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Essential GenAI skills for developers

Nimra Zaheer
8 min read
Key GenAI skills every dev should know
Which GenAI skills will help developers get ahead in the industry?
What is the best way to learn GenAI skills?
The best time to start learning is now

Imagine a world where AI processes data, generates art, writes stories, composes music, and develops software. This isn’t science fiction—it’s happening and reshaping industries at a breakneck pace. It’s the powerhouse behind tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini and is set to explode into a $1.3 trillion market by 2032—bigger than the combined annual revenue of Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft!

As the world transforms around us in real time, one question looms large for both fresh graduates entering the job market and experienced professionals alike:

Do I need GenAI skills to be successful as a software developer?

The short answer is yes. Learning GenAI skills is essential for staying competitive, boosting productivity and creativity, and future-proofing your career in today’s AI-driven world.

From there, another valid question might be:

Which GenAI skills do I need to learn, and what is the best way to learn them?

With the pace of innovation, it’s never too early to start learning GenAI tools and skills for developers. Integrating these skills into your professional toolkit from the outset of your career can provide significant advantages and set a solid foundation for future growth.

Key GenAI skills every dev should know

Every developer should be familiar with a few key GenAI concepts that every developer should be familiar with. Understanding these concepts will provide a solid foundation for any software engineer hoping to stay competitive in the modern tech landscape.

  • Python programming: Python is essential as the primary language for AI development. It’s widely used for its simplicity and extensive libraries that support AI, machine learning, deep learning, and Generative AI.

  • Machine learning basics: Understanding core machine learning concepts, including supervised and unsupervised learning, is fundamental. Familiarize yourself with algorithms and their applications.

  • Neural networks and deep learning: Learn how neural networks function and how to build deep learning models. Tools like TensorFlow and PyTorch are invaluable for this purpose.

  • Natural language processing (NLP): NLP is crucial for text and language tasks. Skills in NLP will enable you to develop applications that understand and generate human language.

A roadmap to generative AI upskilling
A roadmap to generative AI upskilling
  • Generative models: Dive into generative models, including generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders (VAEs), transformers, and diffusion models. They are essential for creating new data from existing data and have applications in art, music, and content creation.

  • Large language models (LLMs): Understand the different types, capabilities, and evaluation metrics of LLMs. Learn how to fine-tune models like GPT-3 and GPT-4 for specific tasks, improving their performance for your unique needs. These models are trained on massive amounts of textual data and have amazing capabilities like language generation and understanding, machine translation,  conversational capabilities, code, video, image, speech generation, and knowledge answering. Some examples of LLMs include the GPT series, Gemini, Llama, Mistral, Ollama, Vicuna, Olmo, and Phi-2. 

  • Prompt engineering:  Learn the art of designing and refining prompts to optimize the output of language models. The input query that is fed to LLM is called a prompt. ​Prompting provides an initial text input to guide the model in generating a relevant and coherent response. Effective prompt engineering can significantly improve the accuracy and relevance of AI-generated responses.

  • Vector databases: Master vector databases, which are crucial for handling high-dimensional data in GenAI applications. These databases enable efficient storage and retrieval of vectors, essential for similarity searches and clustering. It is a database that stores different types of data, such as text, images, audio, and video, in a numerical form referred to as a vector. Some examples include Faiss, Chromadb, and pinecone. Master any one of them to upskill your generative AI career.

  • Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG): Explore RAG techniques that combine the power of retrieval systems with generative models. As LLMs are not trained on our customized datasets, RAG helps add that data to the LLMs. This helps in producing accurate and contextually relevant responses. RAG works by taking an input query, retrieving relevant information from a large corpus, and using this information to generate a contextually relevant response. 

  • LangChain: Learn about LangChain—sequences of language models working together. Understanding how to implement and optimize LangChain can significantly boost the performance of your AI applications. LangChain is an open-source framework available in Python and JavaScript that simplifies the integration of large language models (LLMs) for developing LLM-powered applications.

Another product launched by the same developers as LangChain is LangSmith. This comprehensive developer platform is designed for every LLM-powered application life cycle stage, whether or not you’re using LangChain. It enables you to debug, collaborate, test, and monitor your LLM applications effectively. LangGraph (another product of the same org) is a library for building stateful, multi-actor applications with LLMs designed to create agent and multi-agent workflows.

  • Agentic systems: Study agentic systems, where AI agents interact with each other and the environment. These systems are vital for developing autonomous AI solutions to perform complex tasks with minimal human intervention. Agentic systems refer to models and frameworks that exhibit autonomous decision-making capabilities, allowing them to perform complex tasks without continuous human guidance. 

  • Ollama: Familiarize yourself with Ollama. Wondering how to run an LLM on your local machine? Concerned about memory, GPUs, and other requirements? Enter Ollama: a user-friendly, open-source platform that simplifies running LLMs. Think of it as a Docker file pre-loaded with LLM weights and settings. Ollama supports a range of models like the Llama series, Phi family, Mistral, and Gemma 2 and integrates with LangChains for enhanced functionality.

Which GenAI skills will help developers get ahead in the industry?

