Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) is a serverless service provided by Amazon. It is used to send, store, and receive messages between different applications. There are two kinds of queues available in Amazon SQS, standard queues and FIFO queues. The order of the messages being sent may change in standard queues. However, the order is retained in FIFO queues.
In this Cloud Lab, you will create a standard queue and see how you can add delay to the messages being sent to consumers and push messages to a dead-letter queue. You will also create a Lambda function and invoke it by adding an SQS trigger. Finally, you will use Boto3 in your Lambda function to see the difference between long and short polling. You will view the output of your Lambda function in CloudWatch logs.
After completing this lab, you will be able to create an SQS queue and trigger Lambda functions with it. You will also be able to send messages with delay and push unprocessed messages to a dead-letter queue.
A high-level architecture diagram for this lab is given below: