HomeCoursesDebugging, Disassembly & Reversing in Linux for x64 Architecture



Debugging, Disassembly & Reversing in Linux for x64 Architecture
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Gain insights into using GDB for debugging in Linux. Explore disassembly, memory investigation, and register updates. Learn about pointers, stack, and function parameters in x64 architecture.
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Course Overview

GNU Debugger (GDB) is used for debugging C/C++ programs in LINUX/UNIX environments. It is a good tool to investigate what is happening inside a program, and how the contents inside the memory are changed with the execution of the program. The main focus of the course is the disassembly of the program, where we'll use simple operations in C. With the help of GDB, we'll examine the contents of the registers and memory. We'll also learn how they are changed while executing basic operations. We’ll then explore...Show More
GNU Debugger (GDB) is used for debugging C/C++ programs in LINUX/UNIX environments. It is a good tool to investigate what is hap...Show More


A familiarity with disassembly in GDB environment of simple C/C++ programs
A good understanding of how to debug programs with a cross-sectional view to the contents of registers, stack and memory
The ability to use GDB as a dump analysis tool
Hands-on experience with C/C++ programs from the disassembly output
A familiarity with disassembly in GDB environment of simple C/C++ programs

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Course Content


Introduction to the Course

1 Lessons

Get familiar with GDB for debugging, disassembly, and program reconstruction in Linux.


Memory, Registers, and Simple Arithmetic

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of memory, registers, arithmetic operations, and their representations in assembly language.


Code Optimization

3 Lessons

Go hands-on with debugging and optimizing code using GDB to enhance performance.


Number Representations

2 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of number systems, including decimal, ternary, binary, and hexadecimal.


Bytes, Words, Double, and Quad Words

2 Lessons

Investigate memory granularity and layout in x64 Linux, focusing on bytes to quadwords.


Pointers to Memory

3 Lessons

Practice using pointers, their types, initialization, and debugging in memory management.


Logical Instructions and RIP

4 Lessons

Step through logical instructions, zeroing techniques, and the role of the Instruction Pointer.


Reconstructing a Program with Pointers

3 Lessons

Unpack the core of disassembling, reconstructing, and optimizing C/C++ code with pointers.


Memory and Stacks

3 Lessons

Go hands-on with stacks in memory, function calls, and GDB debugging techniques.


Frame Pointer and Local Variables

4 Lessons

Break down the steps to understand stack functionality, function prolog/epilog, and local variables.


Function Parameters

2 Lessons

Solve problems in function parameter passing and stack memory analysis in x64 Linux systems.


More Instructions

2 Lessons

Simplify complex topics of CPU flags, conditional jumps, and assembly instructions.


Function Pointer Parameters

2 Lessons

Practice using function pointers in projects, dissembling with GDB, and enhancing debugging skills.


Summary of Code Disassembly Patterns

1 Lessons

Break down key concepts in debugging, disassembly, and reversing for x64 Linux.
Certificate of Completion
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