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HomeCoursesGetting Started with the Reddit API in JavaScript



Getting Started with the Reddit API in JavaScript
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Gain insights into the Reddit API and endpoints. Learn about account setup, perform tasks, and integrate the API with a React app. Discover skills for developing Reddit integrations.
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16 Lessons
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Course Overview
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Course Overview

Reddit is a social media platform that allows users to create and manage communities around various topics. Users can also vote and comment on posts made by other users, which allows for better content to rise to the top. In this course, you’ll first get an introduction to the Reddit API and the different endpoints it offers. You will then receive a step-by-step guide on signing up for an account and retrieving the access keys. Next, you’ll be provided a hands-on guide on performing various tasks using t...Show More
Reddit is a social media platform that allows users to create and manage communities around various topics. Users can also vote ...Show More


Ability to create a subreddit, submit a post, and read posts and comments
Understanding of how to comment and vote on a post using the Reddit API
Familiarity with the JavaScript wrapper and snoowrap for the Reddit API
Understanding of how to manage subreddit wikis using snoowrap
The ability to create flairs using the JavaScript Reddit API Wrapper
Hands-on experience integrating the Reddit API in a functioning React application
Ability to create a subreddit, submit a post, and read posts and comments

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with the Reddit API, its endpoints, and integrating snoowrap with JavaScript.


Interact with Subreddits

3 Lessons

Get started with interacting with subreddits by creating, commenting, voting, and reading posts.


JavaScript Reddit API Wrapper

2 Lessons

Go hands-on with the JavaScript library Snoowrap for interacting with Reddit's API.


Use snoowrap to Moderate Reddit

3 Lessons

Break down the steps to moderate subreddit wikis, manage posts, and create flairs.


Reddit API Integration in React

1 Lessons

Solve problems in Reddit API integration using React with a Node backend and custom hooks.



1 Lessons

Investigate how to use the Reddit API with React, and share your feedback.



3 Lessons

Piece together the parts of refreshing tokens, snoowrap parameters, and Reddit API response fields.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.
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