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5 top Python web frameworks of 2024

Sadia Suhail
Aug 26, 2022
6 min read

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In the recent past, Python’s popularity has exploded, and this is no surprise. The programming language has surpassed Java in popularity, and that, too, is for the right reasons. With the advent of machine learning, artificial intelligence, Android, and web application development, many developers and data scientists utilize Python for its robust and abundant libraries, easy-to-learn syntax, and flexibility.

As a software developer, you should consider Python because of the flexibility that it offers in terms of usage and libraries. In this article, we’ll discuss in more detail why Python is a smart choice to learn and outline the five best Python frameworks for the web.


Why Python?#

Python is an object-oriented programming language used for all types of development, including web development, data science, machine learning, data engineering, DevOps, and more. Additionally, Python is extensively used by several FAANG companies, including Netflix, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more, which process billions of user requests daily. Python is the force that keeps their processes running smoothly.

More reasons to learn Python are:

  • Low learning curve: Python code syntax is the easiest to learn because it is mostly like English, so anyone can easily pick it up. It relies mainly on whitespace and common expressions for syntax.

  • Vibrant ecosystem and libraries: Python’s vast library tools and packages allow access to templated pre-written code, saving tons of development time for users. Our article will discuss some of the popular libraries and frameworks.

  • Wide-spread popularity: Python enjoys a strong community and excellent documentation with new libraries and frameworks being added often. This makes it easy for entry-level programmers to kickstart their journeys to become developers quickly.

Today, we’ll look at the five top Python web frameworks of 2023.

A web framework is a pre-made skeleton or template of a website in a specific programming language syntax that makes the work of developers less tedious.

Get hands-on with Python Web Development today.#

Try one of our 400+ courses and learning paths: Django: Python Web Development Unleashed.

5 top Python web frameworks#

1- Flask#

Flask is undoubtedly one of the leading Python frameworks in 2023. Available under the BSD license and inspired by the Sinatra Ruby framework, Flask depends on the WSGI toolkit and the Jinja2 template.

The basic functionality of a Flask framework is to help lay a stable web application base. Once this is done, you can use any extensions of your choice to build upon it per your requirements. Because Flask is lightweight, you can use it for any project.

This micro-framework comes with several functionalities, including Google App compatibility and the following:

  • Jinja2 templating
  • WSGI compatibility
  • HTTP request handling capability
  • Built-in server development and debugger
  • Integrated unit-testing support
  • Support for secure cookies
  • RESTful request dispatch handling
  • Ability to plug into any Object Relational Mapping (ORM) framework

2- Django#

Django, like Flask, is one of the most popular Python frameworks and is especially suitable for building more extensive applications. Django emphasizes rapid development with a neat and pragmatic design approach, which is why it is the number 1 choice among web developers today.

Django 2.0 is high-speed and compatible with Python versions 3.4 and higher. The main advantage of Django over other frameworks is its deployment speed and versatility. Everything is built-in and supported, including routing, URL parsing, form validation, and templating, to ensure that you can build applications quickly and easily.

More features of the Django framework include:

  • Versatility
  • High scalability
  • Top-notch documentation
  • Robust security
  • Rapid development
  • Vast add-ins
  • SEO optimization

3- FastAPI#

FastAPI is a high-performance, versatile, modern, and easy-to-learn framework meant for production-ready code. As per its name, the framework connects API endpoints faster and is high-speed. It works with Python versions 3.6 and higher.

FastAPI uses the Starlette project as its central point networking core, but it’s not necessarily a requirement to know how to use Starlette’s internals to work with FastAPI.

You can define endpoints using decorators to determine which functions handle routes and which dictionaries are converted to JSON files.

A few features of FastAPI include:

  • Fast and efficient
  • High yielding and performant
  • Minimizes debugging
  • Reduces code duplication
  • Robust production-ready code
  • Interactive documentation

4- CherryPy#

CherryPy is an object-oriented web development framework for Python. It has been around for more than 10 years, making it one of the oldest, fastest, and most reliable web frameworks used today.

You can use this micro-framework to create web applications with less source code and a reliable database, so it is primarily a good framework for beginners.

The best feature is that you can fully deploy your code using only CherryPy’s built-in features without using third-party libraries.

Key features of CherryPy include:

  • Versatile plugin system
  • All-round setup and activation system
  • Built-in validation and testing support
  • Faster development time
  • Robust community support

5- Bottle#

Bottle is a Python web framework that has zero dependencies on third-party libraries and is also lightweight, so much that it only has a single file module. The Bottle micro-framework is perfect for creating smaller applications.

Additionally, Bottle is async-friendly, meaning you can update your application data continuously.

It also comes with a built-in HTTP development server.

Key features of Bottle include:

  • Built-in HTTP development server
  • Speed optimization
  • High-performance file transfer capabilities
  • WSGI server compatibility
  • Dynamic routing capabilities using URL mapping routes
  • Easy and convenient access to utilities
  • Support for various templates, such as jinja2, mako, and cheetah

Given the sheer number of Python libraries and packages available, one article can’t do justice to all the popular web frameworks for the language. Others not discussed today include:

  • Web2py
  • CubicWeb (a semantic web framework)
  • TurboGears
  • Dash

Take the next step with Python web frameworks#

Now that you have a good understanding of the best Python web frameworks, don’t be afraid to dive right in and test your skills. Depending on your development goals, you may have to select a web framework that meets your specific needs.

In addition, learning the following technologies will equip you with better development skills as you upskill in your career:

  • Create models and forms
  • Create a REST API
  • Server static files
  • And much more

You can discover all these concepts and more in Educative’s course Django: Python Web Development Unleashed.

You’ll be exposed to beginning and intermediate concepts with several real-world projects, and you will have a robust Django portfolio at the end of the course.

Happy learning!

Continue learning about web frameworks#


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