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Learn Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Gain insights into writing cleaner, modular, and scalable Python code through Object-Oriented Programming. Dive into inheritance, polymorphism, and more with coding challenges and illustrations.
Gain insights into writing cleaner, modular, and scalable Python code through Object-Oriented Programming. Dive into inheritance, polymorphism, and more with coding challenges and illustrations.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

57 Lessons
2 Assessments
63 Playgrounds
11 Challenges
5 Quizzes
Course Overview
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Course Overview

Learn to write cleaner, more modular, and more scaleable code in Python by gaining a master of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). You'll start with the basics of object oriented programming and build up to more advanced concepts such as inheritance, information hiding, and polymorphism. Along the way you'll learn how each concept applies to Python in particular, as well as how various Python features make it particularly convenient for OOP. This course is filled with hands-on coding challenges, playgroun...Show More
Learn to write cleaner, more modular, and more scaleable code in Python by gaining a master of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)...Show More



Programming Language

Object Oriented Programming

Course Content


Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

2 Lessons

Get familiar with OOP principles and compare modern object-oriented languages.

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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

Adaptive Learning

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