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Learn SQL
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This course covers intermediate SQL concepts like SQL queries, SELECT query, SQL WHERE, SQL DISTINCT, SQL GROUP BY, SQL ORDER BY, SQL aggregate functions, SQL joins, and SQL subqueries.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will explore Structured Query Language (SQL), mastering its core concepts through hands-on projects. You’ll start with fundamental SQL queries like SELECT query, SQL WHERE, etc. and gradually progress to using SQL DISTINCT, SQL GROUP BY, SQL ORDER BY, and SQL aggregate functions. You'll learn how to create and manage tables, compute new fields, and optimize data relationships using foreign keys. By the end, you will be adept at using SQL joins, SQL subqueries, and merging techniques ...Show More
In this course, you will explore Structured Query Language (SQL), mastering its core concepts through hands-on projects. You’l...Show More


An understanding of the declarative nature of SQL and its core principles
The ability to formulate SQL queries using SELECT query, SQL WHERE, and SQL DISTINCT
Hands-on experience building queries with SQL GROUP BY, SQL ORDER BY, and SQL aggregate functions to uncover crucial information
The ability to create, update, and delete data within tables
The ability to extract and manipulate data across multiple tables using SQL joins and SQL subqueries
An understanding of the declarative nature of SQL and its core principles

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Course Content


Introduction to SQL

2 Lessons

In this chapter, you’ll learn SQL queries and the SELECT query in an introduction to SQL, and how to interact with a relational database.



2 Lessons

In this chapter, you’ll master SQL SELECT and SQL DISTINCT to eliminate duplicates, ensuring you retrieve accurate and unique data from your database.


SQL Queries: SELECT, WHERE, AND, OR, NOT, and Strings

3 Lessons

In this chapter, learn to filter data using SQL SELECT WHERE, handle SQL Strings, and combine conditions with SQL AND, SQL OR, SQL NOT for query results.


SQL ORDER BY, Aggregate functions, and GROUP BY

3 Lessons

In this chapter, learn data sorting with SQL ORDER BY, perform calculations using SQL aggregate functions, and organize query results with SQL GROUP BY.



3 Lessons

In this chapter, create tables with SQL CREATE TABLE, add data using SQL INSERT INTO, modify records with SQL UPDATE, and remove them using SQL DELETE.


SQL Alter Table and Aliases

5 Lessons

In this chapter, modify database structures using SQL ALTER TABLE and simplify query readability with SQL aliases for table and column names.


Data Redundancy

4 Lessons

In this chapter, minimize data redundancy by using SQL foreign keys to establish relationships between tables to ensure data integrity and management.


SQL Joins and Subqueries

5 Lessons

In this chapter, learn SQL joins and subqueries to retrieve related data, while understanding the implications of the SQL cartesian product in queries.


Wrap Up

1 Lessons

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to learn SQL?

Here are the steps to start learning SQL:

  • Begin with basic SQL commands (SELECT, JOIN, WHERE).
  • Learn to filter and sort data using WHERE and ORDER BY.
  • Study JOINs to combine tables.
  • Practice with aggregate functions (COUNT, AVG, SUM).
  • Use online SQL platforms (e.g., SQLBolt, LeetCode) for hands-on practice.

How long does it take to learn SQL?

Is SQL hard to learn?

Can I teach myself SQL?

Is SQL easier than Python?

How to learn SQL fast?