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System Design Mock Interview Guide: Key to Developer Success

Fahim ul Haq
Oct 23, 2024
11 min read

Why do even experienced software and infrastructure engineers feel the pressure when facing a System Design interview? It’s not just the open-ended questions or the high expectations from companies like Facebook (Meta), Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google (FAANG/MAANG). It’s the challenge of translating complex, real-world requirements into efficient, large-scale distributed systems—often under tight time constraints. System Design interviews test your technical skills and ability to think on your own and balance trade-offs.

Having conducted numerous System Design interviews myself, I’ve seen candidates struggle with this unique challenge. It’s not enough to know theory; you need a deep understanding of distributed systems, computer networks, and operating systems and the experience to tackle these complex problems in real time.

Given these complexities, how can you effectively prepare? A practical approach is to engage in mock interviews, which provide a hands-on way to refine your strategies and problem-solving skills.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

The role of mock interviews#

In my opinion, mock interviews for System Design are one of the best ways to prepare for actual interviews. They mimic the pressure and environment of a real interview, giving candidates a chance to experience the intensity firsthand. From presenting your initial solution to defending it during the discussion, mock interviews push you to think on your own and handle unexpected questions. However, let’s be real—being unprepared for a mock interview is a mistake. You need to practice the key concepts and practice different design problems beforehand to get the most out of the experience.

The mock interview starts with a design problem, and then there is the discussion phase, where you need to scope the problem and communicate your design choices within realistic time constraints. After asking various questions ranging from the high-level design to the detailed design, the interviewer provides detailed feedback about your performance at the end. The feedback mentions strengths and areas for improvement. Generally, mock interviews build confidence and sharpen candidates’ ability to effectively overcome the complexities of the actual System Design interviews.

Note: If you want to explore about System Design interviews, consider starting with a beginner's guide to System Design interviews.

Benefits of mock interviews#

Let’s understand some advantages of taking mock interviews:

  • Practice under pressure: While mock interviews can’t fully replicate the pressure of a real System Design interview, they still provide a valuable opportunity to practice under time constraints and navigate high-stress scenarios in a low-risk environment.

  • Feedback from the interviewer: At the end of the mock interview, the feedback provided helps the candidate overcome their technical deficiencies and prepare well for the interview.

  • Building confidence: Such interviews allow candidates to build confidence through repeated practice because practice does makes perfect, enabling them to ace the real interview more easily. 

  • Exposure to different scenarios: Another important benefit of mock interviews is that candidates expose themselves to different perspectives and questioning styles, which augment their experience and adaptability.

Take the Grokking Modern System Design course to brush up on your System Design skills.

Want to ace your system design interviews?

Grokking the Modern System Design Interview

System Design interviews are now part of every Engineering and Product Management Interview. Interviewers want candidates to exhibit their technical knowledge of core building blocks and the rationale of their design approach. This course presents carefully selected system design problems with detailed solutions that will enable you to handle complex scalability scenarios during an interview or designing new products. You will start with learning a bottom-up approach to designing scalable systems. First, you’ll learn about the building blocks of modern systems, with each component being a completely scalable application in itself. You'll then explore the RESHADED framework for architecting web-scale applications by determining requirements, constraints, and assumptions before diving into a step-by-step design process. Finally, you'll design several popular services by using these modular building blocks in unique combinations, and learn how to evaluate your design.

5 Playgrounds
18 Quizzes

The System Design AI mock interviewer#

Educative has leveraged GenAI and created a System Design AI mock interviewer primarily to replicate the experience of actual System Design interviews, offering a platform where candidates can engage in simulated interview scenarios. The AI mock interviews allow candidates to practice their System Design concepts, articulate their thoughts, and refine their problem-solving approaches in a setting that closely reflects actual interview conditions.

Don’t get me wrong; though AI mock interviews cannot be a replacement for human mock interviews, they still offer a variety of advantages. Some are listed below:

  • Accessibility: Unlike traditional in-person interviews, AI mock interviewers are accessible anytime and anywhere, making it easy for candidates to fit interview preparation into their busy schedules.

  • Ability to provide instant and unbiased feedback: AI interviewers can analyze a candidate’s performance in real-time, offering objective, instant feedback. This unbiased evaluation helps candidates quickly identify areas for improvement without any human bias.

  • Cost-effective: They are a fraction of the cost of traditional mock interviews with human interviewers, making them an affordable option for extensive practice. This cost-effectiveness allows candidates to engage in multiple sessions without a significant financial burden.

