HomeCoursesKotlin Compact



Kotlin Compact
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Gain insights into Kotlin’s syntax, type inference, higher-order functions, classes, operator overloading, and extension functions. Explore key features to enhance your efficiency in Kotlin development.
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Course Overview

Kotlin is an elegant general-purpose language with a rich syntax that enables us to write concise and expressive code. Much of its appeal also stems from the fact that it is fully interoperable with Java and has multi-platform support. Kotlin is also an official Android language ranked by Google as the most preferred language for Android app development. In this course, you’ll learn about type inference in Kotlin as well as about Kotlin’s support for higher-order functions. You’ll cover classes, objects, a...Show More
Kotlin is an elegant general-purpose language with a rich syntax that enables us to write concise and expressive code. Much of i...Show More


An understanding of Kotlin idioms
An understanding of the advantages of using Kotlin over Java
Hands-on experience with higher-order functions and classes in Kotlin
A working knowledge of operator overloading, extension functions and scoping functions
An understanding of Kotlin idioms

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Course Content


About the course

1 Lessons

Get familiar with essential Kotlin features for Java professionals in a compact format.


Understanding Kotlin Code

8 Lessons

Unpack the core of Kotlin's syntax, variable declarations, functions, and higher-order functions.



1 Lessons

Take a look at your foundational Kotlin knowledge and resources for further learning.
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