Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a fully managed messaging solution that supports multiple communication protocols such as SMS, email, and mobile push notifications. Integrated seamlessly with AWS CloudWatch, it contributes to building cloud-native applications by facilitating real-time notifications, event-driven architectures, and efficient monitoring for optimal performance and resource health in the AWS environment.
You will start by setting up a private Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) isolated from the internet. Inside this VPC, you will deploy an EC2 instance. To enable communication between internal resources within this isolated environment, you will use VPC endpoints. Next, you will employ a Lambda function, an SNS topic, and an SNS subscription to send messages within your private network. These messages will traverse the private network, and logs detailing these activities will be stored in CloudWatch.
Upon completing this lab, you will be well-equipped to deploy a private cloud infrastructure in AWS and facilitate communication between internal resources without the need for internet connectivity.
The following is the high-level architecture diagram of the infrastructure you’ll create in this Cloud Lab: