HomeCoursesAutomations with the Slack API in Python


1h 30min

Automations with the Slack API in Python
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Delve into automating chats, managing channels, and creating interactive messages with Slack's API. Discover file management and build custom integrations using Slack's Bolt for Python framework.
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Course Overview

Slack is a flexible instant messaging platform for organizations. It allows you to connect with your colleagues, share documents, and organize teams. It also allows teams to collaborate with images, videos, voice messages, and huddles across teams, time zones, and physical spaces. Slack’s API has allowed it to become a highly integrated productivity tool. In this course, you’ll become efficient at automating chats, managing channels, and making interactive messages using the API. Learn how to share and man...Show More
Slack is a flexible instant messaging platform for organizations. It allows you to connect with your colleagues, share documents...Show More


Learn how to use Slack's web API.
Learn Slack's Bolt for Python framework.
Use Python's Request library with Slack's API.
Learn how to use Slack's web API.

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with Slack API, Bolt for Python, and setting up essential API keys.


Chat Using the Application

3 Lessons

Walk through automating Slack message sending, updating, scheduling, and deleting using API endpoints.


Conversations Using an App

4 Lessons

Work your way through creating, managing, and retrieving Slack conversations using the API effectively.


File Management

2 Lessons

Break down complex ideas on managing local and remote files using the Slack API.



2 Lessons

Solve problems in managing user interactions and manipulating presence using Slack API.


Manage Reactions

2 Lessons

Tackle managing, retrieving, and enhancing user interaction with Slack message reactions.


Slack's Bolt Framework

2 Lessons

Master the steps to using Slack's Bolt framework for developing efficient Slack applications.



1 Lessons

Get familiar with Slack API fundamentals in Bolt and community insights.
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