capabilities.

    • Cons: They require careful handling of cycles and connectivity.

# Graph example using adjacency list
graph = {
'A': ['B', 'C'],
'B': ['A', 'D', 'E'],
'C': ['A', 'F'],
'D': ['B']
  • Heaps: These are specialized binary tree-based data structures that maintain a specific order defined by the heap property. They are used in priority queues, heap sort, and scheduling algorithms.

    • Pros: Heaps provide logarithmic time complexity for insertions and deletions. They also allow retrieving the smallest (in a min-heap) or largest element (in a max-heap) in O(1)O(1) time.

    • Cons: Heaps are not suitable for operations requiring quick access to all elements, as they do not provide efficient search or traversal capabilities.

# Min-heap example using heapq
import heapq
min_heap = []
# Adding elemnets in min-heap
heapq.heappush(min_heap, 4)
heapq.heappush(min_heap, 1)
heapq.heappush(min_heap, 7)
heapq.heappush(min_heap, 9)
# Getting the smallest element of the heap
print("The root element of the heap:", heapq.heappop(min_heap))

Tips for selecting the optimal data structure#

Now that you’ve explored some of the most frequently used data structures and their typical use cases, it’s time to focus on how to make informed decisions during your coding interviews. Here are some key tips for selecting the right data structure:

1) Understanding the problem#

The first and foremost thing to do while solving any problem is to understand it. As the saying goes, “A problem well-stated is a problem half-solved.” Therefore, instead of jumping to the solution directly, first, take some time to understand the given problem, as it can make a significant difference. This involves:

  • Clarifying the problem statement by asking questions if any part seems ambiguous or unclear.

  • Determining the input data’s size and type and understanding the expected output format and any constraints.

2) Analyzing time and space complexity#

Performance is one of the important factors in choosing the right data structure. The complexities must be analyzed to make sure that the solution is efficient. Here’s how we can do that:

  • Identify the required operations (e.g., insertions, deletions, lookups) and their expected frequency. Then, based on the problem constraints, assess the acceptable time complexity for these operations.

  • Think of the data structures that best perform the necessary operations.

  • Consider both average and worst-case scenarios to avoid potential bottlenecks.

3) Balancing performance and simplicity#

While performance is the main target, simplicity and readability should also be considered important. Overcomplicating the solution with unnecessarily complex data structures can lead to maintenance challenges and readability issues. Go for simpler data structures if they can meet the performance requirements and make the code more readable and maintainable.

4) Using trade-offs effectively#

Every data structure has its own set of trade-offs. Evaluating these trade-offs is a crucial skill for a good programmer. First, consider each data structure’s strengths and weaknesses in the context of the specific problem. Then, balance the trade-offs to choose the most suitable data structure that offers the best combination of performance, simplicity, and functionality.

Examples #

We have seen some common data structures and gone through some important tips and tricks for the selection of appropriate data structures. Now, we will see these in action by going through some problems typically encountered in coding interviews:

Example 1: Anagrams grouping#

Problem statement: Given a list of strings, group the anagrams together. An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once.

Understand the problem: By looking at the problem, we know that we have to group words based on a condition(they are anagrams of each other). Similarly, the input is a list of strings and the output is a list of lists, where each list contains anagrams.

Analyzing complexities: We must efficiently group strings based on their sorted characters. The sorting of each string would take O(nklogk)O(n * k \log k)where nn is the number of strings and kk is the maximum length of a string.

Analyzing trade-offs: This problem includes frequent lookups and insertions, and the hash table provides O(1)O(1) average time complexity for these, making it ideal for this problem.

By carefully analyzing and understanding the problem, we see that a hash table is best suited for this problem. Let’s look at the detailed solution:

# Function to implement group anagram problem
def group_anagrams(strs):
anagrams = {}
for s in strs:
sorted_s = ''.join(sorted(s))
if sorted_s not in anagrams:
anagrams[sorted_s] = []
return list(anagrams.values())
# Testing the function
string = ["eat", "beat", "neat", "tea"]
print("The Grouped Anagrams for the given strings:", string, " are:", sep="")
result = list(group_anagrams(string))

Example 2: Implementing a priority queue#

Problem statement: Implement a priority queue that supports insertion, deletion, and finding the maximum element.

Understand the problem: We need to efficiently manage a collection of elements where each element has a priority. The priority queue should support all the required operations.

