Elastic Load Balancing is a service provided by Amazon that automatically distributes incoming traffic across various AWS resources such as EC2 instances and IP addresses. It also monitors the health of the EC2 instances registered with it.
In this Cloud Lab, you’ll first create two target groups and then associate them with a Network Load Balancer (NLB) and an Application Load Balancer (ALB). You’ll launch two EC2 instances and deploy a back-end and front-end application to them. After registering the back-end instance as a target in the target group for your NLB and the frontend as the target in the target group for your ALB, you’ll test your NLB by sending a connection request from the frontend to the backend. You’ll also use the DNS address of your ALB to access your front-end application.
After completing this Cloud Lab, you’ll have an understanding of Elastic Load Balancers and will be able to use them to distribute your traffic across multiple instances. The following is the high-level architecture diagram of the infrastructure you will create in this Cloud Lab: