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Home/Blog/Programming/Build a Game of Rock, Paper, Scissors in JavaScript

Build a Game of Rock, Paper, Scissors in JavaScript

11 min read
Oct 19, 2023
Game Rules
Starter Template
The Code
Defining Element Objects and an Array
Enabling the “Play” Button
Handling the “Play” Button Click
Displaying the Player’s Choice
The Computer Player
Deciding the Result
That’s All, Folks

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This blog assumes basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is targeted towards individuals who are learning to create web applications.

When learning to code, practicing by creating applications is extremely important. Early-stage learners often get discouraged by the complexity of it all. Creating games is a great way to practice coding for a variety of reasons. First, we're familiar with the game rules, so that removes some of the complexity from the process. Second, games are fun, so we enjoy ourselves coding them.

In this blog, we’ll create a game of rock-paper-scissors in JavaScript. In the process, we’ll learn or reinforce the following:

  • Setting up radio buttons and a button in HTML

  • Manipulating the DOM in JavaScript

  • Attaching and defining event listeners to the HTML input elements

Game Rules#

You almost certainly know the rules of the game, but let's have a look at them again:

  • Both players choose either rock, paper, or scissors.

  • If both players choose the same item, it is a tie.

  • If player 1 chooses rock and player 2 chooses paper, player 2 wins because paper wraps the rock.

  • If player 1 chooses rock and player 2 chooses scissors, player 1 wins because rock breaks scissors.

  • If player 1 chooses scissors and player 2 chooses paper, player 1 wins because scissors cut paper.

The rules of the game: paper wraps rock; rock breaks scissors; scissors cut paper
The rules of the game: paper wraps rock; rock breaks scissors; scissors cut paper


A fundamental skill to learn in coding is to be able to break down a problem into smaller, manageable subproblems. So, spend some time trying to find smaller subproblems that, when solved, will complete the implementation of this game. You should arrive at a list resembling the following:

  • Create a web page on which the game will be played.

  • Allow the player to select from rock, paper, and scissors. Update the web page with the player’s choice.

  • Implement a computer player that randomly picks from rock, paper, and scissors. Update the web page with the computer’s choice.

  • Decide who wins and display the result on the screen.

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5hrs 30mins
12 Playgrounds
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Starter Template#

We’ll start with some basic HTML and simple styling given in the following coding playground:

Starter HTML, and CSS templates

Let’s make sure we understand the purpose of the code given in the HTML tab and the CSS tab, bit by bit.


We first create h2 elements to show the computer (line 10) and the end user (line 11) choices. Inside the h2 elements, we place span elements to display the values picked by both players. In the HTML code, these are empty. We’ll populate the text inside these span elements using JavaScript.

For the player to choose an item, we use radio buttons created using the input and the label tags (lines 13–19). The input tag creates the radio button, when the type attribute is set to radio. The name attribute for all radio buttons is set to the same value choice, so the browser knows that they belong to the same group, and only one can be selected at a time.

The id attributes for all radio buttons and span elements are set appropriately because we’ll want to access these in JavaScript. For the radio button labels, you’ll notice that the label tags have the for attribute set equal to the id attribute of the corresponding radio button. This helps with toggling a radio button when its label is clicked.

Note that we’ve disabled the “Play” button (line 19). The thought process is that until the player makes a choice with the radio button, there’s no point clicking the “Play” button and invoking its click event handler.


We don’t need to bother with the styling of the application. However, we set the text-transform style for the span elements to capitalize so that we can use words in lowercase in JavaScript and have the browser worry about rendering “scissors” as “Scissors,” for example.

The Code#

Let’s start implementing the game in JavaScript one bit at a time.

Defining Element Objects and an Array#

Let’s start by getting objects representing the necessary HTML elements and declaring an array that holds the three strings that the computer can randomly choose from. To get programmatic access to an HTML element using its unique id, we can use the document.getElementById function from the JavaScript DOM API. We’ll pass the unique id values that we set in the HTML file earlier.

Acquiring objects representing HTML elements and declaring an array in JavaScript

Enabling the “Play” Button#

The first thing that we want to do is to enable the “Play” button as soon as a radio button is clicked. To do that, we need to add an event listener to all the radio buttons that sets the disabled attribute of the “Play” button to false.

Enabling the “Play” button when a radio button is selected

We could pick the radio buttons one by one using their id attributes and the getElementyById function, but it is more convenient and less error-prone to access all the radio buttons using a single variable. This is possible because they all have the same name attribute. We use the getElementsByName function this time. Note the plural “Elements” in the function name. It returns a collection of all HTML elements with the name value specified as the argument.

To iterate over the choices radio buttons collection, we use the functional programming style of forEach. The forEach function invokes a function for each value in the collection on which it is called. Since we are saying choices.forEach, there’ll be one call to a callback function for each value in the choices collection, which holds all of our radio buttons. The callback function is for us to specify as an argument to the forEach function. We use an anonymous function here. The variable c is assigned each radio button, one by one, in each call.

Since we wanted to add an event listener that enables the “Play” button when a radio button is clicked, we call the addEventListener function on c, with click specified as the event that we want to handle. A callback function needs to be passed as the second argument of the addEventListener function. Again, we use an anonymous function here. Since we already have access to the “Play” button, courtesy of the variable playButton, all that we need to do is playButton.disabled = false.