  • Adaptability: These AI interviewers adapt and adjust the difficulty and nature of questions based on the candidate’s experience and previous responses. This personalized approach ensures that the candidates prepare for the more challenging interview, increasing their chances for a senior role.

  • Constantly evolving: Unlike traditional human interviewers, these AI interviewers are constantly evolving and improving. They are continuously updated with the latest insights from the domain (e.g., System Design or API Design), recruitment trends, and user feedback. This continuous update allows them to refine the questions asked during the interview and adjust their evaluation metrics and feedback provided at the end.

  • Developed by FAANG experts: The interviewers are designed in collaboration with experts from FAANG companies, ensuring that the questions and case studies are aligned with industry standards and expectations. This expertise provides candidates with a realistic and relevant interview experience.

  • Linked with important courses: AI mock interviewers provided by Educative are integrated with System Design courses such as Grokking the Modern System Design Interview and Grokking the Principles and Practices of Advanced System Design, which cover key concepts and strategies needed for interviews. This integration enables a seamless learning experience where candidates can directly apply what they’ve learned from these courses.

Until now I’ve only discussed what the System Design AI mock interviewer brings to the table. In the following section, I’ll explain how they work and how you can interact with them.

Educative’s System and API Design Mock Interviewers#

Navigate to the educative.io/mock-interview and select the System Design or API Design interview of your choice. There are several interviewers designed specifically for different System Design and API Design problems, including:

System Design Interviewers

API Design Interviewers

  • YouTube
  • TinyURL
  • Blob Store
  • Uber
  • NewsFeed
  • WhatsApp
  • Ticketmaster
  • Payment System
  • Leetcode
  • Deployment System
  • ChatGPT
  • Stripe
  • Evernote
  • LeetCode
  • YouTube
  • Zoom
  • Uber
  • Google Maps
  • CamelCamelCamel (C3)

The following illustration shows some of the System and API design interviewers on the Educative landing page:

Educative’s System Design AI interviewers
Educative’s System Design AI interviewers
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Apart from individual System Design problems, there are also some company-specific (FAANG/MAANG) interviews. These interviews allow candidates to prepare for System Design interviews from Facebook/Meta, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google, Microsoft, and more.

Note: The mock interviews are not limited to only the System Design domain; there are other domains for which you can take mock interviews. These domains include:

  • API design

  • Coding interviews, which also include company-specific coding interviews

  • Object-oriented design

Steps involved while attempting a mock interview#

The mock interview starts with you clicking a design problem in the list. Next, our interviewer follows a structured approach when asking questions incrementally during a System Design interview, which includes the following:

  1. Clarifying requirements: To ensure clarity, the interviewer begins by asking about the system’s functional and non-functional requirements.

  2. High-level design: After the requirements are defined, the focus shifts to the high-level design, with relevant questions to assess your approach.

  3. API and data model: The interviewer may then delve into the API design and data model, probing your understanding of how these components interact.

  4. Workflow and detailed design: The next phase involves evaluating your ability to articulate the system’s workflow and design decisions, asking questions about the detailed design to gauge your knowledge.
    During the mock interview, the difficulty level of questions increases when the interview progresses and when it reaches the detailed design phase. For example, some sample questions are given below:

Some sample questions asked by the interviewer:

  • How would you design the upload process to support high volumes of concurrent video uploads?

  • How would you design a system to recommend personalized video content to users? What data would you collect, and how would you process it in real time to update recommendations?

  • How would you ensure that the system scales to handle millions of concurrent users while maintaining fault tolerance?

  • Let’s discuss how you would handle age-restricted content on the YouTube platform. What mechanisms would you put in place to ensure that such content is only accessible to the appropriate audience?

  1. Balancing trade-offs: The interviewer also assesses how well you can balance trade-offs, such as scalability vs. performance or consistency vs. availability.

  2. Feedback: At the end of the interview, our AI mock interviewer provides detailed feedback about your performance. The feedback is also qualitative, including unsatisfactory, satisfactory, good, and excellent, and it consists of instructions about the points that you need to focus on.

The following illustration shows a “Good” and “Below Average” performance provided by the mock interviewer:

“Good” feedback provided by the mock interviewer
“Good” feedback provided by the mock interviewer
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Note: The interview lasts about 45 minutes and includes questions of different difficulty levels.

