HomeCoursesLearn Ruby from Scratch



Learn Ruby from Scratch
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Discover Ruby's simplicity and power through hands-on practice. Gain insights into variables, built-in classes, objects, and more, making you productive and happy with programming.
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Course Overview

Do you want to learn about interpreted languages? Tired of dense syntaxes? Tired of compiling code to machine language first? Are you looking for an easy-to-use scripting language? Well, Ruby is the answer! Ruby is a smart, easy-to-use, functional, object-oriented programming language, a wondrous mix of Perl's scripting power, Pythonic capabilities, and more! As Matsumoto, creator of Ruby, implies: "I hope to see Ruby help every programmer in the world to be productive, and to enjoy programming, and to be ...Show More
Do you want to learn about interpreted languages? Tired of dense syntaxes? Tired of compiling code to machine language first? Ar...Show More


Learn how to program using Ruby as your first programming language.
Learn idiomatic Ruby.
Learn about blocks, methods, regular expressions, and more in Ruby.
Learn how to program using Ruby as your first programming language.

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Programming Language

Learn to Code

Course Content


The Big Picture

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Ruby's object-oriented paradigm and the creative aspect of programming.



4 Lessons

Walk through Ruby variable assignment, reassignments, and operator precedence.


Built-in Class: Numeric

5 Lessons

Go hands-on with numeric operations, including Integers, Floats, and practical exercises.


Built-in Classes: TrueClass, FalseClass, and NilClass

1 Lessons

Take a look at Ruby's true, false, and nil objects representing truth values and absence.


Built-in Class: Symbol

1 Lessons

Investigate the unique role of symbols as memory-efficient string alternatives in Ruby.


Built-in Class: Hash

7 Lessons

Learn how to use hashes, their syntax, methods, and practical exercises in Ruby.


Operators are Methods

6 Lessons

Break down complex ideas in Ruby operators and their behavior as methods.



6 Lessons

Investigate Ruby conditionals, shorthand syntax, return values, truthiness, and practical exercises.


Coding Challenge: Truthiness and Equivalence

2 Lessons

Test your understanding of truthiness and object equivalence through coding challenges.


Advanced Topics

8 Lessons

Work your way through advanced Ruby topics including libraries, modules, private methods, and regex.


Your Toolkit

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of essential tools like text editors, terminals, and IRB for Ruby programming.


Appendix: Mailbox Project Prerequisite

1 Lessons

Solve problems in HTML for creating and displaying webpage structures in the browser.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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