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How long does it take to learn Java?

Areeba Haider
Oct 17, 2024
6 min read

The programming world is a puzzle filled with countless programming languages to learn and master. At first glance, the vast landscape of programming can seem overwhelming. Whether you’re a beginner just dipping your toes in or an experienced developer aiming to expand your skillset, the sheer number of languages and frameworks available today can create a feeling of information overload. Each language has strengths, quirks, and use cases, making it essential to understand which languages align with your goals. 

Why learn Java?#

Among the myriad coding languages available, Java consistently stands out as one of the top choices for developers of all levels, and for good reason. Java offers a combination of versatility, performance, and real-world applicability, making it a compelling language to learn. There are three reasons why you should choose Java as your programming language:

  • Platform independence

  • Object-oriented programming (OOP)

  • Strong ecosystem and libraries

Platform independence#

One of Java’s most celebrated features is its “write once, run anywhere” philosophy. Programmers can write a Java program on one type of computer, like a Windows PC, and then run it on a completely different computer, like a Mac or Linux machine, without needing to change the code. This is possible because of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). As long as the computer has the JVM installed, it can run any Java program, making Java programs portable across different operating systems without major modifications to the code.

Object-oriented programming (OOP)#

Java is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language, which means it’s designed to help you write organized and modular code through concepts like classes, objects, and inheritance. OOP principles help developers break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components. When you master Java, you’re also gaining proficiency in OOP, which is useful for other languages like C++, or Python because they also follow OOP principles.

Learn Object-Oriented Programming in Java

Learn Object-Oriented Programming in Java

Object-oriented programming (OOP) has been around for decades. As the original object-oriented language, Java is a mainstay in the world of computer programming. Having a foundation in OOP Java concepts will allow you to write cleaner, more modular, and more reusable code, as well as make it easier for you to understand the codebases of different companies you might be interested in joining. Starting with the basics and reviewing complex topics like inheritance and polymorphism, this course is filled with illustrations, exercises, quizzes, and hands-on challenges. You’ll walk away with an understanding of classes and objects behavior and be able to easily create simple, efficient, reusable and secure code.

10 Challenges
6 Quizzes

Strong ecosystem and libraries#

Java’s extensive ecosystem is another reason for its widespread use. The language benefits from a vast collection of libraries and frameworks that simplify the development process. Frameworks like Spring and Hibernate are staples in Java-based enterprise applications, while Apache Commons and Google Guava provide powerful tools for common tasks like string manipulation, collections, and I/O operations.

Is Java hard to learn?#

Java can be both easy and challenging to learn. Depending on one’s background, experience, and approach, Java can be both a nuisance and a rewarding tool for building scalable applications. Starting with the basics like syntax, variables, and simple object-oriented concepts is a good approach for beginners. For absolute beginners, though, the syntax can seem complex, but it‘s well-structured and consistent, which helps in the long run. Java revolves around object-oriented programming (OOP), which can initially be tough for beginners to grasp. While the initial learning curve may present challenges, programmers who master its principles gain a deep understanding of object-oriented programming and the ability to create powerful, versatile software solutions. Over time, as you become more comfortable, you‘ll be able to tackle more advanced topics like memory management and multithreading.

The All-in-One Guide to Java Programming

The All-in-One Guide to Java Programming

This course is meant for Java programmers or aspiring programmers who want to know about the latest Java and JVM technology. Throughout this course, you will get several opportunities to get hands-on experience with various Java concepts. This course will help you understand the latest in Java up to version 17; cloud and microservices; build, testing, and web frameworks; reactive programming in Java; and the best JVM languages so you can advance your career in software development. Moreover, you will also get to work with Scala, Groovy, and Gradle. The course explains Java concepts in detail and also draws comparisons with its older versions, as well as JVM languages.

123 Playgrounds
18 Quizzes

How can I learn Java?#

Like all programming languages, Java requires theoretical understanding and hands-on practice. The five main steps to learn Java are as follows:

  1. Get familiar with the basics

  2. Install Java Development Kit and IDE

  3. Practice with small projects

  4. Learn Java libraries and frameworks

  5. Build real-world projects 

Get familiar with the basics#

When starting with Java, building a solid understanding of fundamental concepts like variables, loops, conditionals, and methods is important. Java’s building blocks include data types like numbers, letters, and true/false values (boolean), so it is important to master these before exploring more complex topics such as object-oriented programming.

