HomeCoursesAn Introduction to Programming in Go



An Introduction to Programming in Go
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Explore Go programming, understanding its concurrency advantages over traditional languages. Gain insights into why Go is crucial as Moore’s Law fades, suitable for beginners.
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Course Overview

As Moore’s Law is reaching the end of its lifecycle, the need for concurrency is rising and consequently, the need for a programming language that enables effective implementation of concurrent programs is rising too. For this reason, Go has become one of the most popular languages in recent times. This course aims to provide a detailed introduction to Go for beginners. Furthermore, it also articulates how Go is different from traditional programming languages that programmers are accustomed to in order to ...Show More
As Moore’s Law is reaching the end of its lifecycle, the need for concurrency is rising and consequently, the need for a program...Show More



Programming Language

Course Content


The Basics

10 Lessons

Break down key Go programming concepts, from variable handling and constants to functions, pointers, and mutability.



8 Lessons

Look at Go's basic types, type conversion, structs, and composition over inheritance.


Collection Types

6 Lessons

Work your way through arrays, slices, range loops, maps, and a map exercise in Go.


Control flow

6 Lessons

Break down the steps to understand Go's control flow structures and exercises.



5 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of Go methods, covering receivers, code organization, and type aliasing.



5 Lessons

Tackle interfaces in Go, satisfying them implicitly and handling errors with custom types.


Get Setup

4 Lessons

Get familiar with Go installation procedures on OSX, Windows, and Linux with essential tools.


Online Coding Challenges

1 Lessons

Get started with enhancing programming skills through collaborative coding challenges and hands-on exercises.


Tips & Tricks

5 Lessons

Go hands-on with practical projects, package management, maps, compiler optimization, and constants in Go.
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