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Home/Blog/Programming/Does a straight line pass through a group of line segments?

Does a straight line pass through a group of line segments?

6 min read
Jan 15, 2024
Vertical line segments transversal problem
Properties of transversal lines
Mathematical optimization and linear programming
Finding transversal line using linear programming
Visualizing transversal lines in the primal plane

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In algorithm design, some seemingly simple problems often evade simple solutions. For such problems, the solution requires the help of specific mathematical tools. Once these tools are employed, there's often a direct path to the solution. Such problems offer a unique opportunity to understand complex and difficult mathematical ideas.

This blog discusses a Computational Geometry problem that evades simple solutions. In solving this problem, the required mathematical ideas will become clear. The problem statement is below.

Vertical line segments transversal problem#

Problem statement: Given a set of nn vertical line segments S={s1,s2,,sn}S = \left \{ s_1, s_2, \dots , s_n \right \} in the plane, decide, in linear time—that is, in O(n)O(n) time—whether there is a straight line that passes through all nn line segments or not.

As shown in the figure below, each line segment is described by the following three values:

  • x-coordinate xix_i

  • upper y-coordinate yi+y_i^+

  • lower y-coordinate yiy_i^-

An instance of n vertical line segments problem
An instance of n vertical line segments problem

The transversal line of SS is the line that passes through all line segments in SS. The problem asks about the existence of a transversal line of SS. Other variants of the problem are as follows:

  • Find a specific transversal line. For example, the line with the lowest/highest slope.

  • Identify all transversal lines of SS.

This blog will also solve the variants of the problem.

Properties of transversal lines#

Let us try to find a transversal line of SS. Consider the straight line ll parameterized by the slope mm and y-intercept c-c:

For ll to be a valid transversal of the set SS, it should pass through all line segments in SS. For ll to pass through a line segment sis_i, the y-coordinate of the point on ll when its x-coordinate is xix_i should lie between the limits yiy_i^- and yi+y_i^+. This results in the following two linear conditions on the y-coordinate yi=mxicy_i = mx_i-c.

Each line segment in SS contributes these conditions. For ll to be a valid transversal of SS, it should satisfy all such conditions.

An instance of n vertical line segments problem with a transversal line l
An instance of n vertical line segments problem with a transversal line l

The conditions are linear constraints in the unknowns mm and cc. The valid transversal lines satisfy all these constraints. We have successfully transformed the problem of finding a transversal line of SS into an optimization problem with linear constraints.

Mathematical optimization and linear programming#

Mathematical optimization is the abstraction of the problem of finding the best solution among all possible solutions. A mathematical optimization problem has the form

Where x=(x1,...,xn)x = (x_1,...,x_n) is the optimization variable, f0(x)f_0(x)is the objective function, fi(x)f_i(x) are the constraint functions, and bib_i are the bounds of the constraints. The objective function encodes the preferred solution amongst the possible choices. The optimization algorithm seeks the optimal choice xix_i^* for the optimization variable xx that minimizes (or maximizes) the objective function, depending on the problem. The choices for xx are limited by the constraint functions. The set of all possible choices for xx is called the feasible set. It's possible that the constraints are such that the feasible set is empty and in this case, the optimization problem is said to be infeasible.

The difficulty of solving an optimization problem depends on the nature of the objective and the constraint functions. The simplest form of an optimization problem is called a linear program, where the objective and constraint functions are linear.

In the objective function gTxg^Tx, the TT in the superscript represents the transpose of the column-matrix gg. Several algorithms can efficiently solve linear programs.

Luckily, the vertical line segment transversal problem maps to a linear program.

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Finding transversal line using linear programming#

The following linear program checks for the existence of a transversal line.

Here, the optimization variable is (m,c)(m, c). The constraint function is just the reformatting of the constraints given above, in matrix form. The objective function is irrelevant as we are not looking for any particular transversal line. The existence of the transversal line depends on the constraints.

The objective function gg can be used to indicate our preference. For example, to find the transversal line with the maximum gradient, set g=[10]g=\begin{bmatrix} -1\\0\end{bmatrix}.

The optimize.linprog function of Python's SciPy library can be used to solve the problem. The code below returns the optimal value of the optimization variable in case the linear program is feasible. Otherwise, it prints the message The problem is infeasible.

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linprog
# Problem instance: Feasible solution exists
n = 3
x = np.array([-3, -1, 2])
y_plus = np.array([2, 1, 2])
y_minus = np.array([-2, -1, -3])
# Problem instance: Feasible solution does not exist
# n = 3
# x = np.array([-2.5, 0, 2])
# y_plus = np.array([2, 0, 4])
# y_minus = np.array([-1, -2, 2])
# Objective function for line with maximum gradient
g = np.array([-1, 0])
# Define the inequality constraint matrix A and vector b
ones = np.ones(n)
A_1 = np.vstack((-x, ones)).T
A_2 = np.vstack((x, -ones)).T
A = np.vstack((A_1,A_2))
b = np.hstack((-y_minus, y_plus)).T
# # Define the bounds for the decision variables
bounds = [(None, None), (None, None)]
# # Solve the linear programming problem
result = linprog(g, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, bounds=bounds)
# Print result
if result.status == 2:
print("The problem is infeasible")
# Print the solution

Let us visualize the solution of the problem instance given in the code above. In the figure on the left, the three vertical line segments clearly admit several transversal lines. In the figure on the right, the set of transversal lines are visualized by plotting the feasible set of the constraint functions in the (m,c)(m,c) plane, which is the configuration space of the linear model. Each vertical line segment sis_i restricts the solution by adding two constraints that define the strips in the configuration space, shown in green. The feasible region, shown in blue, is the intersection of all the green strips and describes the set of all valid transversal lines for this instance. The optimal solution is the line with the maximum slope mm, which is shown on the primal plane as a dashed line and on the dual plane as the right-most feasible point.

An instance of the problem with n = 3.
An instance of the problem with n = 3.

The plot on the right depicts what is known as the dual plane. A line l:y=mxcl: y=mx-c in the (x,y)(x,y)-plane can be represented as the point (m,c)(m,-c) in the (m,c)(m,c)-plane. The (x,y)(x,y)-plane is called the primal plane and the (m,c)(m,c)-plane is called the dual plane. The primal-dual transform is a very useful tool in computational geometry, and is used here to visualize the set of valid transversal lines in the solution space. The feasible set (blue region) can be projected back to the primal plane to see the region of the transversal lines.

The problem instance in lines 11–14 is shown below, where there is no transversal line and the green strips don't have a common region of intersection. For this case, the linear program is infeasible and hence the program prints The problem is infeasible .

An instance of the problem with n = 3 with no transversal line
An instance of the problem with n = 3 with no transversal line

Visualizing transversal lines in the primal plane#

Visualize the set of transversal lines by projecting the feasible region in the dual plane back to the primal plane.

The feasible region is a convex polygon. Each vertex of the convex polygon represents a line in the primal plane. These vertices are projected back to the primal plane as dashed lines and the region in between all pairs of lines is filled to represent the set of transversal lines. There are some examples in the slides below.

The number of dashed lines on the left is equal to the number of vertices of the blue feasible polygon on the right.

1 / 4
An instance of the problem with n = 2

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between line segment and straight line?

A line segment is a finite portion of a straight line that is defined by two distinct endpoints. We can say that it has a measurable length. However, a straight line is infinitely long, extending endlessly in both directions. It has no endpoints, making its length immeasurable. Both concepts are fundamental in geometry, with line segments being specific and measurable sections of straight lines.

Written By:
Usama Mehmood
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