HomeCoursesSecure Coding Practices in C++: A Deep Dive into const



Secure Coding Practices in C++: A Deep Dive into const
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Gain insights into the C++ keyword 'const,' its usage in various contexts, and implications when returning pointers and references. Learn about preventing accidental data changes.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn about the C++ keyword const and its behaviour under different usage conditions, including local, global and static contexts. This course will help you to understand const and its implications when you attempt to return pointers and references in C++. By the end of the course, you will have a solid grip on const and its usage in preventing any accidental change of data.
In this course, you will learn about the C++ keyword const and its behaviour under different usage conditions, including local, ...Show More


Use of const with variables
Effect of const on functions and return types
Const with parameters
Relation between const and smart pointers
Use of const with variables

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with using the const keyword in C++ to improve code quality and performance.


Arguments using const

6 Lessons

Get started with using const in arguments to enhance clarity, performance, and code robustness.


Local Variables

3 Lessons

Work your way through const local variables to enhance immutability and code clarity.


Local Members

8 Lessons

Break down complex ideas about using `const` with member variables in C++ classes.



6 Lessons

Take a closer look at const functions, overloads, key takeaways, and practical exercises for secure coding in C++.


Return Types

7 Lessons

Follow the process of managing const return types to avoid performance and safety issues.


const Parameters

6 Lessons

Maximize code clarity and safety with const in function parameters, avoiding unintentional modifications in C++.


const and Smart Pointers

4 Lessons

Get familiar with using `const` with smart pointers to enhance C++ coding practices.


Rvalue References

7 Lessons

Discover the logic behind const rvalue references, key binding rules, and their practical usages.



1 Lessons

Break apart the best practices for using `const` in C++ for safe, optimized code.
Certificate of Completion
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