High-security environments, such as government or military systems, use MACLs to enforce strict access controls to secure trade secrets and blueprint-related files. Banks and insurance companies can use MACLs to authorize access to clients’ personal and financial information, such as transactions.
You might notice objects (resources) in ACLs somewhere. Even though ACLs apply restrictions on every resource by default, including objects in access control entries (ACEs) serves a crucial purpose. It enhances flexibility, allowing administrators/owners to tailor access control policies within their environment.
Limitation of ACLs#
ACLs are easy to understand, but there’s a problem. Suppose that you’re an administrator of an internet-based application, and you need to make changes to access permissions across a large set of network resources. Because each resource has its own ACL, imagine how humdrum it would be to locate and update the ACL for each resource.
In short, as the number of users or resources increases, ACLs become harder to maintain.
This has led to another improved method of access control: role-based access control.
Role-based access control (RBAC)#
Imagine someone logging into your computer system. What can that person do? For example, a line managerHead of department can access sensitive customer information, but not an entry-level worker. Similarly, detailed salary information may be restricted to HR and upper management but must remain hidden from HOD to avoid potential conflicts or bias.
Each user is assigned either one more roles, and each role is assigned one or more privileges permitted to users in that role. Here’s an example of a basic RACL.