The feedback aims to allow a candidate to overcome their deficiencies and better prepare for the upcoming rounds of interviews and the real interviews.

How to make the most of Educative’s AI mock interviews#

To make the most out of the Educative’s AI mock interviews, you need to consider the following points:

  • Treat it like the real thing: Approach each AI mock interview with the same level of seriousness and preparation as the actual interview. By simulating real conditions, you can better gauge your readiness and identify areas that need more focus.

  • Focus on feedback: Pay close attention to the feedback provided by the AI interviewer. It highlights specific strengths and weaknesses in your performance. Effectively using this feedback is crucial for making targeted improvements and refining your interview skills.

  • Repeat and refine: Regularly engage in AI mock interviews to build confidence and improve your approach. By repeating the process and refining your techniques based on feedback, you can ultimately enhance your preparation for the actual interview.

  • All-in-one platform: Educative’s AI mock interviews are part of a comprehensive platform that integrates learning resources, practice sessions, and feedback in one place. This all-in-one setup allows candidates to seamlessly transition between studying key concepts and applying them in mock interviews. You can easily overcome the deficiencies by opting for advanced courses that exist on the platform.

An effective strategy to use System Design mock interviews#

When using AI mock interviews for System Design preparation, it’s essential to start by understanding the core building blocks forming any distributed system’s foundation. These building blocks include:

All of the above building blocks play crucial roles in System Design. Familiarizing yourself with these components is key because they form the backbone of solutions of various System Design challenges. To enhance personalization and prepare effectively for the interviewer, start by categorizing different systems based on their core functionality. An example of such personalized categorization is as follows:

  1. Video streaming systems (e.g., YouTube, Netflix)

  2. Real-time communication systems (e.g., WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger)

  3. Ride-hailing systems (e.g., Uber, Lyft)

  4. Feed-based social network systems (e.g., Instagram, TikTok)

  5. Cloud-based collaborative editing or file systems (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive)

Categorization of System Designs based on their functionalities
Categorization of System Designs based on their functionalities

By understanding these categories, you can better tailor your AI mock interview practice sessions to focus on the specific challenges of each type of system, improving your readiness for System Design interviews.

Common pitfalls to avoid in AI mock interviews#

  • Ignoring feedback: One of the biggest pitfalls in AI mock interviews is disregarding the feedback provided after each session. Feedback is a critical component of the learning process because it highlights areas where you need improvement and helps you understand what you did well. Ignoring this valuable information means missing out on opportunities to correct mistakes and refine your approach. To truly benefit from AI mock interviews, it’s essential to carefully review the feedback, make adjustments, and apply these insights in the next practice interview sessions.

  • Not simulating real conditions: Another common pitfall is failing to treat AI mock interviews with the same seriousness and focus as actual System Design interviews. If you don’t simulate real conditions—such as sticking to time limits, avoiding distractions, and approaching the interview with a professional mindset—you risk developing habits that won’t hold up under the pressure of an actual interview. To get the most out of these practice sessions, creating an environment and mindset that closely mirrors the real thing is important, ensuring you are well-prepared for the challenges you’ll face during the interview.


Mastering System Design interviews is critical for securing roles at top tech companies, where candidates are expected to demonstrate their ability to architect scalable and efficient systems under pressure. Mock interviews, particularly those augmented by AI, offer a valuable tool for candidates to enhance their skills, receive constructive feedback, and simulate the intensity of real interviews. As AI continues to evolve, the future of interview preparation is likely to see even more sophisticated tools that provide personalized, adaptive learning experiences, further bridging the gap between preparation and actual performance.

With AI, Educative also offers mock interviews, making this the ideal moment to enhance your System Design skills. Start today and approach your next System Design interview with confidence!

What’s next?#

We have various courses at Educative to help you expand your knowledge of System Design concepts and prepare for a challenging interview. You can check them out below.

Good luck interviewing!

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the System Design interview for engineering managers involve?

A System Design interview for engineering managers assesses both the technical expertise in designing large-scale systems and the leadership abilities of the candidates. They are expected to demonstrate how they architect scalable and fault-tolerant systems that align with business goals. They must show how to balance trade-offs, optimize performance, and make informed decisions. Additionally, the interview evaluates the candidate’s leadership skills in guiding teams, encouraging collaboration, and ensuring successful project delivery, focusing on both technical direction and people management.

How hard is it to ace a System Design interview?

What are the benefits of using AI mock interviews for System Design practice?


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