Deeper AI

9 min read
Oct 11, 2023
Ethos for AI research
Bringing fundamental science to AI
Call for a deeper AI
Alternative voices within AI

Covid was a tough phase for the whole world, but it was tougher on the senior board members of the European Research Council (ERC), as the council got embroiled in a controversy with respect to the newly appointed president of ERC in 2020. At the heart of the controversy was a disagreement of perspectives around the mission of ERC. Billions of Euros of funding money are entrusted to ERC every year, and the council’s mission is to “encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields, based on scientific excellence.”

The newly appointed president, at the time, wanted to channel more of the funding money toward the thematic direction of COVID-19-related research proposals (all in good spirit and apparently the need of the hour) while the senior board members who had the institutional memory intact were almost certain that ERC ought to stay true to its mission of funding the most excellent research centers who have dedicated their lives to conducting fundamental scientific research, and if the world is to find a solution to the pandemic, it will come out of those scientific labs who have, for years, been doing fundamental research. The board members were right“‘Research Excellence – Quo Vadis?’” n.d. ERC. Accessed October 11, 2023.!

Ethos for AI research#

Coming to the world of artificial intelligence (AI) now, there’s been a lot of buzz and funding around generative AI“The Generative AI Landscape: Top Startups, Venture Capital Firms, and More.” 2023. CB Insights Research. January 25, 2023. in the past few months. Yet, the fact of the matter is that despite the investment of tens of billions of dollars already, the best of the deep-learning based generative AI applications suffer from multiple serious challenges, such as hallucinations (cooking up non-existing facts), lack of planning, reasoning, or even mathematical abilities, getting biased by their training data, acting as a non-transparent black box, and having no world-view or world model. These are some of the serious issues highlighted“The Impact of ChatGPT Talks (2023) - Keynote Address by Prof. Yann LeCun (NYU/Meta).” n.d. Accessed October 11, 2023. by Professor Yann LeCun in a recent conference. And yet, in the positive sense, this is the same minimal set of capabilities that almost every reasonably intelligent human being displays; meanwhile, AI’s ultimate benchmarkLittman, Michael L., Ifeoma Ajunwa, Guy Berger, Craig Boutilier, Morgan Currie, Finale Doshi-Velez, Gillian Hadfield, et al. Rep. Gathering Strength, Gathering Storms: The One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI100) 2021 Study Panel Report. Stanford, CA: Stanford University, 2021. is to simulate human-level intelligence. Even Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI and ChatGPT, is on the recordLex Fridman Podcast #367 when he said that to achieve a more realistic artificial intelligence, we’ll need to expand on the GPT paradigm in pretty important ways that are still missing.

The real question is: What would it take to build these deeper models of AI?

Will it just take a few more billions of dollars thrown at the problem, a few more billions of training parameters using a few more gigabytes of training data on an even more powerful computing infrastructure? In other words, can we simply engineer our way through? Or would it take the AI community the same ethos as ERC’s—doing excellent grounds-up fundamental science—in order to achieve its ideal of simulating human-level intelligence? This series of blogs recommends the latter!

Bringing fundamental science to AI #

It is a historical fact that the pioneers of AI stayed true to the process of doing good science, and it would serve us well to follow suit. If all science labs, including those in biology that applied their theoretical models to making COVID-19 vaccinations, follow the process represented below (in the left half of the figure), so will the research labs of AI need to if they want to create computational models of a deeper AI, an AI that doesn’t suffer the same issues that the long list of issues highlighted by professor Yann LeCun believes the current deep learning models of AI suffer from.

But more importantly, deeper AI is a proposition for the AI community to take a more scientific route, as illustrated in the right half of the following figure: It does not start with simply engineering for an application. Rather, it studies the locus of intelligence as a naturally occurring phenomenon, not narrowly, but in as holistic and broad a sense as possible; then it studies the traditions or schools of thought that have theorized such kind of holistic intelligence instead of computer scientists trying to reinvent the wheel. Only then, it creates computational models that stay true to the theory they are extracted from, and finally, the computational models are applied to interesting problems.

The scientific process and AI
The scientific process and AI

Call for a deeper AI#

By following the abovementioned steps, this series has laid out a scientific framework for a deeper AI and has furnished the first two important steps of the pipeline in detail. If we add to this what some of the alternative voices within the folds of the AI community are or have been independently saying, there is a clear call for continuing with the pipeline and developing computational models for this deeper theoretical understanding of intelligence as well as artificial intelligence.

Deeper AI models: A community of pragmatic, semiotic, and abductive agents interacting with human agency converging on to the truth, emulating a deeper understanding of human intelligence.

