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How to land software engineering interviews in 2024

Fahim ul Haq
Jun 03, 2024
9 min read

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by CS job prospects in 2024. Between frequent news of layoffs and rapid advancements in AI, new graduates may wonder if they stand a chance at breaking into software development.

I'll be honest: it's much tougher to become a junior developer today than it was when I learned to code in the early 00's. The market is more saturated and competitive. That said, AI isn't the barrier to employment you might think! With a clear roadmap and focused preparation, you can show employers that you're "AI-ready" — and land interviews for jobs that fit your skillset.

This blog series will guide you through the process of applying and interviewing for software engineering jobs as a recent graduate. Today, we'll focus on the critical first steps in your career journey:

  • How to target the right jobs

  • How to write a standout resume

If you haven't started this process yet, don't panic (but don't wait). You've spent years studying to get to this point. Now, it's time to show prospective employers how your skills and experience can impact their organization.

Let's start by addressing one of the most common questions among new CS graduates.

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Will AI affect my job prospects?#

There's no question that AI is transforming how software is built. At most tech companies, developers use AI assistants to automate processes and reduce grunt work.

So, has this led to reduced demand for developers?

Nope! AI assistants are just that — assistants. Even Devin AI, the "first fully autonomous software engineer," fails to solve complex problems independently. AI may reduce the demand for some types of developer roles in the future, but it's a far-off possibility. In fact, as AI becomes more embedded in engineering workflows, oversight from strong programmers is more critical than ever.

AI hasn't hurt your chances at becoming a professional developer in 2024. It hasn't even changed the fundamental skills employers look for in junior developers. As long as you show that you're "AI ready" (more on this later), your odds of success are basically the same as they were before ChatGPT.

So, if you see headlines exclaiming that AI is coming for your jobs, don't waste precious time or energy worrying. Not only is it untrue, but it's a distraction from the work that needs to be done to launch your career.

Target the right jobs#

About 5% of software engineering applicants are selected for preliminary screening. Knowing the odds are stacked against you, it's tempting to play the numbers game and apply to every software engineering position you can find.

Only about 5% of software engineering applicants are selected for an initial screen

I'd argue this approach is counterproductive. While it's helpful to keep an open mind about opportunities, there's no sense in applying for jobs that don't align with your skills, interests, or circumstances. You're less likely to be selected for screening or succeed in the interview (and even if you do, who wants to be miserable in their first CS job?).

Instead of casting a wide net, apply for a healthy amount of roles that meet most of your criteria. You'll experience higher rates of success, with a lower chance of burnout.

To help you target the right jobs, let's demystify the application process. 

Applying at FAANG#

At most FAANG companies, applications for recent graduates are streamlined through university recruiting programs. This is for a variety of reasons, including complexities around visa sponsorship.

If you are interested in working for the biggest US companies, be sure to contact your university recruiters. Entry-level software engineering roles won't be listed on these companies' websites. One exception is Netflix, where you can apply for roles in their "new grad program" directly.

Unsurprisingly, roles at FAANG companies are the most competitive. This shouldn't deter you from applying, but it's important to have realistic expectations. Don't waste your time reaching out to managers at these companies, as hiring is largely out of their hands.

Applying everywhere else#

Fortunately, there are tons of great opportunities outside of FAANG.

Pay attention to companies on the verge of FAANG status, mid-sized companies, and startups. If you are a good fit for the role, your application is far more likely to be noticed, as engineering managers have more autonomy in the hiring process. Larger companies may have you apply through a portal, but some applications may go directly to the manager for that team.

Applying for jobs outside of the university recruiting process can feel like the wild west. However, resources that curate recent job listings can make your life a lot easier.

One of my favorites is the "Who is hiring?" thread on Hacker News. At the start of every month, Hacker News posts a list of openings for software engineering roles. You can view the thread on Hacker News or HNHIRING, which indexes past threads and organizes roles by technology, location, and more.

Using a trusted resource like Hacker News ensures you have consistent access to fresh job listings. Plus, it saves you time scouring the internet for relevant opportunities.  

