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Home/Blog/Programming/Finding a Transversal Line for Line Segments in General Position

Finding a Transversal Line for Line Segments in General Position

9 min read
Jan 15, 2024
A Recap of the Vertical Line Segments Transversal Problem
Line Segment Transversal in General Position
Introduction to Duality Transforms
Properties of Dual Transform
Dual Transform of a Line Segment
Region of Overlap of Dual Transforms of Line Segments
Finding the Region of Overlap

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A transversal line of a set of line segments in a plane is a straight line that passes through all the line segments.

In the first blog post of this series, we solved the vertical line segment transversal problem. Here, we briefly summarize the problem and the method used to solve it, before moving to the next problem in this series.

A Recap of the Vertical Line Segments Transversal Problem#

Problem statement: For a set of nn vertical line segments in the plane, decide in O(n)O(n) time, whether there is a straight line that passes through all nn line segments or not. If such transversal lines exist, then find all of them. Here is one problem instance that admits several transversal lines, two of which are shown.

Vertical line segments admitting several transversal lines
Vertical line segments admitting several transversal lines

We mapped the vertical line segment transversal problem to a linear program and solved it using SciPy's optimize.linprog function.

In case the line segments are not confined to be vertical but can take any orientation, the problem becomes trickier, as it is unclear how to formulate it as a linear program. To solve it, we take help from a powerful tool from computational geometry: the concept of duality. Before going into the details of duality, let's see the line segment transversal problem in its general setting.

Line Segment Transversal in General Position #

Problem statement: For a set of nn (possibly intersecting) line segments in the plane, decide in O(n2)O(n^2) time, whether there is a straight line that passes through all nn line segments or not. If such transversal lines exist, then find all of them.

An instance of n line segments problem
An instance of n line segments problem

To solve this problem, we use duality transforms.

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Introduction to Duality Transforms#

A point and a line lying in a plane have two parameters. A point is characterized by its xx-coordinate and yy-coordinate and a line by its slope and yy-intercept. As a point and a line both need two parameters, they can be mapped onto one another.

Consider a line l:y=axbl: y=ax-b in the plane with slope aa and yy-intercept b-b. This line ll can be represented as the point (a,b)(a, b) in another plane. To differentiate between the two planes, the former is called the primal plane and the latter is called the dual plane. Such mappings are called duality transforms and the image of an object that is transformed is called its dual.

Interesting relations emerge between geometric objects in the primal plane and their transforms in the dual plane. Let's look at the two basic relations.

  • By definition, the dual of a line l:y=axbl: y=ax-b is the point l=(a,b)l^* = (a,b).

The dual transform of a line is a point
The dual transform of a line is a point
  • The dual of a point p=(c,d)p = (c,d) is the line p:y=cxdp^* : y = cx - d.

The dual transform of a point is a line
The dual transform of a point is a line

As shown above, the lines l1,l2,l3l_1, l_2, l_3 in the primal plane intersect at the same point, p=(c,d)p = (c,d). Interestingly, the points that are the dual transforms of the three lines, denoted as l1,l2,l3l_1^*, l_2^*, l_3^*, are collinear. Let's see how. The three lines and their duals are as follows:

As the three lines pass through the point p=(c,d)p = (c,d), the following equations hold:

We can rearrange the equations as follows:

Concluding that in the dual plane, the points l1,l2,l3l_1^*, l_2^*, l_3^* lie on the line y=cxdy = cx - d. This is the line pp^* which is the dual of the point pp.

Next, we'll look at the properties of dual transform. We will use some of these properties to derive the dual transform of a line segment.

Properties of Dual Transform#

Let pp be a point in the primal plane and ll be a line in the primal plane. Let the dual of pp be the line pp^* and the dual of ll be the point ll^*.

Incidence preservation: The duality transform preserves incidence. In the primal plane, pp lies on ll if and only if in the dual plane ll^* lies on pp^*. This is illustrated below:

The dual transform preserves incidence
The dual transform preserves incidence

It is easy to see why this is true. Let p=(a,b)p = (a,b) and l:y=cxdl: y = cx - d. As pp lies on ll, the following holds:

The equation above can be rearranged as below:

This indicates that the dual of line ll, which is the point l=(c,d)l^* = (c,d), lies on the line p:y=axbp^* : y = ax - b.

Note: The collinearity of dual points of lines that have a common point of intersection is a direct consequence of incidence preservation.

Order preservation: The duality transform preserves order. The point pp lies above the line ll, if and only if, the point ll^* lies above the line pp^*.

The dual transform preserves order
The dual transform preserves order

Consider a point p=(a,b)p = (a,b) that lies above a line l:y=cxdl: y = cx - d. The following inequality holds:

The inequality relation above can be rearranged as follows:

This proves that the dual of line ll, which is the point l=(c,d)l^* = (c,d), lies above the line p:y=axbp^* : y = ax - b.

