Home>Courses>Automations with the Slack API in JavaScript



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Automations with the Slack API in JavaScript

Gain insights into Slack's API, discover endpoints, manage messages and channels, learn user invitations, and integrate Bolt framework into React for seamless application development.
Gain insights into Slack's API, discover endpoints, manage messages and channels, learn user invitations, and integrate Bolt framework into React for seamless application development.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

20 Lessons
41 Playgrounds
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Slack is a flexible instant messaging platform for organizations. It allows you to connect with your colleagues, share documents, and organize teams through time zones and physical spaces. It also allows teams to collaborate with images, videos, voice messages, and huddles. Slack's API has allowed it to become a highly integrated productivity tool. In this course, you'll first get an introduction to Slack's API and the different endpoints it offers. You'll then be provided with a step-by-step guide on ho...Show More
Slack is a flexible instant messaging platform for organizations. It allows you to connect with your colleagues, share documents...Show More


API Integration


What You'll Learn

The ability to send, update and delete messages using Slack API
Hands-on experience creating and managing channels
An understanding of how to use Slack API calls to share local and remote files
The ability to get users’ data and manipulate their presence
An understanding of how to use Slack's API to add and remove reactions
Familiarity with Slack's Bolt framework
A working knowledge of integrating Slack's Bolt framework in a functioning React application
The ability to send, update and delete messages using Slack API

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with leveraging Slack API for app development, covering setup, and integration basics.


Chat Using the Application

3 Lessons

Get started with sending, updating, and deleting messages using the Slack API.


Conversations Using an App

4 Lessons

Work your way through creating, managing, retrieving, and archiving Slack channels using the API.


File Management

2 Lessons

Break down the steps to manage local and remote files using Slack API endpoints.



2 Lessons

Dig deeper into Slack API endpoints for listing users, conversations, and managing presence.


Manage Reactions

2 Lessons

Tackle adding, removing, listing, and retrieving Slack reactions using JavaScript.


Slack's Bolt Framework

2 Lessons

Build on the features and development steps of Slack's Bolt framework and polling app.



1 Lessons

Learn how to use the Slack API fundamentals and community engagement for future learning.



1 Lessons

Discover the logic behind Slack API response object properties like messages, channels, files, and users.

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