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Understanding random forests in machine learning

8 min read
Mar 19, 2024
Decision trees
Ensemble learning
Random forests
Training random forests
Common challenges and mitigations

In the field of machine learning, making effective decisions is crucial for the success of models. Just like in everyday life, where choices lead to outcomes, machines depend on decisions to handle complex tasks. However, creating accurate and reliable decisions is challenging, and that’s where random forest, a strong ensemble learning technique, comes in.

Unlike individual models, random forests use the combined power of multiple decision trees for a more resilient and accurate prediction process. In this blog post, our goal is to simplify the workings of a random forest by breaking down its core components.

From the basics of decision trees to the ensemble approach of random forests, we’ll walk you through each step, explaining the details and helping you understand and use this influential machine learning tool. Let’s explore the secrets behind random forests and discover their potential for improving decision-making in the field of machine learning.

Decision trees#

Decision trees serve as fundamental building blocks in machine learning, mimicking the decision-making process humans use in problem-solving. Think of them as a flowchart for decision-making, where each internal node represents a test on a specific attribute, each branch signifies the outcome of the test, and each leaf node represents the final decision or outcome. By recursively partitioning the data based on features, decision trees create a hierarchical structure that facilitates efficient decision paths.

At the heart of decision trees lies their ability to make decisions based on features. Features are the characteristics or attributes of the data, such as age, income, or temperature. The tree evaluates these features at each node, determining the path to follow based on the conditions met. For instance, a decision tree predicting whether it’s a good day for outdoor activities might assess features like weather conditions, temperature, and wind speed. The decision-making process continues until a leaf node is reached, providing the final prediction or decision.

Node splitting and tree growth are essential concepts in understanding how decision trees evolve. Node splitting involves dividing a node into subnodes based on a chosen feature and its threshold value. The goal is to create branches that separate the data, making distinctions that lead to more accurate predictions. Tree growth occurs as the decision tree expands by adding nodes and branches through the splitting process. A well-constructed decision tree balances the need for complexity to capture patterns and simplicity to prevent overfitting, ensuring it can generalize well to unseen data.

Ensemble learning#

Ensemble learning is a smart way to boost model performance by teaming up multiple models for decision-making. Instead of relying on just one predictive model, ensemble learning harnesses the combined strengths of several models working together. This teamwork taps into the diverse perspectives and strengths of each model, resulting in a more reliable and accurate prediction system. Essentially, ensemble learning follows the idea that a group’s collective intelligence is often better than that of any single individual.

The key to why ensemble learning works well is its ability to address the weaknesses found in individual models. Models can have biases, make inaccurate assumptions, or struggle with certain data subsets. Ensembles tackle these limitations by bringing together predictions from various models, lessening the impact of errors or biases in any single model. By promoting diversity in model perspectives, ensemble learning not only boosts accuracy but also improves the model’s ability to handle new, unseen data. This collaborative approach is crucial for developing more trustworthy and resilient machine learning models.

One popular technique in ensemble learning is bagging, short for bootstrap aggregating. Bagging entails training multiple instances of the same model on different subsets of the training data created through random sampling with replacement (bootstrap). Each model contributes its unique insights, and the final prediction is often determined by combining the outputs, like averaging or voting.

Random forests#

Essentially, a random forest is a group of individual decision trees, each designed to make predictions independently. However, what makes random forests special is their collaborative power, where the ensemble combines the results of these trees to create a more accurate and resilient prediction. Unlike a single decision tree that might be influenced by the specificities of its training data, random forests leverage diversity and teamwork to achieve better outcomes.

The key to the success of random forests lies in introducing randomness during their creation. 

  • Firstly, when constructing each tree, random forests can choose random features at each decision point: instead of considering all the features for node splitting, only a subset is taken into account, adding an element of unpredictability. 

  • Secondly, random forests use bootstrap sampling, randomly selecting subsets of the training data with replacements for each tree. This injects variability into the data each tree encounters, making the ensemble more robust and less prone to overfitting.

