HomeCoursesExploring and Mastering the Full Go Featureset


9h 5min

Exploring and Mastering the Full Go Featureset
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Gain insights into Go's unique features, delve into advanced memory handling, strings, loops, and goroutines. Discover how to handle multidimensional datasets and protect against variable bugs.
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Course Overview

Go is a popular language known for its simplicity. For developers who lack a deep knowledge of its features, it's a great time to pick up the Go language. The differences between Go and other popular programming languages can lead to hours of Google for the newer software engineer. Mastering these surprising, sometimes delightful, sometimes frustrating features can be the difference between time spent on debugging and time spent on deployment. In this course, you will go deeper than an introductory book to...Show More
Go is a popular language known for its simplicity. For developers who lack a deep knowledge of its features, it's a great time t...Show More


Learn the more unusual features of Go.
Learn to write go code with minimum bugs
Learn deeper aspects of how things are done in Go.
Learn the more unusual features of Go.

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Variable Shadowing in Go

Interfaces in Go

Inheritance in Go

Block Scope in GoLang

Course Content


Basics of Go

4 Lessons

Get familiar with Go's simplicity, code formatting, and strict import rules to enhance development.


Data Types

7 Lessons

Unpack the core of Go data types, variables, constants, and shadowing intricacies.


Control Structures

6 Lessons

Break down the steps to effectively manage loops, control flow, and debugging in Go.


Functions, Goroutines and Interfaces

7 Lessons

Map out the steps for using defer, goroutines, interfaces and implementing required solutions.


Inheritance and Equality

5 Lessons

Follow the process of Go's type embedding, equality checks, and struct comparisons.


Memory and Time

4 Lessons

Master the steps to managing memory, logging effectively, and handling time zones in Go.


Wrap Up!

1 Lessons

Get familiar with valuable Go skills to avoid common pitfalls and enhance efficiency.
Certificate of Completion
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