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Home/Blog/Programming/Geometric series and classic 'prune and search'

Geometric series and classic 'prune and search'

11 min read
Dec 08, 2023
Geometric series: A recap
Bounded geometric series
Proof of the bound of geometric series
Some key observations
Prune and search
Finding the majority element
The pruning strategy
The shrinking procedure will not violate the majority condition
Analysis of this pruning strategy idea
Exercise: What happens if NNN is odd?
C++ implementation
Conclusion and applications

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Mathematics studies patterns, sequences, and series, aiding in modeling natural phenomena and resolving real-world problems. Among these series, the geometric series stands out for its intriguing characteristics. In this blog, we will explore the concept of geometric series, investigate their cumulative bounds, and become familiar with the algorithmic approach known as prune and search.

Prune and search is a well-known technique for locating centerpoints, originally introduced by Nimrod Megiddo in 1983. Since its inception, it has become a prominent method in the field of algorithms and has found applications across various domains. This algorithmic strategy offers an efficient way to derive solutions from the search domain by progressively reducing the problem size in a geometrically decreasing manner, resulting in a time complexity bounded by the limits of the geometric series.

Geometric series: A recap#

Before we delve into the bounded form, let’s reiterate the concept of a geometric series. A geometric series is an ordered sequence of numbers in which each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by a fixed, non-zero constant called the common ratio, denoted by rr. Mathematically, the series can be represented as:

Here, aa stands for the initial term, and rr is called the common ratio.

Bounded geometric series#

In many real-world scenarios, we encounter situations where finding the sum of a bounded geometric series is crucial (where we know there are nn number of terms). The sum of the first nn terms, denoted as SnS_n​, can be calculated using the formula:

Proof of the bound of geometric series#

Here is the standard proof of finding the summation of a geometric series.

Algebraic approach

Consider the following: Multiply both sides of the equation by the common ratio rr:

Sn=a+ar+ar2+ar3++arn2+arn1rSn=ar+ar2+ar3+ar4++arn1+arnSnrSn=aarnSn=a(1rn)1r\begin{align} S_n &= a + ar + ar^2 + ar^3 + \ldots + ar^{n-2} + ar^{n-1} \\ rS_n &= ar + ar^2 + ar^3 + ar^4 + \ldots + ar^{n-1} + ar^n \\ S_n - rS_n &= a - ar^n \\ S_n &= \frac{a(1-r^n)}{1-r} \end{align}

Some key observations#

In our big O\space O notation, if rr is a positive real number between (0,1)(0 ,1), then it will become a decreasing geometric series; we can easily prove that the entire summation will be O(a)O(a).

Theorem: In a decreasing positive geometric series where 0<r<10<r<1 the series sum is bounded by the first term.

Proof: Continuing from equation (4), we can easily say that rn0r^n \to 0 as nn \to \infty.

Therefore, the top equation (4) will become:

Sn=a1r\begin{align} S_n = \frac{a}{1-r} \end{align}

For all practical purposes, for a fixed value 0<r<10<r<1, the value of 11r\frac{1}{1-r} will just be constant. Therefore,

Sn=O(a)\begin{align} S_n = O(a) \end{align}

Remember: If a quantity is decreasing (shrinking) by a geometric fixed ratio instance by instance, then the entire summation of that series of all the infinite events will be bounded by a constant time first term.


If a quantity is increasing (expanding) by a geometric fixed ratio (r>1r>1), then the series will always be bounded by the last term.

Remark: We leave the second statement as a homework question for you to ponder about.

This key equation (6) is the foundational ground for one of the most important computer science techniques, prune and search.

The basic idea is a recursive strategy involving pruning the search space such that the original problem size on each recursive step shrinks by a constant pruned factor 0<p<10<p<1, where one pruning step takes f(N)f(N) time. This can be seen as a recurrence in the following form:

For example: If we assume p=12p=\frac{1}{2}, the above recurrence seems like a recurrence of the binary search only if f(N)f(N) is a constant. But for this blog, we assume that f(N)f(N) is at least a linear function, i.e., O(Nc)O(N^c) where c1c\geq1, that is, we scan through the entire input search space at least once.

The question is, how will we compute the running time of such a recurrence?

Think for a while! Can you see a connection with the above geometric series?

The recurrence sum will look like the following:

Let’s take a few example instances of f(N)f(N).

  1. If we have f(N)=Nf(N) = N and p=12p = \frac{1}{2}, then the summation will look like:

T(N)=N+N2+N4+N8+...+8+4+2+1T(N) = N + \frac{N}{2} + \frac{N}{4} + \frac{N}{8} + ... + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1

  • We know that this summation is bounded by 2N2N i.e., O(N)O(N).
  1. If we have f(N)=N2f(N)=N^2, then the summation will look like:

T(N)=N2+(N2)2+(N4)2+(N8)2+...+12T(N) = N^2 + (\frac{N}{2})^2 + (\frac{N}{4})^2 + (\frac{N}{8})^2 + ... + 1^2

T(N)=N2+N24+N216+N264+...+12T(N) = N^2 + \frac{N^2}{4} + \frac{N^2}{16} + \frac{N^2}{64} + ... + 1^2

  • This summation is also bounded by the first term, that is, O(N2)O(N^2), due to equation (6), as decreasing geometric series summation is bounded by the first term, and here, the first term is N2N^2.

Let’s delve into a practical example of the prune-and-search technique in action and evaluate its effectiveness in terms of time complexity.

Finding the majority element#

An element in an array is called a majority element if it appears more than half of the time in an array.

It is obvious to see that there could be at most one majority element in any array.

We would like to solve the following problem:

Given an array/vector of NN elements that may or may not contain a majority element, find the majority element (if it exists) in O(N)O(N) time.

There are multiple ways to solve this problem:

  • Naive approach: We find the frequency of every element and report the element with more than half occurrences. This approach will take O(N2)O(N^2) time.

  • Using a balanced binary search tree: Using AVL (or any binary search tree), we insert every value in the tree. If the value already exists, we increment its count. We report the element that occurs half of the time. This approach will take O(NlogN)O(N \log N) time (as the height of such a tree will be at most O(logN)O(log⁡N), and every element must be inserted and searched while maintaining the frequency).

  • Using hashing: Another approach to solving this problem is by utilizing hashing, which can be done in O(N)O(N) time. Assign each element’s value as a key and accumulate the count of each occurrence while calculating the frequency of each element. Afterward, iterate through the hash table and identify the element with the highest frequency as the candidate for the majority element.

Let’s discuss our solution using the classical prune and search approach.

The pruning strategy#

The idea is the following:

  1. We pair up elements arbitrarily.

  2. We compare each pair of elements such that:

    1. If the two elements are different, we discard both of them.

    2. If the two elements are the same, we choose one of them as a representative.

  3. We repeat the above procedure (steps 1–2) until we are only left with one number. That number is our candidate for the majority element.

Before we look at its time complexity, we should look at its correctness.

The shrinking procedure will not violate the majority condition#

If we assume that the majority element exists, the first step is just pairing up elements, so no pruning is involved in this step.

In the second step of pruning, the majority condition will not be violated. Let’s see why, by looking at it case by case separately:

  • If the two compared elements are different (one of them could be the majority element), we reject both elements. Therefore, when we reject one majority element, it also removes one of the other elements. Thus, this decision does not break the majority condition.

  • The only case left is when the two elements are identical (both pairs could be majority or non-majority elements). In that scenario, we select one of the elements. In this pruning scenario, the majority element always retains its majority status. This is because, if the majority element exists, the majority of the pairs will consist of the same elements, with the majority of element pairs being the predominant ones.

Analysis of this pruning strategy idea#

Assume we have NN numbers at the beginning of the step; if we look closely at the two pruning steps, the problem size is shrunk to at max N2\frac{N}{2}, and when we repeat this recursive procedure, the problem size becomes N4\frac{N}{4}. Therefore the total comparisons will follow this recurrence:

This recurrence will yield the total cost of the following sequence:

Therefore the entire prune and search approach will yield a total cost of O(N)O(N), which is asymptotically equal to the cost of the first step.

See the figure below for details:

Algorithm: finding the majority element
Algorithm: finding the majority element

Exercise: What happens if NNN is odd?#

We have deliberately posed the solution assuming that NN is an even number; what if we have an odd number of elements? In that case, how will we proceed with the pruning process?

C++ implementation#

Here is the C++ implementation of finding the majority element using the prune and search technique:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int findMajorityElement(vector<int>& nums)
if (nums.size() == 1)
return nums[0]; // Base case: Only one element left
int si = 0;
if(nums.size()%2==1) // odd case
// let us test the first element as the candidate of majority.
int count=0;
for(int i=1; i<nums.size(); i++)
// if nums[0]: is the majority element return
// otherwise we can safely reject 0'th element which we are unable to pair
if(count>nums.size()/2) // we have found the majority element
return nums[0];
vector<int> newVector;
// for odd case we start from si=1 otherwise si=0
for (int i = si; i < nums.size(); i += 2)
if (i + 1 < nums.size() && nums[i] == nums[i + 1])
return findMajorityElement(newVector); // Recursive call
int main() {
vector<int> nums = {4, 3, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4,5}; // Example input
int majorityElement = findMajorityElement(nums);
cout << "The majority element is: " << majorityElement << endl;
return 0;
  • Lines 7–10: This is the base condition. That is, if we have only one number left, the potential majority element.

  • Line 13: We separate the odd case and make sure that if we have such a case, the first element is to be checked as the majority element by instantly checking and declaring whether it is the majority element or rejecting this unpaired element.

  • Lines 16–21: We count the occurrence of the fixed first element (as the potential candidate).

  • Lines 24–25: We check if this is the majority element; we return that value, and no need to check any other further.

  • Line 27: If this line executes, we can safely ignore the first element; therefore, we increment si by 1 so that the next comparison starts from the index 1 instead of 0 (making sure we have even candidates), and the pruning process can be applied.

  • Lines 32–38: Here, we compare the pair and select the left element as a representative (by adding it into newVector) in case both elements are matched, or reject both if they are unmatched (making sure that if one element of the majority element gets rejected along with that, a non-majority element gets rejected too, therefore the majority remains in the majority).

Conclusion and applications#

The prune and search technique stands as an elegant application of geometric series principles. It operates on the fundamental premise that in cases where we encounter a geometrically decreasing function, such as the cost associated with each step where the search space consistently contracts by a common ratio, the overall cost remains bounded by the value of the initial term. This approach leverages the inherent property of the bound of geometric series, enabling elegant and efficient solutions.

The applications of this technique are multifaceted and extend to various domains. For instance, in deterministic quicksort, the process of finding the KK-th smallest element relies on a similar pruning technique, demonstrating the versatility of this approach in sorting and searching algorithms. Additionally, in the realm of deep learning, when training deep neural networks, layers often geometrically shrink through techniques like max/min/average pooling.

Pyramid of average pooling
Pyramid of average pooling

This deliberate geometric reduction of problem size results in a net time complexity that mirrors the bigOO complexity of the first step, offering a remarkable advantage in feature selection and processing efficiency. These examples highlight the diverse and valuable applications of the prune and search technique across different fields and problem-solving scenarios.

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Written By:
Sarfraz Raza
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