Now, let’s explore what the industry demands from developers in varying AI engineering specializations—from entry-level positions to senior roles.

Entry-level job titles related to the generative AI field
Entry-level job titles related to the generative AI field

To begin with, it’s crucial to have a solid grasp of Generative AI and stay updated on the latest trends in the field. You should understand how LLMs are trained, how to craft effective prompts, and how RAG and vector databases are utilized. Proficiency in using LangChain is also important.

Additionally, some positions may require experience with tools like Hugging Face, AutoGPT, and AgentGPT. Certain companies also look for expertise in developing interfaces for systems that facilitate the use of their local LLMs.

Senior-level job titles related to the generative AI field
Senior-level job titles related to the generative AI field

As we move up the hierarchy, firms require extensive experience in AI/ML/DL algorithms and hands-on expertise in fine-tuning LLMs on customized datasets. Candidates should be adept at selecting the appropriate vector database to meet company needs. Experience with Generative AI and LLM-based solutions and proficiency in evaluating LLM is often essential. A lead Generative AI engineer should be capable of fine-tuning LLMs from scratch and explaining technical terms to non-technical stakeholders. Additionally, many companies value experience with diffusion models and transformers.

Let's examine some job titles and their respective requirements to understand what the industry expects from fresh CS graduates or developers entering the field of Generative AI.


Job Title

Skill Set


Prompt Engineer

  • Coding with Python libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch.

  • ML expertise, particularly in large language models (LLMs) and Generative AI.

  • Enhancing and refining prompting methods for improved efficacy and efficiency, evaluating performance through testing.

  • Designing and developing high-quality prompts to enhance LLM capabilities.

  • Creating diverse prompts tailored to specific AI tasks.


GenAI Researcher

GenAI Architect

GenAI Strategist

  • Coding with Python libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch.

  • Designing Generative AI solutions across AI, data, and infrastructure.

  • Creating generative models and selecting architectures for specific outputs (text, images, code).

  • Expertise in LLMs, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) technologies, vector databases, agentic systems, and frameworks like LangChain, Claude, and LlamaIndex.

  • Developing and deploying large-scale language models and Generative AI systems with frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Hugging Face, OpenAI, and LangChain.


GenAI Engineer

Chief GenAI Architect

LLM Engineer

GenAI Researcher

  • Creating, refining, and optimizing prompts for improved LLM performance.

  • Building and fine-tuning generative models, selecting architectures based on output needs.

  • Collaborating across client teams to develop and architect Generative AI solutions with ML and DL.

  • Utilizing RAG technologies and LLM frameworks such as LangChain, Claude, and LlamaIndex.

  • Evaluating and selecting AI tools and ML models and building and training them with Python and open-source tech.

  • Working with LLM model registries, APIs, embedding models, and vector databases.

  • Designing and prototyping reusable components for LLM-based solutions.

  • Creating single and multi-agent systems.

What is the best way to learn GenAI skills?

Learning GenAI skills can be exciting and daunting due to the rapid pace of innovation in the field. Many developers have questions about where to start and how to ensure they’re learning the most relevant and up-to-date information.

The best place to begin is by building a strong programming foundation, focusing on Python, the primary language used in AI development. Once you’re comfortable with Python, move on to understanding basic AI and machine learning concepts, such as supervised and unsupervised learning, neural networks, and deep learning. Familiarize yourself with popular libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch. From there, you can dive into more specialized areas such as natural language processing (NLP), generative models, and large language models (LLMs).

Due to the rapid pace of innovation, it is crucial to ensure that your GenAI learning material is current. Choose reputable platforms known for quality content and expert instructors to address this. Educative excels here, offering regularly updated courses that reflect AI advancements. With interactive lessons and hands-on projects, Educative helps you grasp theoretical concepts and enables you to build and experiment with your models, giving you the practical experience essential for mastering GenAI skills.

Additionally, supplement your learning with current research papers and articles and engage with AI communities and forums for real-time insights.

If you are ready to get hands-on with the industry’s most in-demand AI technologies, start with the courses below:

Applying your learning through projects and small applications is also a great idea. Educative has dozens of projects where you can practice your generative AI skills in a real-world environment (which will also boost your portfolio):

The best time to start learning is now

Generative AI has revolutionized the world, and even entry-level jobs now demand advanced knowledge.

In order to remain competitive in the software development industry, every dev should have a working understanding of LLMs and diffusion models, along with hands-on experience fine-tuning LLMs on customized data, integrating RAG, and using at least one vector database. You should also be familiar with all types of fine-tuning techniques and have practical experience with at least one. The same applies to LLM evaluation methods.

Since prompts are how we communicate with LLMs, you should know how to write them efficiently to minimize costs and optimize results. Additionally, understanding the capabilities of LLMs is crucial so you can leverage them effectively to meet company needs.

The good news is that you have plenty of time to get a leg up on the industry if you start learning today. Luckily you have tons of world-class learning resources at your disposal. When you are ready to take the next step in your career, Educative's 1,000+ hands-on courses and projects will be here!