Write a standout resume#

In the initial screening, recruiters and hiring managers spend at most 30-60 seconds scanning each resume. That's why it's crucial to stand out right away.

Applying for jobs that actually match your skills and interests can help you get noticed. However, it's only half the battle. If your resume doesn't highlight your unique strengths, roles that could be a great fit will pass you by.

I've reviewed hundreds of resumes for jobs at Microsoft, Facebook, and now Educative. Here are the 2 most common mistakes that lead me to pass on a resume.

2 most common resume mistakes#

Mistake #1: Vague bullet points#

Phrases like "contributed to x" or "participated in y" don't tell me anything about your actual skills or impact. Be specific and action-oriented. Tell me what you built, the technologies you used, and the impact your contributions made.

Here are some examples of vague bullet points and how to rephrase them.

Example 1#

Instead of: Contributed to our core product.

Try: Developed an Express RESTful API that improved retrieval efficiency by 30%.

Example 2#

Instead of: Helped improve website performance.

Try: Optimized website performance by implementing lazy loading and code splitting that resulted in a 20% decrease in page load time.

Example 3#

Instead of: Involved in database management.

Try: Implemented a MySQL indexing strategy on our core database, improving query performance by 50%.

Mistake #2: Too many skills#

I understand why candidates list dozens of skills on their resume. Especially as a new graduate, you want to appear versatile. However, hiring managers see through this right away — it's impossible to be highly skilled in 30+ technologies.

Listing too many skills undermines your credibility. If I am looking for a Java Engineer and see Java mentioned alongside 20 other technologies, I'm going to wonder: Do you have deep knowledge of Java? Or did you decide to list it after writing one program?

At the end of the day, painting yourself as a jack of all trades makes you blend into the crowd. It's much easier to stand out when you discuss a few things you're really good at. So, don't bury your strengths in a list — highlight a few technologies you know well and tell me what you built with them!

Does my resume need to include AI?#

In 2024, many software engineers use AI in their work. Even if they're not building AI products, they leverage AI to build software more efficiently.

So, what does this mean for entry-level developers?

Successful candidates don't need to be ready to work on AI models directly. All I need to see is the following:

Qualities of AI-ready candidates #

Strong programming and problem-solving skills#

AI can't perform a human developer's work, but it can free you up to focus on more complex problem solving. New developers need the skills to find creative solutions and fact-check AI-generated outputs. Showing that you're a strong programmer is part of being "AI ready."

Willingness to embrace AI #

Don't oversell your AI skills! If you've taken a prompt engineering course or incorporated AI into a project, indicate this on your resume — it shows that you've gotten started and are interested in learning more. However, there's no need to try and become an AI expert (or portray yourself as one) to improve your job prospects.

Instead, show curiosity about how developer tooling and customer needs are evolving. Continuous learning has never been more important in a successful developer’s career. Companies expect you to learn new skills on the job, and want to see that you're eager to grow.

Be realistic, but don't give up#

Tech companies used to roll out the red carpet for CS graduates. Unfortunately, this hasn't been the case in the last couple of years.

It's very difficult to land your first job out of school. I don't say this to discourage you, but rather to help you manage your expectations. If you expect to transition right from school into your dream job, you're more likely to take rejections personally and feel frustrated.

Rejections (and radio silence) are inevitable. Especially if you're starting this process in the summer, hiring decisions can take a long time. You may be interviewing in August/September for roles that start in October/November.

Whatever the season, remember that companies are taking a bigger risk on new graduates than they are on established developers. You don't have real-world experience yet — and there are so many of you vying for the same roles. It makes sense that this can be a slow process.

Even so, with a targeted job search, strong resume, and persistence, you can absolutely make it into the interview pool for some exciting opportunities.

Get a jumpstart on interview prep#

Even if you're still writing your resume, it's never too early to start on interview prep. Effective preparation takes several weeks, so don't wait until you land an interview to begin.

GitHub students, be sure to verify your student status on GitHub and sign up for Educative here. We have a ton of free perks to help you interview with confidence, including free access to the following courses:

Good luck…and stay tuned for more tips on how to launch your developer career!


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