HomeCoursesIntegrate the Spotify API in JavaScript



Integrate the Spotify API in JavaScript
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Gain insights into the Spotify API and OAuth 2.0, and learn to retrieve access tokens, manage data, and integrate Spotify in a React app with hands-on experience.
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Course Overview

Spotify is a popular music streaming platform that provides access to millions of songs, podcasts, and videos along with information like the details of artists, tracks, and shows. In this course, you'll first get an introduction to the Spotify API and its different endpoints. Spotify uses the OAuth 2.0 framework, and you'll learn about the different authorization methods you can use for the Spotify API. You'll then be provided with a step-by-step guide on how to sign up for an account and retrieve the acc...Show More
Spotify is a popular music streaming platform that provides access to millions of songs, podcasts, and videos along with informa...Show More


Familiarity with the different authorization methods you can use with the Spotify API
The ability to get information about an artist, their albums, and top tracks
The ability to save or delete an album from a user profile using Spotify API
The ability to create a playlist and add items to it using a Spotify user account
An understanding of how to manage tracks in a user profile
Working knowledge of how to get audio features and analysis of a track
Hands-on experience integrating Spotify API in a functioning React application
Familiarity with the different authorization methods you can use with the Spotify API

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Course Content



5 Lessons

Get familiar with Spotify API integration, authorization flows, and setting up your development environment.


Search Spotify Resources and New Releases

2 Lessons

Get started with accessing Spotify's Search and New Releases endpoints efficiently.



3 Lessons

Break apart retrieving artist information, albums, and top tracks using the Spotify API.



2 Lessons

Break down complex ideas on managing and retrieving user saved albums via Spotify API.



3 Lessons

Solve problems in creating, retrieving, and managing Spotify playlists using JavaScript.



3 Lessons

Follow the process of managing, retrieving, and analyzing tracks through Spotify’s API.


API Integration in React

1 Lessons

Practice using a React app to integrate Spotify API for playlists, albums, and searches.



1 Lessons

Get familiar with integrating the Spotify API in JavaScript and continue exploring.



2 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Spotify API requests and token refresh for seamless integration.
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