AWS Step Functions is a powerful orchestration service that can be integrated with many other Amazon services, such as Lambda. Using Step Functions, we can create workflows—known as state machines—where each state can perform different actions, such as evaluating conditional statements, integrating with a service, or performing different actions in parallel.
In this Cloud Lab, you'll create a state machine that searches for personally identifiable information (PII entities) in the input text and emails a user if it finds any sensitive information. It waits for the user to respond to the email before completing execution. You'll start by creating an SNS topic and subscription, then create a few Lambda functions to send the email and handle the callback. You'll also create a REST API so the user can interact with our infrastructure. Finally, you'll create a state machine that integrates all the resources to create the final workflow.
By the end of this lab, you'll have a strong understanding of the Step Functions service and will be equipped to create your own state machines.