HomeCoursesHashiCorp Terraform Certified Associate Preparation Guide



HashiCorp Terraform Certified Associate Preparation Guide
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Gain insights into Infrastructure as Code with Terraform, sharpen your skills, and prepare for the HashiCorp Terraform Associate certification in a cloud-agnostic way.
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Course Overview

This course is designed to help learners obtain the Terraform Associate certification from HashiCorp. You’ve likely picked up this course because you dabbled in Terraform as a hobbyist or in a development environment, and you’re excited about the possibilities of deploying Infrastructure as Code (IaC). It will enable you to sharpen your skills and prove your knowledge with a certification from HashiCorp. Terraform is an amazing tool to deploy Infrastructure as Code in a cloud-agnostic way. We’re excited ...Show More
This course is designed to help learners obtain the Terraform Associate certification from HashiCorp. You’ve likely picked up ...Show More


Infrastructure as Code
Hybrid Cloud Deployment
Cloud Agnostic Infrastructure Management
Infrastructure as Code

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Course Content


Introduction to the Course

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Terraform to enhance IaC skills for certification with practical guidance.


Introduction to Infrastructure as Code

6 Lessons

Look at how Infrastructure as Code (IaC) revolutionizes infrastructure automation, using Terraform's HCL for multi-cloud deployments.


Basics of Terraform

4 Lessons

Examine Terraform’s plugin architecture, provider management, and use of provisioners for resource operations.


Terraform Modules

7 Lessons

Delve into Terraform modules, including source options, inputs, outputs, variable scope, public modules, and versioning.


Understand Terraform Enterprise Capabilities

3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Terraform Enterprise, its workspaces, and core features like Sentinel.



1 Lessons

Examine foundational concepts and practical applications of Terraform and Infrastructure as Code.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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