HomeCoursesReactive Programming with RxJava



Reactive Programming with RxJava
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Gain insights into RxJava's principles, explore its integration into Android, and discover why it’s the leading reactive library for enhanced app development.
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Course Overview

Since its inception in 2012, RxJava has slowly gained in popularity for enabling reactive programming on Android. It is now deemed as the go-to and leading reactive library. Many companies have adopted the reactive way of programming, including Google, with its release of Android Architecture Components, which has many reactive elements in its design. In this course, you will learn the fundamental principles of RxJava which will serve as a foundation for experienced Android developers who are new to the li...Show More
Since its inception in 2012, RxJava has slowly gained in popularity for enabling reactive programming on Android. It is now deem...Show More


Learn basic and advanced concepts in RxJava
Learn how to model non-reactive Android world into the reactive world
Learn basic and advanced concepts in RxJava

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Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with RxJava basics and advanced concepts through practical Android examples.


Part 1: RxJava Basics

1 Lessons

Discover the logic behind reactive programming, RxJava components, operators, and concurrency principles.


Reactive Programming

6 Lessons

Explore asynchronous programming with RxJava, its history, essential traits, and practical applications.


RxJava Core Components

10 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of RxJava core components, enabling reactive programming and managing asynchronous operations.



9 Lessons

Tackle RxJava's threading model, Schedulers, and achieving concurrency in reactive programming.


Part 2: RxJava Advanced

1 Lessons

Master Reactive Modeling in Android, backpressure mechanisms, and advanced error handling techniques.



6 Lessons

Get started with managing backpressure in RxJava using Flowable, Subscriber, and throttling techniques.


Error Handling

6 Lessons

Master the steps to handle errors in RxJava, ensuring resilient data streams.



1 Lessons

Apply your skills to advancing as an Android developer after completing this course.
Certificate of Completion
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