Deep learning models: Shallow pattern recognition learners that require lots of data for training; they bypass deductive and causal reasoning. Once trained, the system is a non-interpretable black box.

Alternative voices within AI#

While less prominent voices have tried intentionally translating a computational model out of its theoryAkhtar, Junaid. “An Interactive Multi-Agent Reasoning Model for Sentiment Analysis: A Case for Computational Semiotics.” Artificial Intelligence Review 53, no. 6 (2019): 3987–4004. This work takes Peircean semiotics as a serious theory that can explain the communal logic of sentiment analysis, designs an interactive agent-based algorithm that interacts with human agency as well for grounding the truth, and compares the results with other traditional models over a dataset., the following very prominent contemporary voices within the community (almost like the converging but independent agents as predicted by the theory) have started pointing toward bits and pieces of the same phenomenon, albeit unintentionally:

  • Yann LeCun, a Turing Award recipient Professor at New York university and Chief AI Scientist at Meta/Facebook, in critique of LLMs is fishing for “The Impact of ChatGPT Talks (2023) - Keynote Address by Prof. Yann LeCun (NYU/Meta).” n.d. Accessed October 11, 2023. systems that can learn, remember, reason, plan, have common sense, yet are steerable and safe.

  • Geoffrey Hinton, considered another godfather of deep-learning AI, besides LeCun, recently quit as VP of engineering at Google“Deep Learning Pioneer Geoffrey Hinton Has Quit Google.” n.d. MIT Technology Review. Accessed October 11, 2023., to fish for a more biologically plausible learning algorithm than the one he devised himself. He’s even professing a new paradigm of low-cost computing“Geoff Hinton Public Lecture.” n.d. Accessed October 11, 2023. for hardware that can inherit and die in time, and the knowledge can keep evolving in a distributed sense using forward-forward learning.

  • Kathleen Creel is a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University. As a solution to arbitrary bias shown by automated machine-learning based decision systems trained on one complete dataset, she proposesCreel, Kathleen, and Deborah Hellman. “The Algorithmic Leviathan: Arbitrariness, Fairness, and Opportunity in Algorithmic Decision-Making Systems.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52, no. 1 (2022): 26–43. an ensemble of learning systems, all trained on subsets of the larger dataset, with a human-in-the-loop to ground the system.

  • Douglas Lenat, another academician who has also served on the scientific advisory boards of both Microsoft and Apple, took a different route to inductive machine learning. He and his team of 60 researchers have managed to run a 37-year-long project curating millions of hand-crafted explicit deductive rules by employing an equivalent of 2000 years of person-year effort. This has given birth to Cyc, a common-sense ontology of knowledge base“Cyc Is a Revolutionary AI Platform with Human Reasoning, Knowledge, and Logic at Enterprise Scale.” n.d. Accessed October 11, 2023., which, according to LenatLex Fridman Podcast #221, does not suffer from the common pitfalls of machine-learning-based black box systems.

  • Yejin Choi is a celebrated professor and researcher in the domain of natural language processing. In her keynote speech“2082 ACL Odyssey.” n.d. Accessed October 11, 2023. that forecasted and charted the next 60 years for the premier research venue for her community at the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), she lays out how formal deductive reasoning based logical systems are sterile, and modeling abductive reasoning is one way forward for the computational linguistics community.

In line with ERC’s mission, this series of blogs, along with the abovementioned alternative voices from the prominent members of the AI community, is pointing toward looking past the shallow science of deep learning GPTsLeike, Jan, John Schulman, and Jeffrey Wu. 2022. “Our Approach to Alignment Research.” OpenAI. August 24, 2022. and calling for a serious foot forward for creating more scientific, deeper (artificial) intelligence models.

Series in episodal sequence:

  1. The imitation game and ChatGPT

  2. Helen Keller joins the AGI conversations

  3. Evolution of AI: Interpretant is all you need

  4. What makes computer science a science?

Applied Machine Learning: Deep Learning for Industry

In this course, you'll level up your skills learned in the Industry Case Study and Machine Learning for Software Engineers. You'll take the modeling and data pipeline concepts and apply them to production-level classification and regression models for industry deployment, while continuing to practice the most efficient techniques for building scalable machine learning models. After this course, you will be able to complete industry-level machine learning projects, from data pipeline creation to model deployment and inference. The code for this course is built around the TensorFlow framework, one of the premier frameworks for industry machine learning, and the Python pandas library for data analysis. Knowledge of Python and TensorFlow are prerequisites. This course was created by AdaptiLab, a company specializing in evaluating, sourcing, and upskilling enterprise machine learning talent. It is built in collaboration with industry machine learning experts from Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple.

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Written By:
Junaid Akhtar
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