HomeCoursesAdopting Elixir for Software Engineering Leads & Managers


37h 30min

Adopting Elixir for Software Engineering Leads & Managers
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Gain insights into adopting Elixir for web apps. Explore staffing, code management, functional transition, distributed Elixir, deployment, performance assessment, and more, for a seamless transition.
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Course Overview

Elixir is a relatively new framework but shows rapid growth due to its flexibility as a functional, concurrent, distributed programming language. This course is a practical guide to adopting an Elixir-based technology stack for distributed web applications. Engineering managers will find helpful guides on upskilling and cross-skilling their teams, and technical leads will grasp the meaningful differences between Elixir and traditional stacks. The course moves from high-level concepts such as staffing, code...Show More
Elixir is a relatively new framework but shows rapid growth due to its flexibility as a functional, concurrent, distributed prog...Show More


A strong understanding of the unique characteristics of the Elixir programming language
Practical knowledge of migration from existing technology stacks to Elixir
Deep familiarity with the deployment and maintenance of distributed web applications
The ability to address upskilling and cross-skilling on your development team
A unique framework for building teams, managing code, and integrating other web technologies
A strong understanding of the unique characteristics of the Elixir programming language

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Distributed Applications

Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with Elixir adoption, recruiting, training, and transitioning challenges for software teams.


Three Adoption Stories

4 Lessons

Discover the logic behind adopting Elixir through real-world stories of success and challenges.


Concept: Team Building

7 Lessons

Examine strategies for team building, training, recruitment, and transitioning to Elixir.



2 Lessons

Take a closer look at adopting Elixir, managing adoption strategies, and engaging community.



1 Lessons

Focus on essential Elixir resources, tools, hiring strategies, and NIFs compiling instructions.
Certificate of Completion
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