Handling the “Play” Button Click#

We’ll add an anonymous function as the click event listener on the “Play” button. The first thing that we’d like to know when the “Play” button is clicked, is the player’s choice.

Handling the “Play” button click

We wanted to obtain the particular radio button that was checked in the choices collection. We could do if-else, here. But why not use filter? Note that choices is a collection of HTML elements, not a JavaScript array. That means that we can’t call filter on it. So we first convert the collection of HTML elements into an array with Array.from. The argument to this function is the choices collection.

Now, we call filter on the buttonsArray using an anonymous function. This function will be called for every element in that array. For each element, b, we specify a boolean condition b.checked. The filter function returns all the elements in the buttonsArray for which this boolean condition evaluates to true. Since the array is based on radio buttons, we are confident that it’ll return an array with one element—the radio button element that was selected.

How do we extract the string associated with the radio button? Because of the way we defined the radio buttons (<input type=”radio” id=”rock” name=”choice” value=”rock”>, for example), we can use the id property. Now, let’s display this string as the player’s choice.

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17 Challenges
3 Quizzes

Displaying the Player’s Choice#

Since we’ll have to display the computer’s choice too, we’ll define a function (lines 20–22) that assigns a text to a span element, given both of these as arguments.

Displaying the player’s choice

We add the text passed as the text argument to the textContent property of the span element (line 21). Then, we go back to the “Play” button click handler and add a call to addTextToSpan() (line 17) to display the player’s choice. By now, the player will see the “Play” button initially disabled. Once they click any of the radio buttons, the “Play” button will be enabled. If they click the “Play” button, they’ll see the choice that they made in front of “Your Choice” on the page.

The Computer Player#

We want the computer to make a random choice. We want it to pick a value at random from the possibleChoices array. To do that, we need to generate a random index.

JavaScript provides a Math library with several useful functions. One of these is the Math.random function, which returns a number randomly picked between 00 (inclusive) and 11 (exclusive). The mathematical notation for this is [0,1)[0, 1). It is either the integer 00, or a fractional value, like 0.422450.42245.

A fractional value can’t be used as an array index. It has to be an integer between 00 and 22 (since the possibleChoices array has three elements). How do we convert a randomly drawn positive fractional value less than 11, to an integer value between 00 and 22?

If we multiply this random value by 33 (the size of the array), the result will be in the range [0,3)[0, 3). Why? Because the smallest randomly drawn number we had was 00—multiply that by 33, and you still have 00. The largest randomly drawn number would be something like 0.99990.9999. Multiply that by 33 and you have something like 2.99972.9997. Since any other value returned by Math.random will be a positive number in the range [0,1)[0, 1), the result after multiplication of this value with 33, will be in the range [0,3)[0, 3). We still don’t have an integer. We can convert a fractional number to an integer in two ways: ceiling and floor.

If we take the floor of random numbers in the range [0,3)[0, 3), we will get either 00, 11, or 22. On the other hand, if we take the ceiling, we’ll get either 00, 11, 22, or 33. Since we have three possibilities to pick from (rock, paper, and scissors), we’ll go with the floor approach.

We’ll define a function generateComputerChoice() (lines 25–30) that makes a random choice, sets the HTML element to show the player what the computer chose, and returns the chosen value so that the calling function can decide who wins. Next, we’ll call this function in the “Play” button click handler (line 18):

Adding computer-generated moves

Deciding the Result#

We extend the “Play” button handler to decide who wins. We define a function showResult() (lines 33–61) that takes two arguments: the player’s choice and the computer’s choice, and decides who wins.

Deciding who wins

We first check if there’s a tie (lines 34–36) because that’s easy to check. We use the === JavaScript operator. Note that we don’t use the == operator because it isn’t safe—it might do type coercion to deduce equality among different types of data.

Furthermore, we encode the game’s rules into the else if parts. Each of the player’s choices becomes one else if. If the player chooses “rock”, at this point, the computer’s choice would be either “paper”, or “scissors.” Why could it not be “rock”, too? Because we are in the else if part already, and that possibility was exhausted in the if part at the beginning. That’s why each else if block has two possibilities.

For example, if the user pick “rock” while the computer picks anything else, the condition on line 37 evaluates to true. Either the computer picks “paper” and wins (lines 38–40), or it picks “scissors” and loses (lines 41–43).

Notice that we call our addTextToSpan function to display the result on the page. Next, we add a call to this function in the “Play” button click handler (line 19).


With this addition, our game is nearly complete. There’s only one improvement we’d like to make to it. Once the result of a game is decided, we’d like the radio buttons to be reset again and the “Play” button disabled so that the learner can start another round of the game. Here’s the code with the modified event handler.

Resetting the controls

Since this is the click handler for the “Play” button, and the event source is specified in the anonymous callback function argument (the e parameter), the “Play” button itself is available through the e.target property. So we disable it using e.target.disabled = true (line 20). Also, we iterate over the choices collection to reset all the radio buttons (lines 21–23) using the forEach function.

That’s All, Folks#

That's it for this blog. Do keep practicing. Try to add features to the game or styling with CSS. Stay tuned for more blogs on games like this rock, paper, scissors in JavaScript.

Written By:
Saqib Ilyas
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