HomeCoursesSoftware Design Patterns in C


2h 45min

Software Design Patterns in C
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Gain insights into software design patterns in C, explore their implementation, discover underlying principles, and learn to build a vocabulary for better communication and coding practices.
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Course Overview

Software design patterns are a valuable tool in any software developer's skill set. However, most design patterns are described in the context of an object-oriented programming language such as C++ or Java. The C language is sadly absent in the pattern literature. This course is here to change that by demonstrating that it is possible to use patterns in C programs and how it adds benefits to C programmers. You will learn why design patterns are more of a communication tool than technical solutions, and how ...Show More
Software design patterns are a valuable tool in any software developer's skill set. However, most design patterns are described ...Show More

Course Content


Introduction to Pattern in C

5 Lessons

Get familiar with software design patterns in C, addressing complexity and enhancing development.


The First-Class ADT Pattern

5 Lessons

Get started with decoupling interfaces from implementations using the First-Class ADT pattern.


The Strategy Pattern

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of the Strategy pattern for flexible and maintainable software design.


The Observer Pattern

5 Lessons

Dig into the Observer pattern's decoupling, dependency management, efficiency, implementation, and complexities in C.



1 Lessons

Learn how to use design patterns in C to improve productivity and software quality.
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