HomeCoursesBuilding Web Applications with React and ASP.NET Core



Building Web Applications with React and ASP.NET Core
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Explore React and ASP.NET Core to build robust web apps. Gain insights into React forms, state management, database interaction, API creation, security, testing, and CI/CD deployment with Azure DevOps.
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Course Overview

React is a popular library for building component-based frontends. It works fantastically well with ASP.NET Core, a great choice for building highly performant backends that interact with SQL Server and are hosted in Azure. The course begins with an introduction to React and ASP.NET Core fundamentals. The first part of the course covers topics on React, such as React forms, Emotion for styling React components, React Router, and Redux for state management. In the second part, you will learn to use Dapper t...Show More
React is a popular library for building component-based frontends. It works fantastically well with ASP.NET Core, a great choice...Show More


An understanding of React and ASP.NET to build web applications
Hands-on experience in building frontend using React and TypeScript
The ability to create REST APIs using ASP.NET Core
Hands-on experience in securing the backend using Auth0
Working knowledge of Azure DevOps to implement CI/CD Pipeline
The ability to interact with databases using Dapper
An understanding of React and ASP.NET to build web applications

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with building full-stack applications using ASP.NET Core and React.


Interacting with RESTful APIs

16 Lessons

Tackle secure interactions with RESTful APIs using fetch, Auth0, and React context methods.



1 Lessons

Examine building web apps with ASP.NET Core and React, including deployment and security.
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