HomeCoursesPythonic Programming Tips for Software Engineers



Pythonic Programming Tips for Software Engineers
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Gain insights into Pythonic programming techniques. Learn about documentation, data types, safety, performance, and function design to write fast, maintainable, and correct Python code.
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Course Overview

This course is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to learn the correct Pythonian way of writing highly performant code that is easy to maintain and grow. The course is divided into six chapters: documentation tips, data types/data structures tips, safety tips, performance tips, function design tips, and general tips. Throughout each chapter, you will get hands-on experience working with real Python code to help ingrain each concept. By the end, you will know how to make your programs correct, saf...Show More
This course is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to learn the correct Pythonian way of writing highly performant code ...Show More


Learn how to document the code in pythonic way
Learn how to simplify complex code
Learn how to write more flexible code
Learn how to enhance the readability of the code
Learn how to throw exceptions for minor errors
Learn how to use basic operations with strings and files more efficiently
Learn how to write safe and secure function calls
Learn how to document the code in pythonic way

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with enhancing Python skills through tips for clear, efficient, and maintainable code.


Documentation Tips

4 Lessons

Unpack the core of Pythonic documentation with effective formatting, identifiers, docstrings, and clear coding conventions.


General Tips

6 Lessons

Examine Pythonic programming tips for comparisons, loops, strings, files, serialization, and performance challenges.


Data Types and Data Structures Tips

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Pythonic data structures, modules, counting methods, and advanced numeric handling techniques.


Function Tips

4 Lessons

Solve problems in optimizing Python function calls, returns, generators, and inner functions.


Performance Tips

5 Lessons

Tackle performance, memory, imports, and string handling techniques to optimize Python projects.


Wrapping Up

1 Lessons

Get familiar with the essence of Pythonic programming and refining your coding skills.
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