HomeCoursesBlogging Using the Blogger API in JavaScript



Blogging Using the Blogger API in JavaScript
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Gain insights into the Blogger API for managing blog content. Learn to create, update, search, publish, and delete posts, ultimately building a Blogger app with React and Express.
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Course Overview

Blogger is a popular web publishing platform built and maintained by Google. Many popular websites use the content management system, including the Python Software Foundation, Girl Scouts, and Flipboard. This course introduces the Blogger API, which allows users to search and manage user data and blog content. After learning to view user profiles and their blog entries, you’ll start creating and managing your Blogger-based website. You’ll learn how to create and update pages, search your blog index, and pu...Show More
Blogger is a popular web publishing platform built and maintained by Google. Many popular websites use the content management sy...Show More


An understanding of Blogger API and its endpoints
The ability to view a blogger’s user profile and blogs
The ability to create, update, delete, and search blog pages and posts
The understanding on how to publish and revert draft posts
Hands-on experience building a blogger application by integrating Blogger API into a React application coupled with an Express server
An understanding of Blogger API and its endpoints

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Course Content



4 Lessons

Get familiar with setting up Blogger accounts, GCP projects, and generating API keys.


Users and Blogs

2 Lessons

Look at managing users and blogs, retrieving IDs, and making GET requests with error handling.



2 Lessons

Go hands-on with managing blog pages via the Blogger API: create, update, delete, list, and search.



3 Lessons

Break down the steps to manage, publish, revert, list, and search blog posts.


APIs Integration in React

1 Lessons

Solve problems in integrating Blogger API with a React and Express.js demo application.



1 Lessons

Focus on Blogger API integration and feedback for future learning improvements.
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