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Problem Solving
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Learn Polya’s problem-solving process and strategies, such as divide and conquer and pattern identification, to enhance your analytical skills, tackle puzzles, and solve real-world problems.
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Course Overview

Problem-solving skills are vital for personal growth, academic success, and professional achievement. They enable resilience, innovation, and effective decision-making. This course equips you with a lifelong skill set by teaching Polya’s problem-solving process and its applications in tackling real-world problems, games, and puzzles. You will explore strategies, including top-down and bottom-up approaches, divide and conquer, stepwise refinement, pattern identification, and logical reasoning through puzzle...Show More
Problem-solving skills are vital for personal growth, academic success, and professional achievement. They enable resilience, in...Show More


Familiarity about the significance of problem-solving skills in diverse fields and their impact on addressing real-world problems
Hands-on experience applying Polya’s problem-solving process and key strategies like divide and conquer and pattern identification
Development of analytical skills and logical reasoning through practical applications like puzzle-solving and computing logic
The ability to apply problem-solving methods effectively to complex challenges using critical thinking techniques
Familiarity about the significance of problem-solving skills in diverse fields and their impact on addressing real-world problems

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Course Content


Polyas method

2 Lessons

Learn Polya’s method with a 4-step process to enhance problem-solving skills, applying it effectively across contexts using Polya’s problem-solving approach.


Bottom-Up Approach

5 Lessons

Explore the logic of measuring quantities using a bottom-up approach, applying effective problem-solving strategies for systematic and logical solutions. Explor


Top-Down Approach

5 Lessons

Solve the Farmer’s dilemma using a top-down approach, applying Polya’s problem-solving and strategic techniques to find logical and effective solutions.


Wire Length Calculator

5 Lessons

Calculate wire length with geometric shapes using Polya’s problem-solving and structured strategies, enhancing analytical skills and logical reasoning.


Stepwise refinement

5 Lessons

Determine the Bear’s color using Polya’s problem-solving steps and logical reasoning, applying geographic analysis for effective and systematic solutions.


Guessing Games

5 Lessons

Follow the process of using divide and conquer to efficiently solve guessing challenges.


Minesweeper Game

5 Lessons

Master the divide and conquer strategy to solve Minesweeper, breaking the puzzle into smaller sections for efficient and effective problem-solving.


Triangular Wall

5 Lessons

Learn to apply Gauss’s method for solving arithmetic series problems, streamlining calculations, and enhancing problem-solving efficiency through systematic str


Pattern Identification

5 Lessons

Uncover the core of pattern identification in counting, geometric sequences, and exponential growth, using strategic problem-solving to recognize and solve comp



1 Lessons

Examine the importance of problem-solving skills and Pólya's framework in tackling challenges.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the concept of problem-solving?

Problem-solving is the process of identifying challenges, analyzing their causes, and devising effective strategies to resolve them. It involves logical thinking, creativity, and the application of structured techniques, such as Polya’s problem-solving process, to achieve desired outcomes. This skill is essential for personal, academic, and professional growth.

What are the 7 steps to problem-solving?

What are the top-down and bottom-up approaches?

What is pattern identification in computing?