Dual Transform of a Line Segment#

A line segment s=pqs = \overline{pq} is characterized by its two end-points pp and qq. Considering ss as a union of infinite points, ss^* is the union of the dual lines of these points. As all the points on a line segment are collinear, all the lines in ss^* intersect at the same point.

The dual transform of a line segment
The dual transform of a line segment

In the dual plane in the figure above, the dual lines pp^* and qq^* are shown. These lines divide the plane into two double wedges, where a double wedge is the region bounded by two lines. The rest of the lines, which are the duals of the internal points on the line segment ss, lie in one of the double wedges.

To decide which of the double wedges corresponds to ss^*, consider how the slope of the dual line varies as we move from pp to qq. The slope starts at 1-1 for the line pp^* and increases to +1+1 for the line qq^*. In general, the slope continuously increases from the left endpoint to the right one. Therefore, the left-right double wedge, shown in gray color, is the region of ss^*.

The dual of a line segment is the left-right double wedge defined by the dual lines of its endpoints.

Region of Overlap of Dual Transforms of Line Segments#

In the dual plane, a point that lies within the double wedge corresponding to ss^* corresponds to a line in the primal plane that intersects the line segment ss. This is shown in the figure below.

A transversal line of a line segment and its dual
A transversal line of a line segment and its dual

This is true because any line that intersects the line segment ss is sandwiched between the points pp and qq. By the order-preserving property, its dual point lies in ss^*. Therefore, the dual transform of a line segment identifies all its transversal lines.

The transversal line of a set of line segments is the overlapping region of their corresponding double wedges in the dual plane. If the line segments do not admit a transversal line, the overlapping region of the corresponding double wedges will be empty.

Let's see some examples:

An instance of the problem with n = 2
1 / 3
An instance of the problem with n = 2

Finding the Region of Overlap #

Now, we'll discuss the algorithm that finds the region of overlap of all the double wedges or reports that such a region does not exist.

For nn line segments in the primal plane, there are 2n2n bounding lines of their corresponding double wedges in the dual plane. These bounding lines partition the plane into several regions.

  • In geometry, the subdivision of a plane into several regions by a collection of lines is known as a line arrangement, where each region is known as a face.

  • The boundaries of the faces are chains of straight-line edges.

  • Some of these chains are closed, defining faces that are convex polygons, and others are open.

The goal is to find a face that lies in all the double wedges in the line arrangement defined by the bounding lines of double wedges.

Here is an example with two double wedges and the corresponding line arrangement. On each face, the number of double wedges that contain it are labeled.

The line arrangement of two double wedges
The line arrangement of two double wedges

The line arrangement for a collection of nn lines can be created in O(n2)O(n^2)using an incremental algorithm that processes one line at a time and updates the line arrangement.

In the line arrangement, each edge ee belongs to the boundary of one particular double wedge. We direct an edge from right to left if it belongs to the upper boundary (shown in blue) and left to right if it belongs to the lower boundary (shown in red). This labeling is used to find the number of double wedges that contain each face.

For each face ff in the line arrangement, let C(f)C(f) denote the number of double edges that contain ff. As shown in the figure above, for the face ff^* that lies below all the bounding lines, C(f)=0C(f^*) = 0. Let below(e)below(e) and above(e)above(e) denote the faces that lie below and above an edge ee, respectively. Starting from ff^*, we can find the C(f)C(f) for all faces using the following relation.

Starting from a face ff, if we enter one of its neighboring faces ff' such that the edge ee between them lies on the lower boundary of a double wedge ss^*, then ff' lies within ss^* and ff lies outside ss^*. Therefore, C(f)C(f') is one more than C(f)C(f). Similarly, if the edge ee between the faces lies on the upper boundary of a double wedge ss^*, then ff' lies outside ss^* and ff lies within ss^*. Therefore, C(f)C(f') is one less than C(f)C(f).

Starting from ff^* (where C(f)=0C(f^*) = 0), we use the relation above to find the CC value for its neighboring faces and continue until all faces are covered. If the maximum CC for any face is equal to nn, the line segments admit transversal lines. Otherwise, they do not.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know if a line is parallel or transversal?

Lines can be classified as parallel or transversal depending on their relationship with each other. Two lines in a plane are parallel if they never intersect. They remain at the same distance from each other at all points. On the other hand, a transversal line intersects two or more lines at distinct points. To determine if two lines are parallel, we can compare their slopes. If they’re equal (i.e., b1 == b2), the lines are parallel. To identify a transversal, we should look for a line that intersects two or more other lines.

What is an example of a transversal line?

Written By:
Usama Mehmood
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