Beyond their ensemble structure and introduction of randomness, random forests offer numerous advantages. They excel in terms of accuracy and generalization, providing a reliable solution for various prediction tasks. Their inherent robustness acts as a defense against overfitting, a common challenge in machine learning. Additionally, random forests gracefully handle missing data, a valuable trait in real-world datasets. Moreover, the main implementations of random forests come with a built-in feature importance ranking, allowing users to identify which features contribute most significantly to the model’s predictive power. This versatility makes them a preferred choice for practitioners seeking effective and interpretable machine learning solutions.

Training random forests#

Training a random forest involves a systematic process that leverages the strength of multiple decision trees. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the random forest training process:

  1. Data preparation:

    1. Begin with a labeled dataset containing features and corresponding target values.

    2. Randomly sample subsets of the data through bootstrap sampling, creating multiple training datasets for each tree.

  2. Tree construction:

    1. For each dataset, construct a decision tree using a random subset of features at each node split.

    2. Continue building the tree until a predefined depth or purity criterion is met.

    3. Repeat this process for the designated number of trees in the forest.

  3. Ensemble aggregation:

    1. Once all the decision trees are constructed, predictions are made for each tree on the validation or test set.

    2. Aggregate the predictions, typically by averaging for regression tasks or voting for classification tasks.

    3. The ensemble output represents the final prediction of the random forest.

Now, let’s delve into the importance of the “forest” size, which refers to the number of trees in the random forest:

  • Increasing the number of trees generally improves model performance, but it comes at the cost of increased computational complexity.

  • There’s a point of diminishing returns where adding more trees yields marginal improvements.

  • Careful consideration is required to strike a balance between model accuracy and computational efficiency.

In summary, training a random forest involves constructing multiple decision trees, each with its own distinct features, and aggregating their predictions to achieve a more reliable and accurate model. The careful selection of the forest size parameter is pivotal, striking a balance between performance and computational efficiency. The collective strength of individual trees is harnessed to enhance the model’s overall predictive power.

Common challenges and mitigations#

While random forests are generally more resistant to overfitting compared to individual decision trees, it’s important to be aware of potential challenges to ensure the model performs optimally. Overfitting can still be an issue, especially when the forest size is too large. A considerable number of trees might end up memorizing the training data, affecting the model’s ability to generalize to new, unseen examples. To address this, practitioners can experiment with hyperparameters like the maximum depth of individual trees or use techniques such as cross-validation to strike a balance between model complexity and performance on new data.

Fine-tuning and optimizing random forest models require a careful exploration of hyperparameters. Key parameters include the number of features considered at each split, tree depth, and the minimum number of samples needed to split a node. Experimenting with these parameters using methods like grid search or random search helps find the configuration that produces the best performance. Additionally, enhancing ensemble diversity can be achieved by adjusting hyperparameters, such as changing the seed for randomization or modifying the minimum samples per leaf, resulting in a more varied collection of decision trees in the forest.

Dealing with imbalanced datasets is another crucial aspect of random forests. Imbalance, where one class significantly outnumbers the others, can introduce bias into predictions. Random forests can be sensitive to class imbalances, showing a preference for the majority class in predictions. To tackle this, techniques like resampling—balancing the dataset by oversampling the minority class or undersampling the majority class—can be employed. Alternatively, adjusting class weights to penalize misclassifying the minority class more heavily helps ensure that random forests deliver fair and accurate predictions across all classes, even in the presence of imbalanced data distributions.


Random forests have significantly impacted various industries, proving valuable in finance for credit scoring and fraud detection, in healthcare for disease prediction and medical image classification, in environmental science for species classification and land cover mapping, and in marketing for customer segmentation, product recommendations, and ad targeting. Their versatility in handling diverse data types, managing missing values, and preventing overfitting positions them as a reliable tool across domains such as finance, healthcare, ecology, marketing, and more. As you explore machine learning, consider incorporating random forests into your projects for their adaptability and reliability, utilizing the collective intelligence of decision trees to enhance your models.

Written By:
Arthur Mello
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