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Learn Functional Programming in PHP
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Gain insights into functional programming in PHP. Learn about pure functions, immutable data, and monads. Explore error handling and apply principles through practical projects.
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Course Overview

Functional programming is a paradigm that emphasizes expressing program logic as compositions of pure functions. PHP is a good fit for functional programming as functions are first-class citizens in its userland. This course introduces you to the core concepts of functional programming, like pure functions, immutable data structures, and referential transparency. From there, you'll explore ways to handle errors with default values and callbacks while also exploring sum types such as Either or Maybe. Next,...Show More
Functional programming is a paradigm that emphasizes expressing program logic as compositions of pure functions. PHP is a good f...Show More


A basic understanding of the core concepts of the functional programming paradigm including function composition, immutability, and referential transparency
A working knowledge of functors and monads—handling I/O and neatly processing errors without exceptions
An ability to parallelize tasks in PHP using RabbitMQ and PCNTL
Hands-on experience in writing applications
A basic understanding of the core concepts of the functional programming paradigm including function composition, immutability, and referential transparency

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Functional Programming





Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with core functional programming concepts and advanced techniques in PHP.


Phonebook Application — A Simple Project

5 Lessons

Walk through building a PHP phonebook using functional programming principles and Composer.



1 Lessons

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3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of required installations, additional materials, and key terminology in functional programming.
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