Analyzing complexities: Looking at the problem, we see that insertion and lookup are the most frequent operations. Now, for these operations, we can consider using a list or a heap:

  • Using a list: Insertion is O(1)O(1), finding the maximum element is O(n)O(n), and deletion is O(n)O(n).

  • Using a heap: Insertion and deletion are O(log n)O(\text{log} \space n), finding the maximum element is O(1)O(1)

Analyzing trade-offs: A list provides faster insertion but slower operations for finding and deleting the maximum element. Whereas, a heap provides balanced performance for all operations, making it more suitable for a priority queue.

By carefully analyzing and understanding the problem, we see that a heap is best suited for this problem. Let’s look at the detailed solution:

import heapq
# Example implementation of priority queue
class MaxHeap:
def __init__(self):
self.heap = []
def insert(self, value):
heapq.heappush(self.heap, -value)
def get_max(self):
return -self.heap[0]
def delete_max(self):
return -heapq.heappop(self.heap)
# Testing the priority queue
priority_queue = MaxHeap()
# Insertion operations
# Lookup operation
print("The maximum element of the PQ:", priority_queue.get_max())
# Deletion operation
print("The maximum element of the PQ:", priority_queue.get_max())

Common pitfalls to avoid#

Think of yourself as a treasure hunter. Knowing where the traps are can help you avoid them and more efficiently reach the treasure—the perfect solution. Similarly, in coding interviews, you must know the common mistakes to avoid them so you can draft the optimized solution seamlessly.

Overcomplicating solutions#

It’s easy to get carried away by the sophistication of advanced data structures. However, using a more complex data structure than necessary can make the solution harder to understand, debug, and maintain. Over-engineering the solution can also introduce unnecessary performance overhead and bugs. In many cases, interviewers appreciate clean and simple solutions that meet the requirements efficiently.

Tip: Simplicity often leads to clearer and more efficient solutions.

Ignoring constraints#

Constraints are an important part of the problem and must be considered when devising a solution. Overlooking them can lead to inefficient or incorrect solutions. Constraints are there to guide the search for an optimal solution. For example, constraints on input size should guide our choice of algorithms or it gives a pointer toward the right data structure.

Tip: Pay very close attention to the constraints to make informed decisions.

Less practice#

Familiarity with various data structures is crucial for quickly identifying the best one for the given problem. As they say, “Practice makes perfect,” so without sufficient practice, one might default to using a familiar but suboptimal structure. Regular practice helps in understanding the theoretical aspects and practical applications of various data structures. It also boosts confidence in tackling unfamiliar problems during an interview.

Tip: Regularly practice problems that require different data structures.

Underestimating edge cases#

The edge cases often reveal weaknesses in the solution, so they are of great importance. Ignoring them can lead to incorrect results or runtime errors during interviews. They push the boundaries of the problem constraints and can uncover hidden bugs that wouldn’t appear with more typical data sets.

Tip: Think of cases that could fail your solution, then address them proactively.


We’ve explored the importance of data structure selection in coding interviews and how it can significantly impact the efficiency and clarity of the solutions. We discussed various common data structures and their applications. We also studied the key tips for selecting the appropriate data structure, such as understanding problem requirements, analyzing complexities, considering constraints, and more. In addition to this, we highlighted common pitfalls to avoid to make our data structure selection as optimal as possible.

Regularly solving problems involving different data structures will enhance your ability to quickly identify the most suitable one for any problem.

Final tips for interview preparation #

Preparing for coding interviews is like training for a marathon. Just as a marathon runner builds endurance and skill over time, you need to methodically prepare and practice to succeed in coding interviews. Let’s have a look at some final tips for interview preparation:

  • Start early: Begin your preparation well in advance of your interviews. This will give you ample time to cover all essential topics and practice extensively.

  • Practice regularly: Focus on problems that require different data structures to build your versatility. This will help you to quickly map problems to the appropriate data structures.

  • Understand fundamentals: Make sure you have a solid grasp of the fundamentals of each data structure.

  • Mock interviews: Participate in mock interviews to simulate the real interview experience. This will help you manage time effectively and get comfortable with the pressure of live problem-solving.

  • Stay updated: Learn new techniques and approaches to stay updated with industry trends.

To further enhance your understanding and mastery of data structures, our platform offers multiple courses tailored to different levels of expertise. These courses are designed to provide comprehensive coverage of data structures, their applications, and problem-solving techniques. You can deepen your knowledge, practice extensively, and gain the confidence needed to excel in coding interviews with the help of these courses:

Written By:
Isaac Opher Ullah
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