Learn Java from Scratch

Learn Java from Scratch

This course focuses exclusively on teaching Java to beginners and demystifies procedural programming, grounding every new concept in the hands-on project it gradually builds with the course. You will begin this course by understanding built-in input and output methods and then move on to user-defined methods. Moreover, you’ll learn about basic data types and their application. This will be followed by an introduction to the various structures of programs you can write: sequential, selective, and iterative. Eventually, you’ll apply everything you’ve learned to complete an interesting project. After taking this course, you’ll develop a lifelong fascination with the wonderful programming language that is Java, and the teachings of this course can be a great start to an exciting career in the world of computing.

60 Playgrounds
5 Quizzes

Install Java development kit and IDE#

Once you have gotten the hang of all the major concepts of Java, programmers can now prepare to write and run Java programs. The main task for this step is to set up a development environment. Programmers install the Java Development Kit (JDK) and get an integrated development environment (IDE) like Eclipse to write, test, and debug the code. Programmers who get comfortable with IDE early on get saved from putting in a lot of time and frustration later.

Practice with small projects#

After the basics, the focus should be shifted to solidifying Java understanding through practice through coding in Java. Programmers need to start working on small projects that they find interesting. For example, you could write a simple calculator program to practice working with numbers or create a to-do list app to get familiar with user inputs and lists. The goal is to apply the knowledge you’ve gained in real-world scenarios. These small projects will help you understand how Java works in a hands-on way, and they will gradually build your confidence as a programmer.

Learn Java libraries and frameworks#

Practicing will inculcate mastery over the fundamentals. The next step is to expand knowledge by learning about Java libraries and frameworks. Libraries are prewritten pieces of code that make it easier to perform common tasks, like working with data collections (lists, sets, and maps) or reading and writing files. Frameworks like Spring can help programmers build more complex applications much faster. At this stage, learning these tools will improve your efficiency and allow you to create more advanced programs without starting everything from scratch.

Mastering Algorithms for Problem Solving in Java

Mastering Algorithms for Problem Solving in Java

As a developer, mastering the concepts of algorithms and being proficient in implementing them is essential to improving problem-solving skills. This course aims to equip you with an in-depth understanding of algorithms and how they can be utilized for problem solving in Java. Starting with the basics, you'll gain a foundational understanding of what algorithms are, with topics ranging from simple multiplication algorithms to analyzing algorithms. Then, you’ll delve into more advanced topics like recursion, backtracking, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms. You'll also learn about basic graph algorithms, depth-first search, shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, and all-pairs shortest paths. By the end of this course, you'll have acquired a wide range of skills that will significantly enhance your ability to solve problems efficiently in Java. Through this course, not only will you improve your coding skills, but you will also gain confidence in tackling complex problems.

108 Playgrounds
10 Quizzes

Build real-world projects#

Finally, the best way to truly master Java is by building real-world projects. These could be personal projects, like a small web application or a simple API that interacts with a database. You can also contribute to open-source projects to work with other developers and learn from their code.

How long does it take to learn Java?#

The time it takes to learn Java can vary widely depending on several factors. Typically, for someone with no prior programming experience, it can take 3–6 months to get comfortable with the basics of Java. For someone with experience in other programming languages, it might take 1–3 months to become proficient. However, true mastery takes longer, depending on how deep you dive into advanced concepts and frameworks. Some of the factors that affect how long it takes to learn Java are as follows:

  • Prior programming experience: If you’ve programmed in other languages, learning Java will likely be quicker as many concepts are already familiar.

  • Time commitment: It matters how much time you can dedicate to learning and practicing. Consistent effort accelerates the learning process.

  • Learning approach: Building projects helps reinforce learning and exposes you to practical challenges that deepen your understanding of Java. More structured learning will speed up your progress compared to only watching or reading content without coding, for example, taking courses with hands-on projects.

  • Support: Java has been around for decades and has one of the world’s largest and most active developer communities. If you run into a problem or need help, chances are there’s already a solution available, or someone online can help you. The community also contributes to open-source tools and projects, constantly improving the ecosystem.

Final word#

Java continues to evolve. With the release of newer versions like Java 17 (and beyond), the language remains competitive and adapts to modern programming needs with new features, performance improvements, and security enhancements. Because of its widespread use in established and emerging technologies, having Java on your resume opens up numerous job opportunities, from software engineering to mobile development, back-end services, and more. Oracle’s continued investment in the language guarantees that Java will stay relevant and keep up with technological advancements. 

So what are you waiting for?

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