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Introduction to C: How to Get Started

Aisha Noor
Oct 06, 2023
5 min read
What Is C?
History of C 
Uses of C 
Why C?
Getting Started with C
Sample C program
Structure of the C program
How to Compile C Program
Start Learning C Now

If you're a beginner who wants an introduction to C programming, you have landed at just the right blog. Despite being old, this language is still powerful. Let’s explore how this popular general-purpose language works.

What Is C?

In 1972, Dennis Ritchie developed C language at Bell Laboratories. Its main purpose was to develop the UNIX operating system. Now, it’s used to develop software such as operating systems, interpreters, databases, etc. It supports structured programming as it’s a procedural language, and its simplicity and flexibility make it a popular choice for programmers. If you want to grasp the basics of programming, learning C is the perfect place to start.

History of C 

C language descends from the structured language ‘ALGOL.’ Structured language programs are composed of various modules. These modules can be written separately and brought together in a single program later. This makes the testing, maintaining, and debugging processes easier. Later on, BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language) came into the picture as a system software development language. In 1970, Ken Thompson introduced ‘B’ — another language that contained many features of BCPL. Dennis Ritchie developed C by combining the useful features of these three languages. The unique features of C make it excellent for system software and compiler development. This basic coding language has served as the basis of C++ and Java.

Uses of C 

Due to the versatility of C language, it can be applied to the following domains:

  • Video game development: Its high performance and low-level control make it ideal for game engines.

  • GUI applications: C interfaces with underlying operating systems and graphics libraries to create graphical user interfaces.

  • Database systems: C manages memory directly, making it easier to build DBMS. MySQL was created using C.

  • Artificial Intelligence: C provides efficient algorithm implementation and resource optimization in AI applications.

  • OS: C is the primary language for writing operating systems like UNIX, Apple’s OS X, Linux, and Windows.

  • Embedded systems: C can precisely control hardware and memory, making embedded system design simpler.

  • Banking: C makes processing financial transactions and data is very efficient.

  • Cloud computing: C is used to build cloud infrastructure and optimize server resources.

  • Distributed systems: Using C, you can implement network protocols and manage communication nodes.

Why C?

Here are some easy-to-remember features of C that will prove why you should learn C:

  • Clean syntax: The simplicity of C's syntax makes it easy to learn to code quickly. Modern programming languages — like Java, Python, PHP, etc. — have all borrowed syntax from C. So you will grasp other languages faster if you learn C first. The underlying architecture of an operating system, like pointers, memory allocations, etc., will become clear to you once you learn C. 

  • Fast: C has a faster execution time compared to Java and Python. It has 32 keywords, various data types, and powerful built-in functions.

  • Portable: C is highly portable, so programs written in C can be run on other machines.

  • Low-level Memory Access: C can handle low-level activities easily, so scientific computing, simulations, and numerical analysis are smoother with C.

  • Extendable: This function of C makes it very useful for complex programming. Apart from its powerful features, you can add your functions and features to the library to easily access these functions anywhere in your program.

Getting Started with C

Let’s look at a simple C program to understand the basic syntax structure. This will help you feel comfortable when you start coding.

Sample C program

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

  int a = 10;

  printf("%d", a);

  return 0;  


Structure of the C program


The program above demonstrates basic commands in C and the program’s structure. If you don’t follow this structure, you will receive a compilation error. You can break it down like this:

  • #include <stdio.h>: Header

  • int main(void): Main

  • {: beginning of main function

  • }: end of main function

  • printf("%d", a); : Statement

  • return 0; : Return

A header file has a ‘.h’ extension and contains C function declarations and macro definitions. We need this command to call the input-output header file from the C library. A # in C indicates that the preprocessor will process this line. The main function holds a special role as the program’s entry point where execution commences. By default, its return type is int, and it can exist in two variations: with or without parameters. The statement line is the one that gives instructions to the compiler. In this program, it tells the compiler to display the value of ‘a’ on the screen. The return statement returns the value from the main(), indicating that the program has ended. Other important things you should know are as follows:

  • Comments: You can use comments in C to explain your code. Create a comment by enclosing the text with /* and */. Everything between these is considered a comment and will be ignored during code execution.

  • getch();: Character input from the keyboard is done through this command.

  • return 0;: This command terminates the main program and returns the value 0.

How to Compile C Program

How do you execute this program? To make a program readable for a machine, you need to compile it. C is a compiled language, so a compiler is required to convert the program into an object file. After compiling the file, the linker combines all the object files to create one executable file. Some popular compilers you can get online are the Clang compiler, MinGW Compiler, and Turbo C.

Start Learning C Now

The ease and utility of learning C are evident in this blog. C language makes it easier for you to learn other languages and, as a result, opens more job opportunities for you. And the wide variety of its applications makes it very popular.

If this introduction to C programming has intrigued you, we can make the next steps easier. Without the hassle of installation, you can learn to write and run code in C language. The in-browser coding environment is perfect for a C newbie. Try our 'Learn C from Scratch' beginner course. You can overcome the initial anxiety with the 11 quizzes and 103 Playgrounds in this course.

Happy learning!


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