Serverless computing allows developers to build and deploy services without setting up the computational infrastructure. To effectively utilize this computing model, developers break down their monolithic web applications into multiple microservices. Amazon Web Services offers a variety of such scalable and deployable services for microservices.
This Cloud Lab will introduce us to serverless microservices in AWS. You’ll first deploy a monolithic full stack web application on an EC2 instance. Moving on, you’ll break down a sample full stack web application into multiple microservices. To manage the database, you’ll explore serverless aurora and connect it to an EC2 instance. Next, you’ll create a Lambda function and connect it to the database to execute CRUD operations. Furthermore, you’ll learn about Lambda proxy integrations and route requests to Lambda functions through API gateways. Lastly, you’ll learn to deploy the application’s frontend on an S3 bucket and use the static website hosting feature of a bucket.
By the end of this Cloud Lab, you’ll be able to break down your own web application into serverless microservices. Also, you’ll develop an understanding of serverless computing and will be able to utilize it according to your requirements.
The following is the high-level architecture diagram of the final infrastructure that you’ll build in this Cloud Lab: