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Home/Blog/Learn to Code/Step up your coding skills with this free Python course

Step up your coding skills with this free Python course

Aisha Noor
Dec 26, 2023
7 min read
What is Python?
How do I start Python?
Best ways to learn Python
Looking for Python courses for beginners?
How 'Learn Python 3 from Scratch' is the best Python course
Fundamentals of Python you’ll cover
Explore Python jobs
Where can I learn Python for free?

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Ready to level up your coding game? Python is a key player in the coding world, and if you’re learning to code or just refreshing your skills, our free ‘Learn Python 3 from Scratch’ course has got you covered. We’ll walk you through Python basics, then head straight into how to get going and learn the most effective learning methods. We’ll also look at what gaining Python skills could mean for your career. This course will be your stepping stone to mastering a vital skill in today’s tech scene. Let’s get to it!

What is Python?

Python is a no-nonsense, dynamic language that gets everything done. Consider it the multi-tool of programming. Simple to grasp, it’s just like conversing in English. This is why devs love it for data analysis and more. Python isn’t just popular, it’s in demand. Nearly half the devs were all over Python last year, and even more want to jump on board.

What makes Python stand out? Its massive user community. You’re never alone when facing a problem—there’s always someone ready to help. Whether big data calculations or simple file tweaks, Python’s your go-to language. And the back-end tasks for websites? That’s Python territory, too. It juggles data, talks to databases, and keeps everything running smoothly behind the scenes. Here’s a list of some of the tasks that Python can perform:

  • Read and modify files.

  • Handle big data and perform complex mathematics.

  • Achieve rapid prototyping and production-ready software development.

  • Help back-end development in websites and applications.

  • Manage data exchange with servers.

  • Process data and interface with databases.

  • Conduct URL routing.

  • Ensure web security.

How do I start Python?

If you want to start learning Python but feel lost due to a lack of structure, you must create a study plan. This doesn’t mean endlessly practicing one topic level or difficulty. Let’s look at how you can guide yourself in this process:

Best ways to learn Python

Here are some invaluable tips if you are wondering how to learn Python:

  1. Practice daily: Consistently coding every day is crucial. As a Python developer, you’ll not only be coding but also designing and deploying back-end web applications. The muscle memory gained from daily practice is invaluable for handling complex tasks in Python.

  2. Handwrite your notes: While jotting down notes, include key Python libraries like pandas and NumPy, and frameworks like Django, Flask, and CherryPy. Understanding these libraries will be essential, as they aid in all sorts of tasks, from web application development to data processing.

  3. Use the interactive Python shell: Use the interactive shell to experiment with Python’s libraries and object-relational mapper (ORM) libraries like SQLAlchemy or Django ORM. This hands-on practice is vital for understanding how to interact with databases in Python without resorting to SQL.

  4. Take regular breaks: Remember, learning Python is not just about coding. It’s also about understanding the underlying architecture and best practices. This can only be absorbed when you take the time to ease your mind through regular breaks. You should use this approach when tackling complex aspects of Python, such as frameworks and ORMs.

  5. Embrace debugging: Debugging is a crucial skill for any Python developer. While working on debugging, focus on how your code integrates with different libraries and frameworks.

Looking for Python courses for beginners?

No matter what point you’re starting from, our courses provide the fastest way to learn Python, even if you find that Python is difficult to learn. These courses are ideal for individual learners who aim for personal growth. Recognizing that Python can be challenging to master, our courses are structured to simplify the learning process. We have made it more accessible and efficient. If you’re on a path toward skill development or even embarking on a new career journey, our courses are a crucial resource. Enroll today and start learning Python using the most effective methods!

How 'Learn Python 3 from Scratch' is the best Python course

The ‘Learn Python 3 from Scratch' course is perfectly tailored for beginners looking for online Python learning. This course will help you master Python in the most straightforward way possible. With 14 lessons packed into 12 hours, you’ll get a mix of practical knowledge and theory, plus a free Python certification.

The course breaks down procedural Python programming into digestible bits. You’re not just passively learning: you’re actively building a project, applying each new concept as you go. By starting with input/output functions, moving through user-defined functions, and exploring basic data types, this course ensures a solid foundation in Python.

But it’s not all theory. You’ll get your hands dirty with real coding and AI-powered feedback. Understanding program structures like sequential, selective, and iterative will come to life as you work on an engaging project. By the end, you won’t just know Python—you’ll think like a programmer, ready to debug code and tackle computational problems.

Fundamentals of Python you’ll cover

Here's a summary of what you will learn in this course: 

  • Introduction to Python basics: Learn to print “Hello World” by understanding the print function. You’ll also learn the fundamentals of Python programming, setting a strong foundation for more complex concepts.

  • Function and variable use: Get hands-on experience with basic Python functions, learning how to declare an integer in Python and assign values to variables.

  • Mastering user-defined functions: Dive into creating custom functions essential for tasks like arithmetic operations and understanding how to recover from errors.

  • Exploring for loops and data types: Gain proficiency in using for loops for counting in Python, a key aspect of controlling the flow of your program.

  • Advanced techniques with map, filter, and reduce: Understand Python’s map, filter, and reduce functions for efficient data manipulation, which are integral to complex problem-solving.

Explore Python jobs

Python is a great first programming language to learn, and the best part is, developing your skills in it can get you jobs in very lucrative tech industries. Here are some examples of these Python-enabled jobs:

  • Data scientist: A data scientist must have business savvy, sharp analytical skills, and the knack for digging up, sprucing up, and laying out data. In the business world, these pros are the go-to for handling, organizing, and making sense of massive piles of unstructured data.

  • Machine learning engineer: They are the brains behind the software and models that teach machines to spot patterns and act on their own—without being spoon-fed instructions for every move.

  • AI engineer: AI engineers build and train the maze of algorithms that power AI, making machines think like the human brain. This involves a mix of software development, programming, data science, and data engineering—a real multi-tool role.Data engineer: Data engineers can be seen as data translators. They make sure that data is ready and understandable for the people who need to analyze it, such as data scientists and business analysts.

  • Data analyst: Data analysts handle everything from sales figures to market research and more.

  • Systems engineer: Systems engineering is all about keeping tabs on and tuning up the systems and infrastructure we’ve got in place. This includes setting up, testing, and keeping operating systems and apps running smoothly.

Python developer: As a Python developer, you manage how data flows—from the servers directly to the users. Using Python as your tool, you work with data, craft web apps, and automate tasks.

Where can I learn Python for free?

There are many online resources to help you get started. However, we can help you get started on your Python journey for free while also learning its most essential concepts. Our ‘Learn Python 3 from Scratch’ course is the perfect starting point for you. Study everything from Python basics to practical applications, setting you on the path to a dynamic career in tech. This can help you jumpstart your journey in data science, machine learning, AI, and more. Ready to transform your future? Enroll now and start mastering this essential skill!


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